《Haikyuu!!: She's Your Sister!?》Chapter 9
Schools from all over were arriving at their certain locations. The Miyagi Perfecture Inter-High was now here, as every volleyball team was stepping inside. Karasuno was especially making a first impression once they came. They all had their uniforms, black that spelled fierce and wild in everyone's mind. Some of them knew most of the players, mainly Nishinoya and Kageyama for their status in volleyball. Mizuki was walking beside Kiyoko san as they went down the hallway. They were talking as some guys were looking at them while whispering.
"The girl with the orange hair is really pretty."
"You should go talk to her."
"Should I?"
"Can I help you?" Mizuki stood in front, starling them. Her amber eyes stared at one of them, making him blush.
"N-no...its nothing."
"Mizuki~" Takeda called her.
"Oh, excuse me. I have to go," she bowed and then left. Just then, one of the boys saw the back of her jacket.
"What's wrong?"
"Just now... uh..."
Karasuno was walking down the hallway.
"I have to go to the restroom," Mizuki said, "I'll find you guys after."
"Alright," Takeda nodded, as Mizuki left. After a while, Karasuno was looking around. Hinata was especially excited.
"What are you doing?" Kageyama raised his eyebrow at him.
"That's the smell of tournaments," Hinata thought.
"Right?" Nishinoya smiled at him.
"Its them."
"H-he's huge!" They heard voices from up front. The third years' expressions changed when seeing the familiar faces.
"Its Date Kogyo." Both teams stared at each other. Just then, the tall boy with no eyebrows pointed at Asahi, with what seemed to be a glaring look.
"You got a problem?" Nishinoya was about to engage, when Asahi stopped him. He had a serious face when facing the white hair boy. It was silent for a while. Then, a boy with short black hair came up with a flustered expression.
"Hey, hey, hey! Stop that," he looked at the tall boy.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he shakily said while trying to push the boy's arm down, "hey, Futakuchi, help me out."
"Sure," the boy with brown hair stepped in, "sorry about that. This guy targets our opponent's ace whenever he sees him. So...you better be ready."
Date went the other way, leaving Karasuno. As Date Kogyo walked even further, the black hair boy was scolding the two boys.
"You can't talk to people like that," he glared at them, "show some respect."
"We were just warning them, captain," Futakuchi shrugged.
Before they pressed any further, the white hair boy felt something bump into him. The team looked down to see an orange hair girl; Mizuki.
"Ow," she rubbed her head, "did I hit a wall?"
"Aaahh—I'm sorry," the said captain flustered, "hey, Aone, help her up." The boy nodded and put his hand out in front of her. She looked up as she grabbed his hand, pulling her up. She dusted herself off while talking to the players.
"I'm okay," she said, "I didn't look where I was going." She subconsciously looked at their sports jacket, causing her eyes to widen.
"Uh... you're Date Kogyo?" she asked.
"Ah, hai."
"I heard a lot about you," she smiled, making some of them blush.
"No surprise there," Futakuchi smirked, "say, you're pretty cute...who are you?"
"Hey!" the captain shouted at him.
"Hmm.... You know," Mizuki began, "you sound pretty cocky for a kid."
"Eh?" He blinked at her statement.
"You may be tall, but I can tell that you're a second year. Show some respect for your senpai..." she pointed to herself, "and your captain here, too. Can I ask for your name?" she referred to the black hair boy.
"O-oh... its Moniwa Kaname, third year. I'm the captain and setter of this team."
"Hinata Mizuki. I'm the same age as you, so don't be nervous," she chuckled, "but I'm not in high school anymore because I graduated in America."
"Eh? Really?"
"Hai. I'm on vacation, but," she turned around to show her jacket. They all stared at it in shock.
"I'm currently helping Karasuno's volleyball team as the assistant coach. Anyway, I should get back to them," she passed them as their eyes followed her. She turned her head slightly, giving an amusing look while smiling.
"Nice to finally meet you... Date Kogyo." Those were her final words as she left their sight.
>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>
"...?" Kageyama looked at Hinata. He then looked up to see Aoba Johsai's volleyball team walking in the stands
"It's the turnip head." Hinata's bluntness made Kunimi laugh. Kindaichi turned to see them.
"Turnip head?"
"Its obviously you," Kunimi smirked.
"If they're here, that means..." both Hinata and Kageyama turned to see Oikawa and Iwaizumi looking down. The chocolate hair boy leaned on the rail as he did a peace sign.
"Yoho~ Tobio-chan, shrimp-chan. How's the freak duo doing?"
"Its the Great King."
Iwaizumi smacked his hand, making him wince.
"That hurts, Iwa-chan," Oikawa rubbed his hand. Just then, he spotted Nishinoya and Asahi.
"They have a libero. He wasn't at the practice match."
"That big guy wasn't there either," Iwaizumi said. Their coaches also noticed the new coach, Ukai.
"New coach and new players. I wonder how much Karasuno has grown," Irihata thought.
"Nee-san~!" Aoba Johsai turned to see Hinata waving at Mizuki as she approached him. She took the volleyball from him.
"Have you warmed up?" she asked.
"Oh, isn't that..."
"Mizuki?" Iwaizumi tilted his head.
"!!" Mizuki flinched when hearing that familiar voice. She didn't have to look up to know who it was.
"Hey, Shittykawa," Iwaizumi shouted, "what the hell are you doing!?"
"How does that bastard know our senpai," Tanaka hissed.
"What the hell..." Nishinoya growled.
Down below, Mizuki was gripping the ball.
"Nee-san....do you know them?" Hinata took one glance, and paled at the expression she was giving. He scurried towards Kageyama, almost knocking him over as he coward behind him.
"What's wrong with you?" Kageyama asked in annoyance.
"U-um...there's one thing I forgot to tell you about nee-san..."
"Mizuki-senpai?" Kageyama questioned. Sawamura and Sugawara were near by hearing this.
"Mizu-chan~ I'm so happy to see you~!"
"W-when she gets r-really annoyed...s-s-she can b-be really s-s-scary..." Hinata was shaking behind him.
"Eh?" both third years were a bit startled by this. Unaware to them, Mizuki was gritting her teeth together, her eyebrow twitching slightly. You could see the irk marks forming on her head.
"Hey, hey, maybe after their match, let's go on a date—
"WILL YOU SHUT UP ALREADY?" Mizuki glared at him, startling the boys.
'Ah...there it is...' Irihata, Mizoguchi and Ukai sighed to themselves.
"For crying out loud, Oikawa! That's the first thing you say to me? How much of an idiot are you?" She raised her voice, but didn't shout which was more menacing.
"Eeh!?" Oikawa flinched.
"Dumbass," Iwaizumi glared at him, "don't go saying things like that!"
"Listen to Iwaizumi," Mizuki huffed, "unlike you, he respects my personal space. I don't have time for your cliché charms. So if I see you acting like that again, I'll be the one to kick your ass instead of him, you Shittykawa. Bleh~" She stuck her tongue out in a rude, childish manner with her eyes shut. Oikawa was stunned again. Iwaizumi was trying to stifle his laugh from spilling. Tanaka, Yamaguchi, and even Tsukishima were laughing. Hinata was still behind Kageyama. Both them and the others were stunned, yet feared her intense aura.
"I can't believe it," Sugawara sweat dropped.
"She's scarier than Daichi," Ennoshita shivered.
"... Hey..."
"What is it?" Yahaba asked Kindaichi.
"She's got the same jersey as they do."
"Oh... I didn't notice..." Just then, Mizuki turned around and went towards the court, her back facing them. Right then, the Aoba Johsai team was shocked to see it.
"What? She's one of the coaches?" Kindaichi baffled at it.
"Hoh~" Irihata smirked when looking at her, "this should be interesting."
"Geez...his personality is so fake, it pisses me off," she frowned when thinking about it. Just then, she noticed Asahi looking at Date's team. She walked towards him.
"..." he turned to see her.
"I know how much you want redemption," she stated, "but don't forget, we have to climb our way up first if we want to reach them."
"She's right," Nishinoya came to her side.
"We have to focus on our opponents right now." They looked to see the team with blue and white uniforms.
When it was time, all players lined up to their designated side of the courts. Karsuno was facing their opponents like the other teams, while the coaches were on the side facing as well. Mizuki glanced at her brother, and already she could see the nervous yet excited expression he gave. She giggled to herself, and then stood tall next to Ukai. She could feel her heart beat in a slow pace, as the tension in the audience grew in the gym. Then, the man shouted.
"The Inter-High Miyagi Preliminaries will now commence!"
"Let's play~!!" The players shouted, as the coaches bowed to each other.
All teams went to position, while the crowd watched the game. Karasuno's team were in position. On the first serve, the crowd was in shock as Hinata and Kageyama did their quick serve. Some thought they were flying, showing their wings with fierce power.
"This is our revolution," Takeda thought. Mizuki smiled at his words, and then looked at her team. She had her clipboard and pencil out, ready to start.
"Yosh," she smiled, "let's see what they can do..."
>>>>>>>>> Fast Forward >>>>>>>>>
"Yosha!" the boys shouted. The whistle blew as the game ended with Karasuno 25-14. Tokonami had lost, and you could see the sadness in their eyes.
"We did it," Mizuki smiled at Ukai, "that means we could play Date Tech."
"Yeah," Ukai smirked.
After they bowed to each other and shook hands, Karasuno went out to take their break. Mizuki was walking down a hallway, when she saw Sawamura standing in front of Sonokami's captain. She watched as they spoke to each other. She heard how the boy speak of winners and losers, what leads them to victory. She couldn't help but feel sad for him and all the others, both men and women's volleyball teams that played on the first round of the Inter-High.
"I'm glad I had the chance to play with you," the boy said. Sawamura nodded and put his hand out.
"I hope we can do this again." They shook hands.
"You bet." Sawamura's friend waved as he left. Mizuki was now walking up behind him.
"Oh, Mizuki..."
"It looks like your friend is feeling better now."
"Hai... I'm sure we'll see each other again." Mizuki nodded.
"I'm gonna head to the restroom," she said, "I'll be right back."
"Okay." After a while, Mizuki was coming out of the restroom. Although, waiting for ten minutes in line to use it was awful in her opinion.
"Alright then... I should go back and check on the others." As she was walking, she didn't notice another person walking her way.
"I hope Shoyo isn't getting nervous again..."
"Ow~," Mizuki rubbed her forehead, "oh, not again..." she looked up to see Aone, one of Date Tech's players.
"A-ah... I'm sorry." Aone shook his head, indicating it was okay.
"You're name is Aone Takanobu... a second-year, right?" Aone nodded his head.
"Heh~ you don't look like it," she said in astonishment, "oh, if you don't remember... my name is Hinata Mizuki, your senior... but you can call me Mizuki. Nice to meet you again." She put her hand out. Aone blinked a few times, until he shook her hand.
".... You don't talk much, do you? Oh well, I can't force you to talk to me. I can tell you're a nice kohai." She smiled at how Aone was blushing in embarrassment. Just then, Mizuki's phone went off. She picked it up.
"Mizuki! Get back her quick! You're brother is having another nervous attack!" She awkwardly laughed when hearing Ukai's loud voice.
"Hai-hai... I'm on my way." She then turned towards Aone.
"Aone-kun... let's walk back to our teams. You're going this way, right?" Mizuki pointed in front, and Aone nodded. The tall boy followed Mizuki while she walked in front. It took about five minutes to find their teams. Mizuki looked at her team, and she already saw her little brother curling into a ball and with a face that read 'I'm gonna hurl'.
"Well then, I'll see you out on the court Aone-kun." Mizuki started to walk away, when Aone spoke up.
"Hmm?" She turned her head.
".... Good luck.... senpai."
"Hehe... hai. Let's give it our all." She gave a cheeky grin while Aone had a small smile on him. He went to join his team, leaving Mizuki with hers. She walked over to Hinata and crouched down.
"Geez.... you're still nervous after the first game?" She sighed with a smile.
When it was time for the next game, the crowd was cheering in the background. Up above in the stands, coaches Irihata and Mizoguchi were watching them.
"Their starting with their best receiving formation," Irihata implied.
"Good eye." The coaches turned to see coach Shotarou.
"Oh~ Paul. You came to see the match too."
"Hai," Shotarou looked at the opposing team, "from what I can see, Date Tech has the same formation from the first match."
They watched as the first serve was for Date Tech. Daichi got the ball.
"Nice receive," Kageyama shouted. He then jumped and set the ball over his head. That's when Hinata was there, high in the air to serve it. However...
"!" Mizuki's eyes shot open. She saw Aone do a short run, and then he and the other blockers jumped, surprising Hinata. Even so, the ball passed Aone and bounced on their side.
"Nice spike, Hinata." Hinata didn't respond, as both he and Kageyama were in shock. Back on the bench, Takeda was giving a worried look, and Mizuki was still in thought.
'Read blocking?' she thought to herself.
"So close," he fixed his glasses, "is that what you call read blocking...when they jump as soon as they see the toss?"
"Those read blocks are going to be tricky," Mizoguchi implied.
"Indeed," Shotarou nodded, "but the game has only begun. Let's see what Karasuno has in store."
>>>>>>>>> Fast Forward >>>>>>>>>
When Date Tech served the ball back with a spike, Nishinoya dove for it.
"Cover it, Ryu!"
"Back!" Asahi shouted with his arm out. This surprised Date Tech's coach, Oiwake Takuro.
"Back," he questioned, "they didn't use this in the first match." Asahi jumped to serve the ball, but the blockers put it back on their side. Nishinoya cursed himself.
"Don't mind," Mizuki shouted, "switch it up!" She glanced at Aone and his team.
'Their iron wall is impressive... and its only two blockers.'
The coaches, Takeda and Kiyoko watched their team play throughout the first set. Mizuki's eyes scanned everywhere, but she would notice how Asahi's mode was changing. She could feel the tension and frustration he pent up each time his spikes were blocked. Still, there was one thing that hasn't been shown yet.
The noise echoed throughout the gym. Date Tech was standing still, and the crowd was riled up when seeing it. Hinata and Kageyama smiled at their success; the quick-attack. However, the game wasn't over yet as they continued to fight on. Both Hinata and Aone were showing their skills, going head to head. Even so, Date Tech was starting to slip, when the real action started.
"Three vanguards... who will it be?"
Hinata shouted as he jumped. Aone jumped right int front to block, but Hinata whipped his arm down with nothing. Out of the shadows, Asahi was in the air behind Hinata. The ball was in the air, and Asahi knew what to do. His view of the other side of the court was there in plain sight.
With one powerful spike, the ball slammed to the floor and Karasuno earned their point.
"Alright~!" Ukai and Mizuki shouted with a fist. Up above, Karavuno's girls' volleyball team saw the whole thing and were filled with joy.
"It worked," Mizuki smiled, "using Nekoma's pipe serve worked effectively." She then looked at Asahi and smiled even more.
"Asahi~!" She shouted loud enough for him to hear as he turned around.
"You're awesome, Asahi-san! You did it! I'm so proud of you!"
"!!" Asahi blushed at her high praise. Even so, he smiled back and gave a thumbs up. On the sidelines, Aoba Johsai saw the whole thing, though Oikawa was complaining about Mizuki and her behavior towards Asahi.
"Heh~ I want Mizu-chan to compliment me like that~"
"Shut the hell up," Iwaizumi grit his teeth at him. Irihata sighed.
"Now then," Ukai smirked, "all of our weapons are out in the open."
"Its now or never," Shotarou thought.
Both teams are now in high stakes. The moment of truth is near.
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