《Haikyuu!!: She's Your Sister!?》Chapter 7
As expected, it was raining outside. Mizuki looked at the sky, watching the water droplets falling down. She could hear them tapping on the umbrella, as she and Asahi stood under it while walking down the street.
"It seems it won't stop until tomorrow," Asahi spoke.
"Oh, I see..." she casually said. She then noticed Asahi's shoulder with a damp spot.
"Ah, Asahi...your jacket's getting wet."
"Don't worry," he smiled, "I don't want you to get wet, so..."
"... You're too nice for your own good," she sighed with a smile.
"You know, I kind of like the rain," Mizuki said, "even though sometimes I get wet, I like to watch the rain when I'm inside. I would cover myself with a blanket and drink warm tea. Its so relaxing..."
"Ahaha, I feel the same way," Asahi chuckled.
"Although, I don't like it when the lightning comes."
"Eh? Why is that?"
"U-um...well...you see..."
Suddenly, they heard the rain rapidly falling even more.
"Sounds like its getting heavy...at least we're under this umbrella."
"Aahh!!" They both screamed when a car came by and splashed water on themselves. Now they were drenched from head to toe.
"Hah... is this what you call, irony?" Asahi awkwardly laughed at her question.
"H-hey...my house is right up this street," he pointed, "why don't you come by so we can dry off."
"Sure." They hurried to the house. It was getting worse outside, but luckily they were able to reach it in time. Asahi opened the door and let Mizuki walk in.
"I'm back~" he chanted.
"Thank you for having me," Mizuki said. Just then, she saw a woman peeking out from the hallway.
"Oh, Asahi. Welcome back," she smiled at him.
"Mom?" Mizuki questioned.
"Ah, Mizuki! Is that you?" The woman ran towards her and hugged Mizuki.
"I thought it was you," she cooed over the small girl, "I know that orange hair anywhere. You look so pretty...and you grew too."
"U-um..." The woman let go of her and gasped.
"Oh my, you two are soaking wet. You must be freezing..."
"M-mom...do you know Mizuki-san?" Asahi asked.
"Oh! I'm sorry, I should have told you. You see, her mother and I are old friends."
"Eh?" they both were shocked.
"We meet at the grocery store sometimes. Mizuki was still small when we met, so she probably doesn't remember me."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Don't be," she swatted her hand, "now...Asahi, be a dear and get Mizuki a towel. I'll call her mom and tell her she's staying over for the night."
"Eh!?" they both exclaimed.
"N-no...Ms. Azumane, you don't have to do that," Mizuki sheepishly smiled, "I should go home instead. I don't want to be a burden."
"Oh no you don't," Ms. Azumane waved her finger at her, "its pouring out there, and I don't want you to catch a cold. Besides, the weather report said that there will be a thunder storm coming in the next few minutes."
"!!" Mizuki flinched. Ms. Azumane sighed.
"Do you have a change of clothes?"
"Ah...yes, ma'am."
"Good. I'll call your mom. Asahi, go get a towel, please."
"Ah, hai." He went passed his mom to fetch some.
"You stay here until my son comes back. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." Ms. Azumane left, leaving Mizuki by the front door. She sighed in defeat, and decided to take her shoes off. She looked around, and thought it was quite comfy for a house.
At the Hinata's residence, Mrs. Hinata was on the phone with Ms. Azumane.
"I see," she nodded, "well, thank you for keeping an eye on her. I'm sorry for the trouble."
"Oh no, its fine," Ms. Azumane smiled, "Mizuki is more than welcome to visit anytime."
"I see...oh, so...the weather report..."
"My daughter...she's um...."
"I know. I saw it when I told her the news. I understand...but not to worry, I have my son here to help..."
"Oh, thank you. I appreciate it."
"Alright. I'll tell her you said that."
"Thank you...okay.... goodbye." Mrs. Hinata hung up.
"Hey mom, is nee-san home?"
"Oh, Shoyo...no, she's with Mrs. Azumane. You know...her son is Asahi...one of your senpais I believe..."
"Eeh!? Why is she with him?"
"There's a thunderstorm coming, so we thought it would be best if Mizuki stayed with them."
"O-oh, I see," Hinata walked upstairs. He didn't know that his mom knew Asahi's mom. It was surprising. Just then, he remembered something; something that was really urgent. He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed the number.
At the Azumane residence, Mizuki had just changed into some new clothes after drying off. She wore a comfy long sleeve shirt and pajama pants. Right now she was in the living room eating with Asahi and his mother.
"The food was great. Thank you for helping me cook the food, Mizuki."
"Its fine Ms. Azumane," Mizuki smiled, "I like to cook...and I didn't want you to do all the work."
"Mizuki-san used to cook for us during Golden Week," Asahi implied.
"My, aren't you helpful," she smiled at Mizuki, "geez~ Asahi, don't you think Mizuki would make a good wife one day?" Asahi choked.
"M-mom~!" Asahi blushed and got flustered. His mom laughed, while Mizuki blushed feeling embarrassed.
The sound of thunder and rain were heard. Mizuki jolted at the noise. Asahi took notice of this.
"I-I'm okay," she sheepishly smiled, "I was just startled..."
"Ah...seems the thunder is coming in," Ms. Azumane looked outside the window.
Suddenly, Mizuki's phone was going off.
"Ah, excuse me," Mizuki picked up her phone as she walked towards the hallway.
"Ah, Shoyo. What's up?"
"Just wanted to know if you're okay."
"Y-yeah, I'm fine."
"Is Asahi-san there?"
"Eh...uh, yes. He's here."
"Can I speak to him?"
"...Sure..." she turned to see the tall boy, "Asahi, Shoyo wants to speak to you." Asahi got up and walked towards her. She gave him the phone.
"Mizuki," the woman spoke, "why don't we head upstairs? You'll have to share Asahi's room, so I'll show you where it is."
"Yes, ma'am." Mizuki followed her as they walked up the stairs. Asahi was alone in the living room as he talked to Hinata.
"Ah, Asahi-san...I have to tell you something. Its really important."
"Oh...what is it?"
"Well...you see...its about nee-san..."
"What about her?" He listened as Hinata explained.
"Eh?" He sounded surprised. The thunder kept booming from outside.
"When my mom told me a thunderstorm was coming, I thought I should tell you. Nee-san was always scared of it, ever since we were kids. The first time she was alone in the house, a thunderstorm came. That's when she got really scared; she would ball up and try to cover her ears. At least, that's what she told me..."
".... ..." That's why she was acting strange. Asahi didn't realize it until now.
"So I was worried when a storm was coming, because she never tells anyone about her fear. She doesn't want anyone to worry... that's why..."
".... I understand," Asahi said.
"Asahi-san...can you make sure she's okay? Even if she ignores it..."
"Don't worry, Hinata. I'll make sure she's okay."
"T-thank you, Asahi-san! Well, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah. See ya." They both hung up. Asahi gave a long sigh. He looked up at the stairs.
>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>
Inside the room, Mizuki was settling her stuff next to the futon Ms. Azumane set out. Just then, another thunder noise was made, making her flinch and shake. She really hated it. She couldn't stand the sound, no matter how much she ignored it. The sound kept booming in her ears, almost making her whimper. When she looked to the other side, she noticed a thin, rectangular box sitting on Asahi's bed. It was a present, wrapped in a nice red bow. She looked at it curiously. Mizuki picked up the tag, and read the words.
To: Mizuki
From: Karasuno Volleyball Team
"Huh?" It was a present for her? Mizuki wondered if she should open it. She hesitated at first, since she thought it would be rude if she did without them knowing. Still, her curiosity took over as she grabbed the present, unraveling the ribbon. Once she opened the lid up, her eyes widened. She held it up, realizing it was a black sports jacket, but not just any kind. On the back, it had Karasuno's shool name, and below it was the word "COACH" in bold letters.
'They got me...a jacket...?' She was stunned. She had mixed feelings of shock and joy inside herself. However, it was cut short.
"GASP!!" Mizuki jumped.
"Mizuki ..... Mizuki?" Asahi opened the door. He didn't see her on the futon. He looked around, but then saw her next to the end of his bed. She had her eyes shut tight while she curled into a ball and covered her ears. She was shaking, and fear was written on her face. She didn't see Asahi bent down in front of her.
"Mizuki..." She heard his voice. Mizuki slowly opened her eyes, and saw Asahi. He had a worried expression.
"Are you okay?"
"H-hai. I-I'm fine..."
"Eek!!" She jumped again. Tears were forming in her eyes. Asahi was really worried about her. When he met her, she was always smiling, but now, he never saw her so scared of anything.
"Its okay," Asahi reached out and placed both hands over hers. Mizuki opened her eyes in alarm. She stared at him as he gave a soft smile.
"You don't have to be scared," he comforted her.
"...I'm sorry..." she looked down.
"Why are you apologizing?"
"I should have told you, but I was too scared," she admitted, "and I'm sorry...about the present."
"Present?" She pointed to the jacket laying on the futon. Asahi chuckled.
"You opened it?"
"Well...I really like it. I didn't know you guys knew."
"Actually, only Daichi, Suga and I know about this. They wanted me to give it to you when you went home."
"Oh...I get it..."
"!!" Mizuki couldn't stop jumping from the sound. Asahi couldn't stand seeing her so frightened.
"..." She blinked a few times. Asahi was stuttering as he scratched his cheek.
"...Erm..... c-come here for a second..."
"Huh?" She was pulled up, and then sitting in the middle of Asahi's bed. The tall boy put a blanket over them. He sat next to her with his legs bent in front. Mizuki looked up at him, his face looking the other way. He was blushing, but luckily the room was dark enough to hide it.
"I-If you're scared...um...I'll stay up w-with you...u-until you fall asleep." Mizuki had her mouth slightly opened, blushing at Asahi's kind gesture. They had their backs laid on the wall, and all was quiet between them. Suddenly, another thunder came and Mizuki flinched. She stopped when feeling a big hand, gently stroking her head.
"Its okay," Asahi said, "I'm here..."
"...Um...I'm sorry about this," she apologized, "I thought if you knew I was scared of thunder...you might have laughed..."
"Of course not," he awkwardly laughed.
"Are you going to tell the others?"
"No," he shook his head, "I wont' tell anyone. I promise."
"Thank you."
"...You're braver than I am. I'm scared of a lot of things...mostly stuff about the club."
"Like when Sawamura scolds you all the time? Or when he and Sugawara teases you?"
"Ahaha...yeah." Asahi sweat dropped.
"I remember... you told me about how you felt scared because you thought your friends lost face with you."
"Yeah...but you know, its because of your brother that I was able to come back to volleyball."
"Mm..." he nodded, "and now I feel more confident...cause I'm not alone in this."
"Good for you," she smiled, "I wish I could get over this fear..."
"Don't worry. I'm sure you will," Asahi gave her a sympathetic look. She smiled, and then leaned on his arm. He tensed up, looking down at her confusingly.
"Thank you, Asahi. You're a really good friend." He blinked a few times, but he smiled nonetheless. Mizuki then yawned.
"You can go to sleep," he said, "I'll stay here until you do." She couldn't help but smile, as she closed her eyes while leaning on him. Asahi did the same, as he watched her drift away.
>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>
"Asahi~! Mizuki~! Time to wake up~" Ms. Azumane was walking up the stairs as she called them. She reached for the doorknob.
"Its morning," she spoke, "you'll be late for practice..." However, she stopped when she looked at them. She giggled at the sight.
"My, my..." She saw both Asahi and Mizuki, leaning against each other while fast asleep. The woman smiled at the scene, but she knew it wasn't time to doddle.
"Asahi," she shook her son's shoulder. He stirred, making MIzuki do the same. They opened their eyes.
"Its time to wake up. You'll be late for school if you don't hurry." Mizuki rubbed her eyes as she looked at her.
"I have breakfast ready for you two. So come downstairs when you're ready." Ms. Azumane left the room. For a moment, they watched her leave. They looked at each other, but for a brief moment as they swished their heads away, feeling flustered.
"U-um..." Asahi scratched his cheek, "I'll let you get changed." He got up and walked out of the room. Mizuki sighed, and then looked down at the jacket. She smiled.
After a while, Asahi and Mizuki were walking out of the house together. The sun was out, and last night's rain made the plant's glistened with water droplets decorating them. Ms. Azumane was waving to them by the front door as they left.
"Thank you for letting me stay over night," Mizuki thanked the woman.
"It was my pleasure," she smiled, "have a good day you two."
Mizuki and Asahi were now walking towards the gym. Just then, they saw Sugawara and Sawamura coming around the corner.
"Ah, hey you two," Sugawara waved to them.
"Hi Sugawara," Mizuki and Asahi walked towards them. All of them entered the gym. It was then that the others arrived.
"Nee-san!" Hinata tackled his sister as she happily returned his hug.
"Hey Shoyo."
"I want a hug too!" Nishinoya dove right in, along with Tanaka. Ennoshita, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were walking up behind them.
"Looks like everyone is here."
As the boys got off of her, Hinata noticed her jacket.
"Aahh!" he shouted, catching everyone's attention.
"I see you got our gift," Sawamura said. Mizuki nodded. She then ran to the court, and with one swift turn, she lifted her hair up and showed the back of her jacket.
"Ah!!" Everyone saw her new Karasuno volleyball jacket, noticing the big bold words.
"Eeh!? Nee-san, you're a coach!?"
"Assistant coach," she said, "but yes... I'll be helping your team from now until I go to college."
"It fits perfectly," Sugawara smiled and turned to Asahi and Sawamura, "I told you she would look good in it. Looks like our goofball ace completed the mission." Asahi sweat dropped at him.
"I don't know much about coaching, but as a former volleyball captain, I wanted my team to become strong and help them as much as I could. That's what I want for you... become the strongest team yet. So I'll work harder than ever now. I look forward to coaching each and every one of you. Thank you for having me." She bowed to them, with their expressions still bewildered.
"That's what I like to hear," Ukai and Takeda came in, along with Kiyoko and Shotarou.
"Alright everyone! Time to do some warm ups!"
Asahi came up to Mizuki, who looked up at him confused.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked.
"...Yeah," Mizuki smiled, "if there's one thing about volleyball... I'm not afraid of it. I'll try anything to improve..." Asahi chuckled.
"Mizuki," Ukai turned to her, "I want you to help them with receives. Got it?"
"Alright... but you have to set the ball for me," she grinned and then picked up a volleyball. He smirked, and followed right after. As she and Ukai stood on the other side, the others were grouped together.
"Alright, guys! We have less than two weeks before the Inter-High! So I gotta whip you boys into shape, so be prepared! Let's get to training!" She pointed the volleyball at them with a smirk and her other hand on her hip.
"Mizuki-san is so cool," Nishinoya beamed, Tanaka agreed. The third years chuckled as the others smiled.
"Okay! Who's up first!?"
"Me!!" Hinata stepped up.
"Okay then...let's see what you got, Shoyo!"
"Bring it, nee-san!!" They both smiled. Mizuki threw the ball towards Ukai. Within an instant, Ukai set the ball as Mizuki was in the air, ready to spike with confidence.
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