《Haikyuu!!: She's Your Sister!?》Chapter 1
The sun was shining, and the streets were busy as usual. Somewhere in Miyagi, there is a school, known as Karasuno High of the Miyagi Prefecture. They had a once powerhouse volleyball team. Although, after they lost in the nationals, they were called the "Fallen Crows", or in this case, "The Flightless Crows." However, there once was a boy, who stood 170 cm, and had amazing skills that made their team great. He earned the nickname, the Small Giant, an inspiration of how Karasuno's volleyball team was in the past. For a certain orange-haired boy, he was inspired by the Small Giant, and he soon joined the team because of him. As of now, it was no wonder as he hurried towards the school gym. Right on his tail was his friend, as they began to have a running competition to see who would get there first. Some boys were opening the gym doors, until they noticed the two scurrying towards them.
"I won~!" the orange hair boy screamed.
"Hehe~ its your loss, Kageyama."
"Hey you two, calm down. Practice hasn't started yet."
"Ah, Sawamura-san.... Sugawara-san."
"Hey guys!!"
"Tanaka-senpai!" Hinata shouted. Right behind Tanaka was Nishinoya and Asahi.
"Looks like almost everyone's here," Sawamura implied, "let's warm up!"
Soon enough, everyone was there and ready to practice. Some were receiving spikes, while others stretched on the side.
"Keep it up!" Ukai shouted. He spiked a volleyball towards Yamaguchi.
"Next up!"
"Hai!" It was Sawamura's turn. He received it with no problem. One by one, everyone got to practice on receives.
Hinata looked at Asahi and Nishinoya, who were having a conversation.
"I'm glad that Asahi-san came back," Hinata spoke, as Kageyama looked his way, "and Nishinoya-san is a really good libero."
"Everyone is here. I'm sure that Karasuno's volleyball team will become even stronger. And then...we'll get to face him at Inter-High." Kageyama couldn't help but smile at his words.
After school hours and training, it was already the afternoon. Coach Ukai called them in.
"Alright! Good job everyone! Before we continue the Golden Week training, I need to make an announcement."
"There will be one more person who's joining us."
"What do you mean, coach?" Sawamura asked.
"Due to some details, the vice principal allowed us to have a former American volleyball player practice with us," Takeda explained, "their coach will be joining us as well."
"I won't tell you much right now," Ukai said, "but just know that these people will benefit to helping you train. I want you to respect them and treat them like they're part of the team. Got it!?"
"Yosh! Let's continue practice!"
>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>
Somewhere near the school, a bus stopped by. Two people came out and walked side by side as the bus left. One of them was a young girl, with orange hair and amber eyes that shined in the night. She pulled out her phone and dialed a number. Soon enough the other end picked up, as a small voice was heard.
"Hey there! How's my favorite girl?"
"Hi Natsu! Is mom there? I need to speak to her."
"Yeah! Mom~ nee-chan is on the phone!" She waited until the woman's voice was on the line.
"Welcome back, sweetie."
"I'm home mom," she smiled, "I missed you."
"I missed you too. Did you just arrive now?"
"Yes. Shotarou-sensei and I got off the plane and took a bus."
"I'm glad you're back. How was America?"
"It was great. I got to play in all the games. It was so exciting."
"You are just like your brother. So absorbed in volleyball..."
"Speaking of which, where is he? Didn't you say he was training for his volleyball team?"
"Yes. He should be at the training camp. I'll give you the directions."
"Hai.... hai.... okay, I got it. Thanks mom. I'll come home as soon after Golden Week is done. Bye." She hung up.
"You're already dying to practice, huh?" Shotarou smirked. He was an old man with gray hair and a scar on the bridge of his nose.
"Of course. I want to see how my little brother improved all these years."
>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>
Everyone was sitting down in the mess hall, anxious to eat the food that was sitting on the tables. Hinata and Kageyama's eyes glistened as they marveled at the cuisine. Meanwhile, Ukai was finishing a conversation on his phone.
"Oh, you're already outside? Ahaha, it is noisy, isn't it? Alright, I'll open the door." He hung up and then stood tall.
"Everyone! Can I have your attention," he waited until he got everyone to look at him, "right outside this door is our guests. When they come in, I want you to be respectful." Ukai walked towards the door.
"Who do you think it is?" Nishinoya asked Tanaka.
"Don't know." Ukai slid opened the door, and an old man appeared next to him.
"This is Shotarou Paul," Ukai introduced, "he's the coach of an American high school volleyball team in California."
"Hey everyone," Shotarou grinned, "you look well. Nice to see you again, Keishin."
"Same to you, old man," he grinned back. Just then, someone popped out from behind Shotarou.
"Keishin!" the orange hair girl appeared with a smile.
"Oh~ Mizuki!" Ukai wrapped one arm around her shoulders and smiled, "its been a while.... you finally gotten taller."
"Shut up," she laughed, "being short is no big deal."
"A...a girl!?" Tanaka exclaimed.
"Another beauty is in our presence!" Nishinoya beamed. Everyone was shocked by the outcome. As Ukai released his grip, he cleared his throat.
"Well, since you're here, why don't you introduce yourself."
"Hai," she looked at the boys, "I'm Hinata Mizuki. Very nice to meet you." She bowed to them. She she stood up again, her eyes went towards the orange hair boy. His eyes widened as he gaped at her.
"Hi Shoyo. Its been a while." For a moment, he just stood there stuttering. However, it all changed as he charged towards her.
"NEE-SAAANN~~!!" Hinata dove right in to her with a bear-crushing hug.
"H-hold on.... I can't breathe," Mizuki patted his back to get off, but she still smiled anyway.
"I missed you, nee-san~!!" He cried out.
"I missed you too, and... W-wait! Why are you crying?" She sweat dropped, seeing his eyes overflow with tears.
"Eeeehhh!!?" Everyone exclaimed.
"N-no way..."
"Hinata has another sister!?"
"Hey, is that true, Hinata?" Sawamura asked him, but Hinata was still bawling like a little kid. Kageyama bashed him on the head as Hinata regained himself.
"S-sorry.... yes," he turned to Mizuki, "she's my older sister."
"What!?" They all looked at her like she was some kind of alienated creature.
"Well...she does look like him," Sugawara thought.
"It's true," Mizuki said, "I'm Shoyo's older sister by two years. I'm 17 years old."
"No way! You don't even look like it!" Nishinoya exclaimed.
"How tall are you?" Someone asked.
"165.3 centimeters."
"So you're taller than your brother. No surprise there."
"What did you say, Tsukishima!?" Hinata glared at the tall boy.
"Anyway," Ukai interrupted, "Mizuki here came back after graduating high school in America. She's going under special training with her coach to attend college and hopefully make it in their volleyball team."
"Amazing, nee-san!"
"But we'll still help out with your team from time to time," Shotarou implied.
"All of you... introduce yourselves," Ukai ordered, "third years..."
"Hai," Sawamura came first, "I'm Sawamura Daichi, third year and captain of this team."
"I'm Sugawara Koshi. I'm also a third year, setter and vice-captain."
"Azumane Asahi; third year and ace."
"Second years..."
"Hai," Ennoshita spoke, "I'm Ennoshita Chikara, second year."
"Narita Kazuhito."
"I'm Kinoshita Hisashi."
"I'm Nishinoya Yu," he pointed his thumb at himself, "second year and libero."
"Tanaka Ryunosuke, second year and wing spiker."
"Now the first years..."
"Hai," Hinata grinned, "Hinata Shoyo, first year and little brother of my sister, Mizuki." Mizuki giggled, thinking why he had to introduce himself if she knew.
"Kageyama Tobio. I'm a first year and setter."
"Tsukishima Kei."
"Yamaguchi Tadashi."
"Okay," Ukai turned to Mizuki, "you must be hungry. Go sit with your brother and we'll get you guys some food."
>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>
After a while, Mizuki got more acquainted with the team. She listened to her brother as he talked about his school years with volleyball.
"Hm...?" Mizuki looked up to see Asahi, who seemed nervous to speak.
"Erm.... Hinata-san?"
"Oh, you can call me Mizuki. That way we won't mix up the names."
"A-are you sure?"
"Of course. So, what is it you wanted to say?"
"Well.... you said you play volleyball...what position are you?"
"Oh, well....my first position was a libero."
"Libero!" Nishinoya beamed.
"Yeah. I can do more though. I was the captain and ace for the last two years in my school."
"Really!?" some of their smiles widened.
"Hai. Oh, Shoyo, I told mom I would be staying with you. Is that okay?"
"Of course," he grinned, "it'll be like the camping trips we did as kids."
"You're just happy cause you think I'm going to cook for you. Is that it?"
"Ehehe...." He sheepishly smiled as Mizuki giggled.
"You know how to cook?" Sugawara asked.
"Mhm.... when I was a kid, I used to babysit Shoyo when our parents were out. I learned how to cook by myself, so my mom trusts me to cook his meals. Although, it wasn't easy keeping an eye on both the food and Shoyo."
"It took me a while, but I somehow finished cleaning him and cooking our meals before mom came back. I swear, sometimes he is such a troublemaker."
"Nee-san~!" Hinata whined, embarrassed as some boys laughed.
>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>
"Shoyo," Mizuki peeked her head in to his room. The others were startled as they saw her wearing matching dark pajamas. They all blushed, except for Hinata.
"Ah, nee-san."
"Make sure you get up early."
"I'll see you guys tomorrow. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Mizuki-san!" Tanaka and Nishinoya shouted in unison. After she left, Nishinoya turned to see Hinata.
"Hey, Hinata! How is it you have a sister like her!?"
"Eh!?" Hinata sweat dropped.
"That's right," Tanaka agreed, "she looks like you, but older, beautiful, and totally has a different personality."
"I bet she's way smarter than you," Kageyama mumbled, "if she attended high school in America..."
"What did you say!? Like you're any smarter than me!"
"SHUT UP!!" they went silent after their captain scolded them from outside. Somewhere in the building, Mizuki could hear them.
"Oh boy...." Mizuki sweat dropped.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Next Day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Everyone was up and headed towards the gym. Although, not all of them were present.
"Huh? Hinata, where's your sister?" Sugawara asked.
"I don't know. She left a note with Kiyoko-san saying that she'll be out, but I haven't seen her since this morning."
"Well, she'll catch up as soon as possible."
"Keep it up!!" A male's voice boom in the gym. Everyone was surprised by it and decided to investigate. As their heads peeked in, they all gawked and saw Mizuki in her volleyball uniform. It was a dark amber, orange and white attire with the number 1 on it, with a black arm support on her right, and black knee pads. She had her hair tied in a low ponytail.
"Her uniform is so cool!"
Mizuki waited until her coach spiked another one. Shotarou shot it towards her right, and the girl dove to get it. Throughout the time, the boys watched as Mizuki received every spike with ease, no matter how difficult. She wiped some of her sweat away as she breathed in a rhythm.
"A-amazing...." Nishinoya whispered.
"Her receives are incredible."
"She was a libero before becoming an ace," Ukai grinned. He stepped into the gym as Mizuki kept practicing.
"One more!" She shouted. Just before then, Shotarou glanced at Ukai, who gave a smirk. He understood, and then spiked the ball from where she stood. After receiving it, her eyes shot open when she saw Ukai running up. He gave her a smirk, which she only smiled. The ball was up in the air and headed towards Ukai.
Everyone watched as Mizuki ran to her right. Within an instant, she jumped high in the air as Ukai set the ball. Her hand made contact, and she spiked the ball down on the other side, the impact exploding as it echoed in the gym. Mizuki stood up and smiled at Ukai. Everyone else was too shocked to say anything.
"A quick attack?" Asahi questioned in shock. Shotarou smirked.
"Watch and learn boys," he thought, "this is what a future pro looks like."
Hinata stared at his sister; a sense of bewilderment and shock. He always knew she was good at volleyball, but he guessed that America has made her an even better player. He couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of admiration and proud to be her brother. Even though she was gone for years, Mizuki was the same person he knew before. Hinata wondered what else his sister has learned to be this strong.
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