《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》2. The Flea and the Acrobat


Lucas's POV

I figured I couldn't let Y/N go home alone to no one there, so I told my parents that her parents weren't home and she wasn't feeling good. They understood. She went to the bathroom to get changed. After she came out I tried to talk to her about what happened in her dream. "Y/N, I know you don't want to talk but please, what happened?" She looked at me. "It happened to fast, I found him, he looked awful, he -he looked like he he was dying. And and I turned around and a faceless figure got him, after that he disappeared. I I I'm afraid Lucas. I'm afraid. I held her and we walked to my room, I let her lay next to me. It was Will funeral tomorrow, I knew it wasn't real but it would be hard for Y/N, part of her was with Will somehow, that sorta made sense. I wasn't sure or not that it was a good to tell her but I had to. "It's Will's funeral tomorrow, you have cloths ready for tomorrow?" I asked. She nodded. "Lucas, promise me, something." "Like what?" "Don't leave me. I don't want to disappear. And I don't mean to be rude but like as a friend or more,let's just try to remain friends for the most part." "What are you saying? I won't leave you. And why are you saying you just want to be friends? I sorta wanted to be together." I was sorta hurt and confused. "Oh, I thought you just wanted to be friends. Let's just uh still keep us on the down low. Okay?" "Yeah, does that mean we're like together together know?" "I guess that's up to you." She said. "Oh then uh well." I kissed her, I wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry." I said. "Please don't be." She kissed me back. She fell asleep in my arms.


We woke up and got ready. Y/N went and got ready, she came out, she was pretty in black. I could see why these things are so mournful, but somehow there is beauty, maybe it's everyone bonding together.

Mike's POV

I put my outfit on and combed my hair. My dad helped me with my tie. "Good." It felt like he was choking me. "Ah! Dad, you're... you're choking me." "Ah... there. It's supposed to be a little tight. Looks good." Before we left I went to go check with El. She was fine. I told her I'd be back later.

We made it to the funeral. We waited, Dustin had just pulled up. "So... is it just me who's still a little emotional about this?" He asked. "No, being at a cemetery always depressing, especially when it's your friend, even though he's not dead." He nodded. Lucas and Y/N had just pulled up. "Wow, Y/N looks really pretty." Dustin said to me. "I guess." She wore a black mid dress, with some black shimmers, her hair was an updo, and she had some kind of makeup on. They walked up to us. "Hey." Lucas said. "Hey, Y/N you feeling ok?" I asked her. She nodded. "Better." She said. The ceremony had just started. The Pastor started speaking. "Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. It's times like these that our faith is challenged. How, if He is truly benevolent... could God take from us someone so young, so innocent? It would be easy to turn away from God... but we must remember that nothing, not even tragedy, can separate us from His love. We are here today to find comfort in this truth of scripture, and to surround Will and his family." Finally it was over, we through roses on the coffin. We went over to the Byers then I noticed Y/N had ran over to Mrs.Byers. Mrs. Byers hugged her, they were talking, Mrs.Byers didn't seem to be sad, did she know?

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