《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》4. The Body



We turned to the gym door. Dustin opened it, it was really loud everyone stared at us. "Abort." I heard Dustin whisper. We climes on the risers and found our seat. I looked around at everyone, nobody seemed to care, then I noticed Troy and James laughing. "Look at these fakers." Mike noted "They probably didn't even know his name till today." Lucas said. I looked back over to Troy and James. I heard Troy say "Who is interested in this l? This is so stupid. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah..." Troy said. "Oh he was such a great student. Oh, he's gonna leave a hole in the community." He mocked. "Mouth breather." I heard El mumble.

After the assembly, I swear I was gonna beat him up. Lucas looked over at me, he could tell I was furious. "Calm down, I know there jerks." The assembly ended. We got off the risers. Then I noticed Mike was trying to get Troy's attention. "Hey! Hey!" He called out to him. "Hey, Troy!" Troy turned around. "You... you think this is funny?" "What'd you say, Wheeler?" "I saw you guys laughing over there. And I think that's a real messed up thing to do." I was happy Mike was standing up to him, but honestly if there was I fight I didn't think he would win. "Didn't you listen to the counselor, Wheeler? Grief shows itself in funny ways." James said. Well than my grief is wanting to kick his face. "Besides, what's there to be sad about, anyways? Will's in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other fairies. All happy and gay!" Lucas held me back. I looked over to Mike, there was something in his eyes. He walked over to Troy and pushed him, he had snapped. The entire crowd gasped. "You're dead, Wheeler! Dead!" He got up. I pulled away from Lucas and stepped in front of Mike, ready to take a hit for the team, when suddenly, he stopped.


What was happening? I heard something trickling, Troy's pants were wet, he had peed himself. "Dude, Troy peed himself." Someone exclaimed. They all laughed, I was smiling. Mike turned around to El, her noise was bleeding, she made him pee his pants. She backed away. "Hey! What's going on here?" Oh no it was the principal. Everyone scattered. Lucas grabbed me. "Cmon! Let's go!" We ran to the AV room. Mike unlocked the door. El sat down by the Heathkit. "Now what?" Dustin asked. "She'll find him." Mike responded. "Right, El?" He turned on the radio. She closed her eyes, we waited. "She's doing it! She's finding him!" This was crazy. "Calm down. She just closed her eyes." Lucas noted.

Suddenly the light burnt out and made a pop sound. I grabbed Lucas's hand. "Holy-" There was a loud thud that interrupted Dustin. There was constant clanging. "What is that?" The radio kept tuning. Mom? My heart stopped. It was Will. I got the chills. "No way." Lucas exclaimed. Mom... please... Mom! I started to cry, he was in pain. "Will!" I screamed. "Will, its us! Are you there?" Lucas yelled. "Can you hear us? We're here!" Dustin screamed. Hello? Mom? "Why can't he hear us?" "I don't know!" Mike replied. Mom? Mom! Mom... Mom, it's coming! I heard growling in the background. "Something in there with him!" I cried. Tell me where you are! How do I get to you? It's like home, but it's so dark... It's so dark and I empty. And it's cold! Mom? Mom! Mom, please! There was screeching. He was in danger. His voice was desperate and terrified.

I couldn't listen to it any more, I covered my ears and cried. Mom! Please! The fuses blew. The guys screamed. The Heathkit was on fire. The alarm went off, Dustin ran to get to the fire extinguisher. He put it out. "El, are you okay?" Mike turned to El. She was so pale, she and you could see her veins on her face, she was drained. I looked over to Lucas even he was concerned for her. "Can you move?" She couldn't. "Here, help her up." Mike and Lucas held her arms and Dustin carried her legs, we left the room. They put her on a cart, Mike and Lucas pushed her on it, we ran through the door to the outside.



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