《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》3. The Vanishing of Will Byers


Will's POV

It's so dark so cold. I got up and I ran, I ran to castle Byers. The noice was gone. There had to be some way out of here, but where was I, I'm not in the real world. There was nothing I could do. The noice was back and it was close.

Eleven's POV

It was cold outside when I found a building and when in the door, I could hear people, they sounded happy. There was talking but in a tune coming from a little box. It smelt nice in here. I wondered through some more doors which led me to a smaller room and was hotter, there was something that smelt good in a basket, they were long yellow square things. I ate some, they were good. Then I noticed the man had looked back, he saw me. He yelled "Hey!" I took of with the basket. The door was right in front of me when I dropped the sticks and he had grabbed me. "You think you can steal from me boy?!" He yelled at me. "What in the he**?" He looked at me confused.

Mike's POV

Class had just ended, (Y/N) had just walked out the door, me, Dustin, and Lucas waited at Mr. Clarke's desk to see if our new AV equipment had arrived. "So did it come?" I was so excited. "Sorry boys, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but... it came." We ran into the AV room and I grabbed the chair and sat down. "I bet you could talk to New York on this thing." Dustin said. "Think bigger." Mr. Clarke responded. "California?" Lucas had put in. "Bigger."

"Australia?!" I yelled. He nodded his head. "Oh man, when Will sees this he's totally gonna blow his sh**!" Lucas exclaimed. "Lucas!" Mr. Clarke looked at him. "Sorry." He responded respectfully. I put the headphones on and we turned some of the knobs. "Ello this is Mike Wheela, president of Hawkins AV club." I said into the mic. Dustin took the headphones. "Ello this is Dustin Henderson, secretary treasurer of Hawkins AV club. Do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?" We laughed. Suddenly are time was stopped. The principal had knocked in the door "Sorry to interrupt, but, uh, may I borrow Micheal, Lucas and Dustin? He pointed to us. Then I noticed chief Hopper was behind him. What was going on?



What was going on? The guys said they meet me right after they talked to Mr.Clarke. I waited outside to what seemed like forever. Then they finally came out, they looked sad and worried. I went over to them. "What's wrong? Why the sad faces?" Dustin and Lucas turned to me "It's Will, he's gone missing?" I was in shock. Will isn't the the kind of person to run away, it's not like him. "Is that why it took you guys so long? Since I saw the police car pull up when I was waiting for you." "Ya." Dustin said. For some reason I could feel tension between Lucas and him. I didn't know if it was the right time or not. "So what's the plan?" I say. We have to find him. We can't just not do anything. The look back at me. "What?" "The plan, to find Will duh."

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