《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Fifty-One


Roman was almost done, he just had three questions left on his final for his last class and then he was free to celebrate at the week long festival that the school apparently threw every year to help transition back to home with family. Virgil had already finished and was waiting in the hallway, Roman knew because he could see him sitting with his feet higher than his head against a stone window sill.

Roman wondered if that hurt his back to do that, it could be good in the long run as stone isn't exactly ergonomically friendly. Roman shook his head, focusing on his questions. He just needed to do that and not waste any more time than he already did on Virgil, even though it is his favorite subject to think about.

Right now, Roman should be thinking about math, not the beautiful person lounging outside waiting for him. The good news was, they allowed students to wear casual clothes during their finals so he was able to see Virgil's fashion a little bit. As it was June and hot outside, Virgil wore a tank top that was purple and thin. It was accompanied by black skinny jeans and silver chains hanging from the belt loop. Virgil also wore an oversized zip up that was hanging off one shoulder. Virgil had sunglasses on and his headphones in so he looked even more relaxed. Roman couldn't see his shoes but assumed that he was wearing Doc Martens or something of that nature.

Roman wore a graphic t-shirt and some blue jeans, with sneakers. He would sometimes wear his leather jacket but that gave the appearance of "I am gonna beat the shit out of you" and that was not the vibe that Roman wanted to throw around. Roman was going to find his fashion over the summer, he was sure as he would no longer be tied to expectations and the eyes of people who he assumed matter in his life.

Roman finished his test and handed it in to the teacher who told him to have a nice summer and that he hopes that he will see Roman at the festivals. Roman nodded politely and smiled before telling him that he would be seeing him because Virgil was going. Roman was sure that Virgil was only going so he would and get the experience of what the last few days of school felt like.

Because by week long, the school meant that they ended exams earlier than other schools so people could coordinate flights home. And the festivities are for those who need to stay longer or choose to. Finals ended on Monday and everyone was out on that Friday.

Roman walked out the classroom and Virgil climbed down from the window sill. "You know that probably isn't good for you, right?" Roman asked.

Virgil shrugged.

"You don't care?" Virgil smiled and nodded. "Fine, don't complain to me when you have back issues in the future." Virgil pouted at Roman and acted sad.

Roman rolled his eyes. "Come on, you wanted to show me something before everything starts?" Virgil nodded and took out a note card.

Yes I do, but you need to go to your room first and then meet me outside near the garage. 15 minutes should be all it takes to get what you will need. Virgil had written and then disappeared to go to the garage.

Roman shook his head, what could be in his room that he needs? Roman followed the directions anyway and went upstairs to his dorm room. When he opened the door and was met with a slightly sad sight. Michael had no more finals and was leaving for their family summer house the next day so he already moved out.


The side that used to be covered in different gaming posters along with a bunch of polaroid pictures of Michael and his friends was now a barren white wall. The sheets were taken off and a wooden frame with a pale green mattress remained. His once filled desk was empty with two boxes that each student was permitted to have in case they wanted to leave things over the summer sitting on the chair.

Roman knew the closet would be just as empty and sad, but he went into the dorm room, not sure what he was looking for but it might be something that was out of place. Roman entered the room and looked at his own half packed bags. He wasn't leaving until later in the week, but he still figured it would be easier to pack early because he was without Remus.

As he was looking around he saw something hanging in his closet, which he had just cleaned out earlier that day. He opened it to find his leather jacket that he used to wear. Attached was a note written in Michael's handwriting.

Roman- Remus dropped this off this weekend when he was visiting Janus and you were with Virgil. Remus said that Virgil asked him to bring it for a surprise that he was planning. I am not sure what surprise he has in mind but for some reason it has to do with this. But it doesn't look like it once did lol. Thank Remus when you see him next.

Roman smiled and nodded. He took the old jacket he had not seen or worn in months as he had brought it back to the house during the winter break. Despite it being June, was he going to wear it?

If Virgil had gone through all this trouble to do so then he would. He took it off the hanger but nothing seemed out of place until he turned it over. On the back was a sword with storm clouds and lightning striking around it, purples and gold swirled in the art.

Roman smiled, Virgil must have had this in place for months because there was art already on the back of that jacket. How much time did it take Remus to scrub the art that he had requested off and put this new one on?

Roman smiled and for the first time since he got that jacket, he was glad to put it on. He was comfortable with who he was now, and he was going to be happy for once.

Roman put the jacket on and smiled when he looked in the mirror, he never felt as empowered as he did now. Of course he had felt power, fear was a great motivator but did any great leaders rule with fear?

No one that Roman could think of ever did and he used to think of himself as a hero when really he was playing a villain. But that turned around when he came here, his redemption arc had started and he was glad to receive it with open arms.

Roman left the room and unknowingly pushed past someone who was watching constantly but knew when to leave. He smiled as he watched Roman almost run through the halls to the back garage to meet Virgil. They were running out of time sure, but maybe, just maybe they would get it right this time around. That way, no one else would have to worry for the two of them.

Roman got to the doors and pushed them open. When he saw Virgil leaning against a bright purple dirt bike with some gold accents, he smiled.


"This is the surprise you planned?" Roman asked as he spun around to show off the new jacket. "I appreciate the new decorations."

Virgil smirked and shrugged. When Roman got close enough he was handed a note. The jacket was an afterthought honestly. I mentioned that I was getting the bike repainted and Remus mentioned you had a leather jacket that you could wear and it was at home. It was a surprise when he told me he updated it and asked for a picture of the bike. The surprise was the bike itself.

"Why the bike? Am I getting a new toy?" Roman asked, Virgil rolled his eyes.

No, I am keeping my bike but we can go for a ride. The seat has been updated to accommodate a passenger. So..want a ride?

Roman smiled. " I would love a ride from you."


Virgil had ridden with a passenger before, granted it was Patton and he did not even last five minutes on a flat track before he could do the fun stuff, but he felt he probably would be able to ride safely.

But he was still nervous.

He had an extra helmet that fit Roman because his father bought it in hopes that he would be able to grow into it, his father always thought that Virgil would grow to be bigger. Virgil however, took after his mother who was on the shorter side. But the helmet would fit Roman and the center of gravity would be slightly off.

Nothing that Virgil couldn't handle however. Once he fit the helmet to Roman, he then taught him how to sit on the bike and how to balance it. He was not sure how he was going to counteract the weight distribution of the bike and be able to turn safely without killing himself and Roman.

Then he remembered what his instructor told Thomas to do when they were taking lessons, Thomas had to do it because Virgil refused to do it with anyone else even if Thomas was sure they were safe.

When we need to turn I will tap once on your leg to let you know left, twice to let you know right. When you feel that, do not lean to that side, stay as upright as possible. We both will be thankful for that.

Roman read it and nodded. Virgil smiled and put his helmet on, he got on the bike and turned it on as Roman climbed on behind him.

"You have been doing this a while right?" Roman asked over the hum of the engine. Virgil nodded, truly it has been almost two years but Virgil was told he has shown progress that was impressive. Virgil regularly went for rides during the summer and fall before it got too wet. He had never gotten into an accident while riding and he didn't plan on it anytime soon.

Virgil urged the bike forward a little bit and then turned on the road that led to his usual ride. He stayed on the road a little longer than he usually did so Roman wouldn't panic as much.

They stayed on the actual road that wrapped around the backwoods of the school for another few minutes before Roman said he felt comfortable. Virgil smiled and sped the bike up and then waited for a turn off.

When he saw one that he took, he tapped Roman and turned the bike towards the turn off and then flipped the gear. Virgil then picked the speed up more and Roman's arm tightened, Virgil knew that Roman would be nervous as he had never been on a bike before.

That Virgil knew of and Virgil tended to drift off. This was how he could connect with the world around him and just relax. Picanni said it was because it was his way of being able to run away without actually having to do it and it was relaxing to get his heart rate up.

Whatever that was supposed to mean.

Roman tilted when he needed to and Virgil intentionally took sharper turns as they got accustomed to the feeling of the bike. Virgil stopped at a clearing he usually turned around in and he turned the bike off. Roman was going to need a break and he was going to be energized after the first half. He rather have that energy be released by the time they get back.

When Virgil popped the stand, Roman jumped off and was super hyped up.

"Virgil, that was so awesome. Do you do that on a regular basis? The speed was just awesome and the scenery changing gave a different meaning to the beauty in the nature that surrounds the school." Roman rambled and kept going. Virgil took his helmet off and smiled. Roman had red sparks flying around him to indicate that he was excited.

This happens when those who hold magic do not have a firm handle on that magic and understand how it can affect their interactions.

"Are we going to do this again?" Roman asked him and stood right in front of him. "I would like to. Maybe even try to ride one." Virgil smiled and shrugged.

Roman had already told him he was staying and this was a tactic to convince him to stay if he didn't tell him before now, but Virgil was never sure what exactly to do. Virgil smiled and nodded. Roman yelled in excitement and then spun around.

Little moments like this was what Virgil loved, when he was able to glimpse into Roman's personality during all that time that he healed him he saw that Roman was troubled which made it harder to heal him. But Roman was open during that time and was able to keep the path open so he could be himself.

Now Virgil had a dork that was just excited to see him and spend time with him. Roman rambled for a little longer before he was tired out enough to get back on to the bike. Virgil watched and then fixed the helmet for Roman when he was ready. He pulled off and took of down the path in the woods, leaving a trail of dust behind him with the magic that hung in the air as there were two people who stayed where they were.

"Everything will be alright, Remy." One person said. A man who wore a leather jacket and sunglasses watched from a branch above.

"Of course he has done alright, I trained him. But I am too worried about this. Every other time they have failed, why is time different Emile?" The man called Remy said.

"You must have faith. This time, their relationship is organic. This time things are different." Emile Picanni said.

Virgil sat on the bed, and would not move. "Come on, I have to go home. It is kinda required? Plus I do have to spend some time with Remus. He has been dying for some bonding time ever since we came back from the holidays." Roman pleaded.

Virgil shrugged and Roman sighed and hung his head. Thomas was coming to check the rooms in a few hours so Roman needed to be packed and out by the time that happened. But as expected Virgil would not move.

"Seriously, we have until about three, remember? That is when everything is over and my parents are coming with Remus." Roman told him, but Virgil shook his head. "Fine, desperate times call for desperate measures."

Roman went over to Virgil and leaned in so he was close to him. Roman looked him in the eyes and smiled.

Then he grabbed Virgil's legs and pulled him forward so Roman was able to lift him off the bed and the suitcase that was on it.

"Don't interfere anymore please." Roman said softly. Virgil nodded and then put his hands on his cheeks. Roman turned and walked into the bathroom, Virgil shook his arms out. Thomas stood in the doorway.

"Really?" He asked. Virgil stuck his tongue out and then jumped back on the bed. This time it was next to the suitcase and he started to fold the clothes that were on the bed. Roman came back with the rest of the bathroom stuff he had and packed it away. The rest of the time, they were silent and just focused on the task at hand.

Summer was always an exciting time for Virgil, he was peopled out for the year and he was ready for a few months of no people. Of course he still continued therapy with Picanni but he did not worry about it too much.

This year was different, Virgil was a little upset because he was not going to see Roman like he used to. He would need to plan a visit and then travel a bit just to hang out with Roman rather than just walk down the hall and up some stairs.

Virgil wasn't sure if Roman was feeling it too, but they tried not to think about it and enjoy their time. As the stood at the main office waiting for Roman's family, Roman didn't say anything. Remus came and said hi to Virgil and met Patton who was appalled for a little bit but after some reassurance was a little more comfortable.

Joseph and Liz talked with Thomas who gave his recommendation along with a promise of a spot for Roman next year if he chooses to take it. Joseph didn't have to think about it too much, and accepted with a shake of the hand.

Roman took Virgil's hand before they were not able to see each other for a while. "I promise to do my best to see you as often as I can, between our vacations and other events that we may have. But we can text, and plan and do whatever needs to be done. And if you don't want people for a bit then okay. That is okay, you tell me what you need okay?" Virgil nodded. Roman smiled at him and they hugged. "I'll see you soon Virgil."

Virgil waved and watched as the car pulled away.

Virgil smiled at the car that turned the corner and disappeared. He stayed until both Thomas and Patton had gone back inside in front of him. He decided to follow them, but turned back to the driveway when he got to the front doors of the school. The air changed before he decided to open his mouth.

"See you soon, Roman."

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