《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Twenty-Six
Roman was sitting in math with Micheal, he was bouncing his leg. He was worried about Virgil, what if something happened and Virgil tried to get to Roman but he couldn't? It had been a few days since Virgil had gotten the news and today was his first day back to school, to say Roman was worried was an understatement. He shook his head and tried to focus on the lesson. Micheal looked at Roman and watched him for a minute.
Micheal stepped on Roman's foot slightly to stop him from bouncing. "Dude, text him or ask him out."
"What?" Roman asked. They were doing work by themselves so Micheal and Roman could talk.
"You are clearly worried about him, so just talk to him. Check in."
"But what if he thinks I am being too clingy? I just left him alone like a half hour ago. I also told him to text me if he needed anything." Roman said.
"Okay, sure. But your phone just went off, I'd check it lover boy." Micheal said, Roman rolled his eyes. Roman didn't tell Micheal about the sleeping arrangements but Micheal had made assumptions when Roman came back that night.
Roman picked it up and made sure the reacher wasn't looking, then opened the message.
Roman sighed, he needed to focus. Virgil could take care of himself, but he had shown a vulnerable side of him that Roman wanted to protect.
He also had to remind himself that Virgil was okay, and if he needed help he would ask. Roman really didn't know how Virgil knew that he was nervous, but he wasn't going to ask. He also understood why Patton, Janus, and Logan were so protective over him, he couldn't help but jumping on the same train as they did.
Roman told Virgil they would have lunch together and then they would walk to English together. Logan would join them, all of Virgil's friends were on edge about him getting back into school after only a few days. After he was done in his study hall, he ran to the dining hall. Roman saw Virgil just sit down and smiled.
Virgil turned and looked at Roman and saw the smile on his face and rolled his eyes. Logan had sat down when Roman got there, so Virgil got up and went with Roman to the line. Virgil looked tired but didn't really show it until they sat down again.
Virgil sighed and put his head on his arms with his lunch in front of him. "Virgil, eat something before you lie down. You know you won't have enough time if you rest before you eat." Logan said and Virgil signed something. "Well, it's not my issue you chose a draining subject for the middle of the day." Logan said.
Roman watched and ate with amusement. Roman had been splitting his meals between Virgil and Micheal lately. Roman didn't want his friends to think he was just going to abandon them. At the same time, Virgil needed him. Roman had told Micheal that there was something that happened and Micheal understood. Being there for a friend who needs it was more important at the time.
Not to mention that gave Micheal more proof and argument of Roman liking Virgil. He kept pushing but had toned it down after Virgil was clearly upset when he came to meal one day. Micheal thought it was because of him so he apologized. Virgil had told him it wasn't but Micheal wasn't sure. Just to be safe, he toned it down.
Virgil started to eat his lunch while he just sat with Roman on one side and annoying Logan on the other side of the table. Virgil seemed like he was okay, but Roman could see his eyes that he was trying to hold it together.
Roman waited for Logan to get up and walk away before he checked in. "You good?" He asked. Virgil shrugged. "That's to be expected, want to go to English early?"
Virgil got his phone and typed a message for Roman. You mean we go to the window for a bit? Roman smiled.
"You know me too well." Roman said and then he got up to throw his stuff away, Virgil told Logan that Roman and him were going on a walk before class. They calmly walked out of the dining hall, Virgil waved at Janus who smiled and waved back. Roman nodded to Janus who returned it.
Suddenly, Vrigil took off down the hall. Roman followed him trying not to make any noise but Virgil was surprisingly fast. Roman caught up with him as he started to climb up to the ledge they had sat on before.
"Oh no you don't." Roman said and grabbed him by his waist. Virgil pouted and let Roman put him down. "I am not hoping off a ledge while there are people milling around." Roman said.
Virgil sighed and leaned on the window sill and looked over the meadow. It was fall and close to winter so it wasn't as pretty as it once was but Roman really wasn't looking at that. "Virgil?"
Virgil looked up at him. "Did you think about what I said? About coming and visiting for a few days?" Roman asked.
Virgil nodded but didn't make any move to write anything out. Roman sighed, he knew it was going to be tough even with this new development. He moved over to stand next to Virgil. "Are we at the touchy stage of our friendship? Because I think this is a moment where we both need to be touchy." Roman asked.
Virgil smiled and nodded. Roman hugged Virgil from behind and smiled. Roman put his head on Virgil's shoulder. Virgil was only a few inches shorter than Roman but Roman liked that. "What's going on in that pretty purple head of yours?" Roman asked.
Roman saw Virgil smile through the reflection of the window, he shrugged. He got the notepad out. What is there to think? My father never really wanted me but then took away the only person who did out of what I can only believe is spite. Sure, I am at a boarding school but that's different. I live here. I just don't know what I am going to do, I can hold it together with Logan and Patton. I have put them through enough.
"That's hardly fair, I don't know exactly what happened and I won't make you tell me but Patton is your cousin and Logan is your best friend..you know if I haven't taken that spot yet." Roman saw Virgil roll his eyes. "But they have been around longer than me and I can see how much they care. They don't mind helping out." Roman said.
But what if it's too much? There was his anxiety.
"Virgil, I don't think you could ever be too much. But if it helps, you can always come to me to talk. Maybe I can tell you about the picture?" Roman said and Virgil glanced at him.
You do make it better.
Roman nodded. "Good to know, now let's get going to class. We have to work with Logan today." Roman said moving away from Virgil. The two started to walk down the hallway and Roman felt his hand get grabbed. He looked over at Virgil who seemed to go pink.
When they got to the classroom, Virgil dropped his hand but left something behind in Roman's hand.
Don't overthink it. It read and he saw Virgil smirk when he sat down. That's when Roman knew he was so very screwed.
Virgil sat and watched Roman while he put finishing touches on the mask Roman was going to use. They were now a week until dress rehearsal, and to say that Virgil was nervous was an understatement. He had designed a lot of the clothes that were made because they had talented students as well, and he worked closely with costume while working out makeup ideas.
Virgil had Alicia, the student playing Chip, and the student who was playing Cogsworth on top of Roman. So he was double checking everything and that meant checking a mask he already had, just so he could watch the guy he liked sing on stage while he pretended he sang it to him.
"Virgil." Patton said and put his hand on Virgil's shoulder. "You need to stop obsessing over it, it looks fine." Patton said.
I am not obsessing. Virgil signed, while putting the mask off to the side. Virgil was sitting in the wings where he could see the stage. He still didn't take his eyes off of it.
"Well, you just checked the mask yesterday while here and five minutes ago. So either you spill what you are-" Patton paused and saw what Virgil was doing. "Oh, I see."
What? Virgil asked.
"Nothing, you two are cute." Patton said.
Will you give it a rest? We aren't going to be a couple, so please let's drop this. Virgil signed.
"Sorry, no can do." Patton said while putting his clipboard down. "Virge, maybe you should just accept the fact you like him. Maybe you should just go for it, it would be a good change for this situation that has popped up. He has made you happier than I have seen in a while and you can't deny that." Patton said.
I already said no. I am not going to rethink what I said just for him. Virgil signed.
"Just think about it: he spent the night because he was worried, he has asked you to visit him during the winter break, he spends most of his time with you, and he's doing theater because you said he should." Patton said.
But those are all things a friend would do. You would do it for Janus or Logan! Virgil signed.
"But I am overly affectionate, and I would do that for absolutely anyone I met." Patton said. "Virgil, stop lying to yourself. You like him, and those are facts. Stop being immature, you are turning seventeen in two weeks." Patton said slightly upset.
Virgil looked at Patton and then back to the stage where Roman was. Give me some more time. My life went to shit when my father made that clause in the divorce agreement, Roman is making it better but am I really ready for a relationship? Especially one where I can't even talk to my boyfriend?
Patton chuckled. "I love you very much kiddo, but you are very wrapped up in what you can't do. Why? Because you can't communicate in a way that is seen as normal? He's not going anywhere, and before you say anything about next year, did it occur to you that you are the one who could change his mind?" Patton hugged Virgil. "Maybe you should try it out."
Patton was called away, and Virgil went back to watching Roman. Earlier, he had held Roman's hand because it felt right and made him happy and he really needed to feel happy.
To be honest, he was still really upset. Every once and a while he would just get hit with the fact he couldn't talk to his mom, before that was because of an asshole but now it was by law. He would text with her every once and a while but that would stop now. Not only that, but he was getting the restraining order soon. He huffed and texted Roman that he was going back to his room.
He got up and walked out of one of the doors that lead to the audience. He quietly moved through the slightly empty auditorium to where he and Roman put his stuff down. He picked up his bag and walked out.
He needed to rethink a lot of things. And overthinking was what he was good at. He put his headphones on his head and walked through the halls to where he usually sat alone. He climbed up to the ledge and leaned on the side of it and just stared at the hallway. No one was around so he wasn't too worried about spacing out.
"Anx, what the hell are you doing? Shouldn't you be at theater?" Janus said suddenly. Virgil jumped and looked down. Janus was still wearing his uniform and his regular hat. Virgil rolled his eyes and just shrugged. "We are going with the cold shoulder? Alright, but if we are going to do this can we please do it somewhere where I don't I have to yell?"
Virgil shook his head and disconnected his headphones. "I left early, I wasn't feeling good."
"Emotionally or physically?" Janus asked, Virgil gave him a look. "Yes, that was a very stupid question given the recent events. But isolation isn't the answer, but it's understandable that you got overwhelmed. But has Roman been helpful?"
Virgil gave him a look. Janus didn't like Roman and vice versa. "Before you say anything about it, I was put up to this by Patton. He said you needed a push in the right direction, and though that direction is not one I am too happy about, I am trying to oversee my feelings towards him. I can't ignore that he is good for you, he is emotional in the way that you need. In the way that Logan, Patton, and I can not be. So let's be smart and get off the ledge." Janus said.
Virgil wasn't sure what Janus meant by Patton not being there emotionally for him, Patton was Virgil's cousin. He has been there for almost all of Virgil's life. He understood Logan, he doesn't emote very much or very often. Janus was a little too violent, but still Virgil wasn't sure.
"My father is an asshole that contradicted my mom's lessons, and I can't even legally talk to her without going to court. I miss her and is it bad I miss him too? Like sure he said shitty things but he's my father still."
"I don't have a response to that but patience is worth it. You know that you can have contact after you turn eighteen next year, and I bet she's so very proud of you for what you did accomplish." Janus ruled.
"I still can't talk to adults, I can only talk to Logan and Patton. I am pretty sure I let her down."
Janus thought about it for a minute, and then he seemed to light up. "What if I could prove that you aren't?" Janus said. Virgil looked down at him. "What do I mean? You will just have to wait and see, but I will need a complete confirmation that you will show up to my hearing to testify."
Virgil thought about it. He thought he already said yes, but he must have forgot about it when he was told about his parents. "Give it to Picani and I'll sign it with my uncle tomorrow."
"Good. Now come on Anx, we got things to do." Janus said. Virgil rolled his eyes and jumped down from the ledge. Him and Janus were going to sneak out of the school and go to town without people knowing.
Was it smart?
Was it fun?
Virgil was surprised to see a bunch of texts from Roman when he got back to his dorm. He smiled and wrote back.
"Hey, Logan?" Virgil said when he came back.
"Virgil, this is a surprise." Logan said. "I thought you were out with Janus." Virgil shrugged.
"We went to town, did the normal things. But I was wondering about what you had on flower meanings, I know you were looking into it." Virgil said.
"I am but why would you want to know?" Logan asked.
"I doubt Roman does know the meaning so it's a way I can get it off my chest without actually saying it." Virgil said.
"But Patton has said before-" Logan started.
"I know what he said, I am doing this so it's easier for me to tell Roman and get that satisfaction without ruining anything." Virigl said.
"When are you planning on giving him this arrangement?" Logan asked quickly, catching on to Virgil's plan.
"Well, he is going to be in a play in like a week and it is customary..." Virgil said.
"You can't be serious." Logan said. Virgil shrugged.
"It's cheesy but Princey is a sucker for that shit." Virgil said.
The two then planned a lovely bouquet that Virgil could give Roman after he performed. He looked at the note he had rewritten almost each week. The first one was a compliment to Roman, but the others held more personal feelings.
He was going to give the first one to Roman, and keep the others secret. So he wrote a mix between the many letters. And at the bottom he wrote that the flowers hid a secret message that he would have to figure out. Roman was smart but Virgil had faith that he wouldn't.
He wasn't sure why that made him a little upset but also relieved.
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