《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Twenty-Three
When Vrigil didn't come back from his appointment at the office around the normal time, Roman was a bit worried. But that quickly was shot down by his brain which told him that he could just have a longer session. Virgil would come back soon.
Then the headmaster pooped in to tell their teacher something. She nodded and then Roman was nervous. Has something happened? She handed the headmaster some papers, Roman recognized it as the work they were doing currently. So, Virgil wasn't coming to class?
"I am sorry Roman, you will have to do the partner work alone today. Virgil isn't coming to class." She said to him quietly when they resumed class.
Roman was confused about why, so he slipped his phone out of his pocket and texted Virgil.
Roman went along and did his work, checking every few minutes. Usually Virgil gives some sort of answer to a text, so when the rest of class went by and there was no answer Roman got nervous. He really wanted to go check on Virgil, but he had rehearsal.
He walked to the theater with his script in hand reading it to avoid people talking to him. Janus walked into step beside him, Roman flinched slightly. "Oh calm down, I am not here to punch you. It wouldn't be good for either of us. I am just asking a question." He said.
"Okay.." Roman said, waiting for Janus to continue.
"I would normally go for Logan about this, but he's busy and not the best judgment on emotions. Also you are in Virgil's last class of the day. So you are my only source, how was Virgil today in class?" Janus asked. Roman knew that wasn't true, he had others who told him what went down in that class. Roman was just closer to Virgil than any other person in the class.
"Well, he was in English with me and Logan. He was acting like he normally would, done with everyone. But he left class for his office appointment, and he didn't come back to class. His uncle came in to get his work, I texted him to offer my help with the work but I haven't heard from him since then." Roman said. "Why are you asking me? You hate me."
"I may dislike you, but there is one thing we have in common and can find equal ground on." Janus said. Roman looked over at him. "We both care about Virgil's well being."
"Can we stop this fighting thing then? Like we could put up with each other in a civil way if we made an effort for Virgil?" Roman asked.
"I agree that this is quite juvenile, but maybe we could call it quits. For now, I will have eyes watching me in the coming weeks so messing with you will be harder but I am willing to make it work. For Virgil."
"Good, so am I."
"I am warning you, one step out of line or he comes upset about something and will not calm down, I will not hesitate to hunt you down." Janus glared at Roman.
"I would never do something intentionally, if I upset him allow me to apologize unless I fuck up real bad then I understand. But I ask you if I do upset him, let me apologize before reacting." Janus nodded.
"Deal." The two shook hands. "For the record, I don't hate you. I just don't trust you. You tell anyone I said that and you'll be in trouble." Janus said.
"Reputation?" Roman asked. Janus was surprised at the tone, it was like Roman was used to it. And he was. "What? I know a thing or two about the stress of reputation and how you could live up to it. But you can change it if you want, you don't have to live by what people assume of you. I still am learning what I can do, but I know it is possible." Roman shrugged. "Nice talking with you, also if I hear anything about Virgil I'll let you know."
Roman left a surprised Janus standing in the hallway while he went to rehearsal. He hoped that Virgil was there, but he wasn't at the place where they put their bags so there was that shot down. Roman knew his lines but was still getting the hang of stage directions. He put the script down and figured he could go through the rehearsal without it.
He saw Virgil's uncle and he went over to him. "Roman! Good, we can get started." Thomas said.
"Excuse me, Mr. Sanders-" Roman started.
"When we are at rehearsal Thomas is just fine, Roman." Thomas interrupted.
"Well, Thomas, do you know if Virgil is coming today? I know he doesn't have to be here but he is usually here." Roman said.
Thomas faltered for a second like he knew something Roman didn't. Which he probably did, he was Virgil's uncle after all.
"Virgil isn't coming today and has been excused from classes and after school activities until he feels like he can come back. I appreciate the concern and I am sure he does too but right now he needs some time. I will leave it up to him if he wants to explain it to you himself." Thomas said and then gathered everyone to start rehearsal.
Roman wasn't sure what that meant, but he was worried. He hadn't heard from Virgil in almost an hour and his uncle was being weird. Would he eat enough? Was he okay?
Roman wasn't sure he could do the performance if he didn't have Virgil. Virgil was the one who got him to do this, he was also important to the play. What if he didn't come back? Roman made a plan to go visit Virgil after he gets changed after rehearsal. He had an extra pair of clothes in his bag so he could change right in the dressing rooms.
They were halfway through rehearsal when Patton came running onto the stage. "Dad, I know this is rude and I am very sorry but Roman is needed in the dorms." Patton said, he seemed like he wasn't trying to make a scene but everyone was already murmuring.
Roman seriously didn't understand what this school's gossip issue was. Like anything could happen and the entire school would know the next day. Was it because they were so disconnected from other schools? Or was it because people had nothing better to do? Roman had turned his attention back to Patton, why was he needed elsewhere?
"Well we are in the middle of something, can it wait?" Thomas asked. Patton looked at him and shook his head. Patton grabbed Roman and dragged him off the stage.
"Go get your bag, I'll talk to my papa." Patton said and pushed him towards his bag. He caught a snippet of the conversation between them. But he really didn't hear much until Patton said "Virgil asked for him, not Janus or Logan, but Roman. Something happened that you and him aren't telling me but Roman needs to go. Now." Patton said.
"Alright." Thomas said and nodded to the door. "Go. Everyone, we will just run rehearsal without Roman! Let's get 'Be Our Guest' blocked off." Thomas said as Patton grabbed Roman's hand and dragged him away.
The pair ran down the hallways and up the stairs. "Sorry, Patton but what is going on?" Roman asked forcefully while being dragged. He was struggling to keep on his feet.
"Can't say a lot, because I don't know anything. But Logan texted me saying to grab you and it was urgent because Virgil was a mess and he asked for you. Logan had tried to calm him down but he got worse and just kept asking for you." Patton said. "I don't know what triggered it but he said he needs you to calm down."
"Wait, does he talk to you?" Roman asked. Patton and Roman stopped in front of Patton's door. Patton opened the door and tore off Roman's backpack.
"Seriously? That was what you focused on? Roman, shut up and get my cousin calm. I don't want to go to the med wing today." Patton said and pulled Roman through the bathroom and pushed him into Virgil's dorm.
Patton pulled Logan out of the room and slammed the door. Roman sighed and turned around to find Virgil. He didn't have to look far because Virgil slammed right into him when he did. Roman had no idea what to do, but he was going to have to try.
After he had asked for Roman, Logan had tried to dissuade him from getting Roman, but Virgil just reacted worse. He was crying and upset. Virgil had been pushed and pushed, to the point he just repeated Roman's name over and over until he saw Logan text Patton.
Then he stopped pacing and talking, and curled into the corner while he tried to control his breathing. He needed to be grounded, sure Logan could substitute but he had no idea what to do. Patton would work but he was busy, granted so was Roman but right now he didn't care.
Roman had an aura that made him feel safe, if it wasn't for the constant reminder that Roman might not come back, Virgil would say that he was attached. He knew this wasn't going to help but energetically Roman could help and that's what he needed to control before it got worse.
He kept breathing heavy and he could feel the energy get really tense. He knew that being a powerful Wiccan meant that he needed to control emotions. Logan was pleading knowing the consequences after Patton explaining it to him after a panic attack Virgil had that caused a light to explode.
He started to hear ringing until he felt the energy field shift. Patton had brought Roman. Virgil lifted his head and Logan looked relieved. Virgil had cried off a lot of his makeup but the eyeshadow was running down his face still. He had changed into a hoodie and sweatpants. If he was going to cry and sulk for a few hours or a day he wanted to do it comfortably.
Logan was pulled out of the room and Virgil got up, he ran straight to Roman and held tightly to his waist. He felt slightly grounded and better but Roman didn't know what to do to help, Vrigil couldn't exactly tell him, and knowing Patton he would be panicking just as badly because he was worried Vrigil would black out and not explain it to Roman.
"Hey, hey, let's go sit down on the couch okay?" Roman said while hugging Virgil back. Virgil shook his head. "Virgil, we have to go somewhere other than standing in the middle of your floor. Can you move?" Roman asked, Virgil just started to shake a little.
Roman seemed to get his answer and started to move. Roman then moved Virgil's arms from around his waist. Virgil didn't want Roman to leave, he wasn't sure what was going to happen. Virgil hated the unknown and Roman was supposed to help but he wasn't. Virgil started to panic again, he hiccuped a little and started crying hard again.
"No, no, no tears. Come on, let's get you somewhere more comfortable." Roman said and picked Virgil up. Virgil wrapped his legs around Roman's waist and buried his face in his neck. Virgil felt Roman walking over to someplace. Roman sat down against the wall on his bed. He recognized the colors even if it was a little blurry.
"Virge, I am going to need you to breathe and just calm down a little okay? That way you can write out what you want and then I can help you, I am not sure how I can right now." Roman said softly while he played with Virgil's hair.
Virgil wasn't sure what to say or write, he just wanted Roman to stay here while he grounded himself. Virgil's mind was already clearing just with Roman being here, he just needed a few more minutes.
Roman was quick thinking in these situations, he moved Virgil so he was sitting across Roman's lap and his head was near his heart. "Virgil, I need you to just nod or shake your head in response. Can you hear me?"
Virgil nodded and held tighter and continued to cry.
"Good, next can you hear my heart?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded slightly. "Can you focus on just that for a minute then try to mimic my breathing?" Virgil nodded. He closed his eyes tight and tried to focus on Roman. That wasn't hard.
He wasn't sure what Roman was doing, but it was working. Roman's hands were running through his hair, Roman's heart was beating, Roman was here. And Virgil needed to breathe because he wasn't getting enough air. Roman was breathing deeply, and then Virgil remembered Roman asked him to match it.
When he calmed down slightly, Roman went back to breathing normally and so did Virgil. Neither of them moved, Virgil was tired between crying for hours and doing breathing exercises and Roman was just patiently waiting for whatever Virgil needed. He wasn't going to move until Virgil moved himself.
The room was silent except for Virgil's sniffles. Virgil had moved slightly so he was still sitting but still had his head on Roman because he didn't want to move yet. Virgil pointed to a notepad and pen on his bedside table, Roman noticed and leaned to get it. Virgil almost whined as Roman moved. Roman handed him the note pad and watched him write.
Can you sing me something?
"Sure, what do you want me to sing?" Roman asked. Virgil thought for a minute.
Can't Help Falling in Love?
"Classic. Of course." Roman said and Virgil moved from across Roman's lap to sitting in between his legs with a blanket. Roman was a little surprised that Virgil was being so comfortable with him. The entire time they knew each other Virgil had been kind of distant and not really letting Roman touch him.
Roman was sure that Virgil was just putting up with him when Roman randomly hugged him. Roman would ask him later, right now Virgil just needed comfort and Roman was going to give that to him. Virgil knew that he would, Roman was a sweetheart and if all the stories he told were true then this was proof of it.
When Virgil got settled, Roman softly started to sing to him.
"Wise men say, 'Only fools rush in,'
But I can't help, falling in love with you.
Shall I stay? Would it be a sin,
If I can't help..falling in love with you?"
Roman snaked his arms around Virgil's abdomen and Virgil leaned into him.
"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things were meant to be"
Virgil smiled a little. He loved the song, sure it was a love song but that wasn't why he asked Roman to sing it. His grandparents used to sing it to help him sleep and then his mother did as well. It was comfort, but the fact Virgil liked Roman and he was singing a love song made him get butterflies.
"Take my hand, take my whole life too
Cause I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things were meant to be, oh"
Roman put his chin on Virgil's shoulder and gently rocked back and forth. He also sang a little quieter because he was right next to Virgil's ear.
"Take my hand, take my whole life, too
Cause I can't help falling in love with you..
Cause I can't help falling in love with you.."
Virgil could feel his eyes start to slip shut. He turned so he was using Roman's chest as a pillow. Roman had to move his head but he didn't care because now he could easily play with Virgil's hair.
"But I can't help falling in love with you.."
Virgil fell asleep cuddling Roman. Roman couldn't be happier, Virgil was resting and they would talk later. Virgil knew he would fall asleep if Roman sang, he was tired and Roman was comforting. One wished the other got the message he was trying to convey and the other just hoped they weren't getting too attached to one another.
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