《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Four
"Remus, I don't think it would be that bad." Roman said. Remus was talking about school without Roman again. Roman knew that Remus just needed to talk it out so that's what he did. With moving in on Friday and then Saturday meeting his roommate, and Sunday night with Remus talking through the phone as Roman walked through the school once he finished talking with Virgil, he didn't have time to settle in at all.
The note was still in his pocket and he was listening to Remus ramble. Then Remus stopped. Both of them knew that he had to go. He had school and Roman needed to not be late to his first class. He really didn't register the fact he didn't have his brother. His roommate was kind and left him alone for the most part and offered to have lunch and breakfast with Roman. Roman accepted. He would rather be introduced to new people and maybe get his mind off of Virgil.
"Remus, I have to go. Curfew is soon and I don't want to get in trouble." Remus sighed.
"Why can't I move schools?" Remus said quietly.
"Because I said no. Now get rest. One of the guys will pick you up tomorrow." Remus said sure and he hung up. Roman sighed. He missed Remus. He had the blanket off to the side of his closet. The sweatshirt was also buried away. Roman did it unconsciously, he figured that he should indulge in feelings that he felt maybe just once. He slipped red sweatpants on and a white shirt.
His roommate wasn't there and he hoped that he wouldn't come back before Roman could figure out what he was truly feeling. He pulled the sweatshirt on and grabbed the blanket. He laid down.
It was almost 9pm, early but enough that he could wake himself up. He would wake himself up, get dressed the go wake up Remus, and-
He stopped his train of thought. He wasn't at home. He didn't have his brother anymore. He could smell his brother's cologne. Roman always hated it when they lived in the same house but now he felt at home. Roman clutched the blanket closer to him. That had the detergent that his mother loved to use. He also had the octopus stuffie near him.
He didn't feel the tears until they hit the pillow and he registered he was crying. He did this for his brother. He took the fall for Remus, to fulfill the promise he had made so many years ago. But that was easier when he was with his brother. Even when he was alone, he was never alone at home.
But at Westward...
He was alone. Roman got sleep that night but not before crying himself to sleep.
His alarm went off then his roommates went off. His roommate groaned but got out of bed. "Come on Roman. Let's go." His roommate said and gathered his things. He left and went to change in the bathroom, Roman got up and quickly changed. He was doing his hair when his roommate came back in.
"What time is it?" Roman asked.
"Dude, you set your alarm for 6:30 and you can't even remember?"
"Michael..."Roman whined. Micheal rolled his eyes.
"Alright, calm down. It's almost 7. Come on, don't forget your tie by the way." Micheal said and picked up his bag. Micheal was a nice person and he was smart too. Both Roman and Micheal were in the same math class they found out and some other classes. Micheal had offered to walk Roman around to help him. Patton showed him the classrooms but Roman didn't memorize it.
"Like I could forget." Roman said and Micheal shrugged.
"Just trying to keep you here and not getting detention on your first day." Micheal waited for Roman to get the tie and then his bag and leave. "You aren't going to tie it?" Micheal asked.
"Later, I don't like ties." Roman said which was untrue. He just didn't know how to tie a tie. The pair made it down to the dining hall. There Micheal's friends got a table and Roman got a bowl of fruit. He never ate a lot before school, but he saw a granola bar and he grabbed that and slipped into his pocket to put it into his bag. He went back to the table. There he talked with some of the people there.
Across from the table he saw Virgil, Patton, and a different person. They had dark hair and square glasses. He also had darker blue eyes. He seemed to be scolding Virgil about something.
"Watching the Sanders Cousins?" Kayleigh asked as she sat down. She was a shorter girl with long hair. She played on the girls hockey team at the school and she was well known by many people.
"Who?" Roman asked.
"The Sanders Cousins. Virgil, Patton, and Patton's roommate Logan. Patton is the Headmaster's son and Virgil is his nephew." Victoria said. She was a figure skater that was sent here after she threw a skate at her now ex boyfriend. She still wasn't allowed to skate but the skating team would be lucky to have her, according to Micheal and Kayleigh.
"I knew that much, I just didn't know they had a group name. Also Logan?" He asked.
"The other kid in the glasses. Hella smart, so is Virgil. In fact, the two of them were roommates before Janus came here. Virgil was then moved to single after something went down. No one knows what but Janus had a broken wrist and Logan had a bloody nose. Then Janus became a bodyguard of sorts. Anyone messed with the three of them..they got talked to by Janus." Victoria continued.
"And Janus doesn't take kindly to talking. A lot came back with bloody noses and he had bruised knuckles. Logan is smart enough that he's able to get Janus out of it, or Virgil is. It's too bad he can't talk or just won't." Kayleigh dropped her voice at the last part. Like she didn't want to be caught and someone was listening.
"What do you mean, won't talk?" Roman asked a bit too loudly for everyone's liking. They all jumped to shush him. He was taken aback and he caught Virgil and Patton looking at him confused. Patton went back to talking with Logan and Virgil responded with the hand movements that Roman was so confused by.
"Virgil is mute. He doesn't talk at all or to anyone. I heard that he sometimes whispers to Patton but I haven't seen that but he's always around that therapist. He has multiple sessions a week. He knows sign, Logan taught him. That's how he holds conversations. Kinda like he's doing, but don't look now." Virgil had realized they were talking about them by now and Roman saw Logan glaring at him.
"Well, thanks guys but I think it's time I get to class. Don't want to be late on the first day." Roman said.
"Wait! I'll go with you!" Micheal said while picking his bag up. "Also you haven't put on your tie yet." Micheal said, Roman's eyes flicked over to Virgil who was watching them intently despite both Patton and Logan moving on. Roman got an idea.
"I mean I don't know how to..could you give me a demonstration?" Roman asked kindly and gave Micheal a smile, while holding his tie out for him to grab. Micheal shrugged and grabbed the tie and explained what he was doing while tying the tie on Roman. Roman nodded along and watched it.
Once he was done, Roman nodded and thanked him. Roman looked up and saw Virgil furrowing his eyebrows. Roman winked and followed Micheal to math.
Before Roman could make it to the classroom, he was pulled aside by Janus who smiled at Micheal and said they had somethings to talk about. When Janus got them to a secluded place he grabbed Roman by his backpack straps and pinned him to the wall. "What did I tell you about Virgil?" He said.
"Listen, I did nothing out of line." Roman said.
"Really? Then explain that stunt in the dining hall or better yet, explain the library interaction. I gave you a warning on the request of a friend of mine, but another told me to do whatever it takes to keep you away and out of Virgil's life so that's what I am going to do." Janus said, anger was flaring in his eyes. For what Roman couldn't tell.
"And who was that friend? Patton? Logan? And why do you care so much? You are a floater, you don't even have a group you hang out with. Do you like Virgil? Are you threatened by me, Jan?" Roman asked. He still had his cockiness, sure he was missing his brother but this was a facade that he could hide behind. In reality, he was shaking slightly.
"Consider this your last verbal warning. And this is generous of me, Virgil seemed to dish the second one to you. No doubt Logan has been finding all he can about you...if you have any skeletons in your closet, he will find them. Heed my warning, stay away from Virgil." With that Janus let him off the wall. "Your math class is around the corner. Don't want to be late on your first day." He mocked and walked off.
Roman walked into his math class shaken up but didn't let that bother him. He couldn't let it get to him. When Micheal asked Roman brushed it off and focused on the class. As much as he could.
Which one told him to back off of Virgil? He didn't suspect it to be Virgil himself. Patton seemed too sweet, and he hadn't met anyone else who was protective over Virgil other than Patton, Janus, and he knew about Logan. He had yet to interact with Logan. He was able to talk with Micheal for a little while and they were told to take a bit of a relaxing day.
"So, Logan what's up with him?" Roman asked.
"Logan? He's one of the smartest kids in our grade. He comes from a good family, sent here for academics mostly and it was the right choice. He's Virgil's best friend, the closest thing you could get to a brother for Virgil. The kid is kinda an introvert. Virgil is sweet though." Micheal shrugged. "You just have to get past Janus alive, and passed Logan's glares, then Patton is like the final boss. However, he's the easiest to get passed. He wouldn't hurt a fly and he works in the library. They are protective for a good reason."
"What did happen? Everyone keeps saying something happened but they never say what." Roman said.
"Dude, trust me when I say you don't need to worry about it. Did Janus say something to you?" Micheal asked.
"The first day we were here, he told me to back off Virgil. All Virgil did was show me to my room."
"Really? That's weird." Micheal said.
"Why?" Roman asked.
The bell rang. "Because, when a new kid comes Virgil avoids them like the plague. Social anxiety I guess." Micheal got up. "Come on, we have science next. Then you have study hall and I have religion."
It was lunch and Virgil was sitting waiting for Logan. He was emotionally exhausted because he just got out of his religion class. He was well versed in divination but it took a lot out of him. He didn't get up to get lunch yet because if he could he would skip it. He was too nervous about the first day, then he had his session with Picani during the last period.
"Tough day already?" Logan asked and Virgil gave him a look. "I'll take that as a yes. Have you eaten yet?" Logan asked. Virgil shook his head. "Alright, I'll be right back. If anything happens let me know."
Virgil nodded and then rolled his eyes when Logan turned around. He really appreciated how much they cared but he had talked to Roman to get rid of his fear of the new kid. He thought their reaction to his anxiety was real.
But he also wished they saw that he didn't need protecting all the time. He made a mental note to talk to Picani about that too. He realized that he was starting to get quite the hefty list to cover in one session. He also thought back to Roman.
He wasn't sure he felt about the kid. Sure he seemed nice and like Logan said, looks can be deceiving. But didn't that just null his argument with the fact of Janus literally being his old bully that he was now friends with? Closer than both Logan and Patton liked, sure but it was good. Janus was working on it.
Maybe the stand off feeling was due to the fact he was an untrained Wiccan that had really good control over his abilitie. Virgil almost wanted to use a spell to see what he could. Maybe he would after school.
He knew it couldn't be because they thought he was hot. Like Janus said, Roman was Virgil's type. Handsome, sassy, and he seemed smart enough to keep up with Virgil. He also thought maybe it was because he was Virgil's type and they were afraid of him getting into a relationship with him for obvious reasons, but Virgil had sworn off dating until he could talk again. The idea of a boyfriend while not talking freaked him out. There were so many possibilities that could factor into it...No Virgil wouldn't go down that rabbit hole.
Logan had come back with a sandwich for Virgil and a salad for himself. "You didn't have any protein with breakfast today, so I got you a sandwich. Now eat, it will restore some energy that your class has taken away." Virgil sighed and Logan gave him a look.
Virgil threw his hands up in defense and Logan shrugged and pointed to the food. Virgil nibbled on it a little, then he realized something the entire time he was spacing off he was staring in the direction of Roman. Virgil closed his eyes and then told Logan to talk about something. Logan obliged and then jumped into his astronomy class and what they were going to learn.
Virgil listened happily and ate his food. He silently laughed when he was given the reason to and he was happy to see his friend so excited. When their lunch period ended, Logan and Virgil left for their English class. They had one class together before lunch and that was math second period. First Virgil had ecology because he wanted to take healing herbs next semester for religion, then Logan had study hall and Vrigil had religion. History was a class that Virgil had without any of his friends. It was the last class of the day and it changed every other day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays Virgil had an elective which also counted as his science, Psychology. He found the humor in it but he was good at it and next semester he was getting two electives and the second part of Psychology was going there.
Virgil and Logan sat together at a double desk that was facing a few others. Virgil was okay with the class, it wasn't like the same kids traveled together in the same classes but the accelerated classes that he took with Logan didn't have much diversity. Just like any school, the smart kids tend to all know each other. Virgil was waiting for the teacher as a few students talked to Logan while they waited.
Virgil watched the door. He liked to know who was in the class. He wasn't happy with who walked through the door. And mainly for their sake.
Roman walked through the door and waved at his roommate. Virgil rolled his eyes, that boy was so stupid. Micheal was straight first off and Roman seemed to be hitting on him. Virgil really didn't think he was that stupid.
He knew that a guy that was good looking and was a behavioral problem, was a fuckboy. It was clear, all the signs were in front of Vrigil's face. He made an audible noise and Logan turned his attention to what Virgil had looked away from. Virgil could feel the emotional change in Logan.
He placed his hand on Logan's shoulder. He had told Logan what had transpired in the library and then what happened at breakfast with Micheal and Logan said he would do something about it. Virgil didn't know what it was. That didn't stop the fact that through the whole class Logan sat and glared at Roman. Time couldn't go any slower. He was just glad to get out of this class early before the last class.
"Virgil?" The teacher said and he turned his attention towards her and made eye contact with her. "Office needs you." No one made a sound. They were all used to him leaving randomly. Roman was the only one who looked confused. He reminded himself that Janus would know anything if Roman said anything.
He walked into the office he was supposed to go to and waved at the secretary there. "Dr. Picani's favorite student," She said with a smile. "He's ready for you." Virgil nodded and walked through the door.
"Virgil! Welcome back to school! Have anything you want to talk about specifically?" Picani asked as he walked through the door and closed it. Virgil looked at him and nodded. "Well, I am ready to hear it. Whenever you are ready." He pointed to the text to speech device he had set up. Virgil sat down and started writing.
Virgil walked through the office, slightly proud. He had done his exercises and even told Picani about his goal. Picani asked if his view on dating had changed and Virgil said no. He had told the doctor about the Roman thing he did with his guidance that allowed him to kind of gage who Roman was, the thing about the fact his friends had a strong desire to keep them separated, and the fact that Roman pissed him off.
Picani said it seemed like he had a crush. Virgil resented that. He couldn't have a crush, he barely knew the guy. Picani then pointed out you can be attracted by looks, not personality first. Virgil was still kinda not too happy about it though. The two had come to an agreement not to name it until Virgil had gotten more information.
They also made a plan to start pushing his vocal cords to work as well. Picani wasn't sure the reason behind it was worth it but he was hoping whatever worked for Vrigil.
He walked into his history room and saw the teacher who gave him a nod, a smile, then a syllabus. "Virgil, you can go sit next to Roman." Virgil had this teacher before and she knew sign.
I'd rather not. Is there anywhere else? He asked.
"I'm sorry no, you will be okay. Go sit, we have a few things to cover. Virgil internally groaned and went to sit down. Next to Roman.
The guy his therapist thought he had a crush on. The guy who his friends were so against him talking to. The guy who confused him so much that he wasn't even clear on his feelings. The guy who seemed like two different people. Virgil did not like the other guy, he preferred the guy he first met. A little awkward and maybe a bit dorky.
"Looks like we are neighbors." Roman whispered when Virgil got settled. Virgil rolled his eyes and wrote something on Roman's paper.
Don't get used to it.
Virgil knew he was digging a grave for himself and he didn't care. He wanted Roman to be as confused as he was. And he couldn't sign while in class so he kept to sassing him. Roman read it and shrugged.
"I think I will. No one else is going to be my partner." Virgil looked at him confusedly. What the hell did that mean? The bell rang signifying the end of the day. "Oh, you weren't here for that. She said we weren't moving seats and that the person we sat next to was our partner for all projects this year, so I think I will get used to it. Working on projects with you will hardly be a punishment though." He winked and left Virgil fuming.
Can I please switch seats? Virgil asked the teacher again.
"Unless you can give me a good reason to switch it then I am sorry Virgil I can't. All seat arrangements are final." Virgil slumped down. "Is there a reason, Virgil?" She asked.
Ask my friends. They are soo set on keeping him away from me that they won't even tell me why. I have a theory but it was my fault for jumping to a conclusion.
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