《Of course he is (A Sanderssides human AU)》Five: Virgil/Janus/Remus
Remus and Virgil sat together in the living room not having left the house. They had a cruiser parked outside and a cruiser parked behind their house. There was a knock on the door and Virgil jumped.
"It's probably Roman and Patton." Remus said as he got off the couch. He opened the door and the two walked in. Roman hugged Remus and then looked at Virgil.
"What the hell is happening here!?" Roman cried. Patton walked over and sat down in one of the chairs after hugging Virgil.
"We need the police because Logan..." he paused and looked at Virgil who nodded his head. "And Janus...were both just kidnapped.."
"What!?" Roman screamed. "T-The trackers!" Virgil looked up sadly.
"They were cut out of their arms.." Virgil looked down at the open laptop sadly then back at the other two adults. "Look, their probably terrified right now because according to the cameras Logan knew who he was talking to before he was grabbed...and besides that it shows that same man leaving Januss classroom." Patton looked at the camera feed.
"Do i even want to know how you got this?" Patton asked.
"I hacked the schools camera system when I noticed it." Virgil shrugged.
"Virgil!" Remus scolded as he walked over and looked at the camera feed.
"What?" Virgil shrugged. "I major in technology was this really a surprise?"
"He's bleeding..." Patton pointed at the camera and Virgil paused it.
"They took his tracker out while he was still conscious!?" Virgil screamed. He shook his head. "God...they are probably torturing both of them right now and we can't stop it because we don't know where they are!" Patton held Virgil and Virgil looked at Remus.
"We'll find them." Remus said quickly. "They'll be fine.." Virgil noticed that he was starting to cry but was trying to force himself not to.
"You can cry, Remus." Remus shook his head.
"No, I'll cry when we find them but not right now" Remus walked away and Virgil sighed. He closed the laptop and leaned back against the couch.
"Why take Janus?" He questioned out loud. "If he was after dad...wouldn't they have gone after me instead?"
"We can figure that all out later right now you need to rest." Roman said. Virgil nodded and laid down on the couch.
"Hopefully nothing happens..." Virgil closed his eyes.
The door opened and Janus opened his eyes. He saw Logan snap awake and shake his head.
"Don't do this please..." Janus felt the handcuffs come undone and he was lifted to his feet. He winced, the person was holding his arm where it was bandaged.
"Come on Janus, it's time to have some fun." He dragged Janus away from Logan and to another door. He threw Janus to the floor and Janus got to his knees as the door slammed shut. He looked towards the camera on a stand and then towards the bed. He sat down on the bed and a few minutes later someone else was thrown into the room with him and Janus noticed it was his student, Jacob.
"Jesus Christ..." Jacob backed away and shook his head. He looked at the door then back at Janus terrified. "Y-you actually..." he shook. Tears were flowing down his face. "I-I thought you wouldn't..."
"Jacob hey, calm down." Janus stood up but Jacob flinched back. Janus looked at the camera and the back at Jacobs scared face and he froze. "Holy shit...Jacob how many times-."
"NOT LIKE YOU GIVE A SHIT!" He gestured at the bed and then at the camera. "LOOK WHERE WE ARE DUMB ASS!"
"You don't understand Jacob-."
"WHAT!?" Jacob backed away. "Y-you of all people i thought would h-help me n-not hurt me..." tears started flowing down januss face.
"You think that's why I'm here?" Janus asked. Jacob then looked at his arms and saw the blood stained bandage and his eyes widened seeing that Janus had red wrist from the handcuffs.
"W-what happened?" Jacob asked.
"Jacob I don't want to hurt you....I-I was kidnapped." Janus backed away from Jacob. "H-He threatened my family which is why I agreed to come in here with you. I don't want to rape you."
"why... I get with your family on the line and all...b-but now if we don't h-he can hurt them." Janus glared at the door.
"I am not going to rape you just because he wants me to..." Janus looked at Jacob. "I was kidnapped, and I was held against my will. I was tortured, and raped and had absolutely no way out of it because we were dumb enough to listen to the threats from our kidnappers and they had threatened to kill us a lot if we called anyone on them." Jacob sat with Janus on the bed. "so...Logan never did. Patton never did. Even Roman didn't. I got away and could have but I was too scared too...when we finally got free it was a miracle we were still in one piece...."
"So that prank we pulled..." Janus nodded.
"I was locked away in a storage unit with no food or water for a few days, bugs were wrapped in wrap on the table moving around a plate trying to eat their way out of the plastic to get to me. I don't hate you for it but that did bring back unwanted memories."
"I'm sorry.." Janus smiled sadly.
"It's alright, just know I would NEVER touch you." Janus glared at the camera. "Even if it meant I get hurt, my family can and will protect themselves like we always have that was my point of telling you that. We aren't as stupid as we were back then." Jacob laughed.
"Thank you, for at least having some form of decency to not...you know..."
"I refuse to do that." Janus shook his head. "After experiencing it myself it's horrible to even think they wanted me to do so to another human being! Jacob...can I ask you something?" Jacob nodded.
"Sure." He said.
"Is this what you wanted to tell me about?" Janus asked. Jacob nodded. Janus looked at the camera. "Was it forced....or d-did they actually want to?" Jacob nodded his head.
"I think they actually enjoyed it." Jacob looked down. "I-I can tell you who." Janus nodded quickly.
"We'll do this as soon as we can go home, I can't believe they ever hurt you..." the door was thrown open and Janus flinched.
"You, are supposed to be fucking." Jacob glared at his father and Janus just put a protective arm in front of him.
"No." Janus growled. "I will not fucking rape him just because you threatened my family! Do you know how much we've been through together? Don't you think we'd have a system by now in case something ever happened? you wouldn't be able to hurt us even if you tried!" Jacobs dad laughed.
"Oh please, your system was flawed. I was able to take you and Logan and your parents don't give two fucks." Janus glared. That wasn't true. It wasn't true. Don't let him get to you. Roman and Patton both care. "Logan's parents were murdered, and they didn't even bother telling you or Virgil thinking that would keep you two safe and out of harms way, but you know I worked for them. They spoke a lot about their son and how they wanted to ruin their sons happiness and you know what? Since they were murdered I am going to help them with that. Once I finish you off, then I'll just move to Patton and Roman who will be so heartbroken over whats happened to you, then I'll kill that Remus dude Logans madly in love with...and then I'll kill his son." Janus shook his head.
"N-No!" He shouted. He laughed and looked at Jacob.
"Then do as I say." He walked over behind the camera. Janus held his arm still in front of Jacob. "And fuck him."
"Fine, Jacob...leave." Jacob stood shakily and left the room. Mark looked at Janus. "Guess it's just you and me then." Janus started to cry.
"Like I said, it'll hurt Logan since he can't do anything about it and when I'm done with you, I'm going after the rest of them one by one." Janus shook as he got closer and he backed himself up against the wall. "Playing hard to get how cute." He clicked something on a remote and smirked at the red dot that appeared on the camera. Janus slammed his eyes shut.
"G-Get away!" He lashed out trying to get him off but he grabbed his legs and pinned them open, climbing between them and holding Januss arms above his head. Janus felt his hands being wrapped in rope and tied above on the headboard and he started to cry and shake his head. Mark leaned forward and whispered into Januss ear.
"I bet this will hurt them all seeing you tied up like this." He pulled away and started taking off Januss clothes. Janus tried to lash out and kick him again but he spread his legs open again and tied them like that. Janus shook when he felt the bed shift and he opened his eyes. Mark walked over to the camera and stood behind it. "Legs spread wide open like a good little slut, completely naked...tied to the headboard. and look, he's crying." Januss eyes widened. He wasn't recording this to send later...h-he was live!? Janus struggled against the ropes holding his arms. "What should I do with him?" He walked over to Janus and ran his hand along his thigh. Janus panicked and slammed his eyes shut again. "Should we punish him for closing his eyes so much?"
"S-Stop!" Janus cried. Mark just laughed.
"I wonder if they opened the link yet? Are you watching Patton and Roman?" He looked at the camera. "I hope you are watching." Janus looked at the camera and then back at Mark.
"Bastard!" He shouted.
"As I said, this will hurt everyone seeing you all tied up and at my mercy...it's pretty nice seeing it." He licked his lips. "You may actually enjoy yourself after all." He heard a ping and Mark stood walking to the laptop in the corner that Janus just noticed. Mark smirked. "You wanna see me play with him? Oh how cute." Mark started to take off his clothes. "As you wish. Thank you for that generous amount of money by the way. I'll take this very slow." He winked at the camera and then climbed in between Januss legs. He kissed Janus and Janus tried to shake him off. He started to rub Janus and Janus started bawling. God no...please make this stop.
Janus slammed his eyes shut and pulled his knees to his chest as he cried. That was horrible. He looked at the door then at the camera. Whoever was paying to watch that pig hurt him over and over again was going to get caught. God he hoped his parents weren't watching that. Suddenly the door opened and Janus flinched. He looked towards it and saw Logan.
"Oh my god..." he ran over and pulled Janus into a tight hug. "Oh my god...oh my god are you..."
"It's alright, I'm fine Logan. I-I can just talk to my therapist about this and I-I'll be okay." Logan shook his head and held him to his chest.
"I let this happen...how could I let this happen.." tears flowed down his face as he held Janus. "I'm so sorry..." Janus held him and started to cry.
"It was a live stream.." Janus started crying harder. "A-And he sent it to my parents..."
"Janus I'm so sorry..." Logan held him and Janus smiled sadly.
"I can handle it, I'm an adult Logan." Logan rolled his eyes.
"Did you really just-."
"Quote you? Yeah." Janus laughed.
"We'll get out of this, I promise." Logan said quickly. Janus leaned into him and bit his lip. Logan wouldn't get them out of this one and he knows it. Janus laughed and held tighter to Logan. Just a bit more comfort before he comes back.
"Logan, h-he said he knew your parents and they talked about wanting you dead, or suffering." Logan looked at Janus sadly. "A-and he said the only way to make you suffer was to hurt us." Logan started to cry and he held Janus close.
"I know Janus..." he leaned into Logan's touch. "It's because he knows that I love you guys and after all we've been through I don't want you guys to get hurt again..."
"He wants to keep getting money and he-."
"I will not let him hurt you Janus!" Logan growled. Janus flinched.
"Logan, we don't exactly have a choice, do we?" Janus asked. Logan started to cry.
"Don't think that, please Janus don't let him get into your head..."
"Logan, I love you but we both know we can't stop him no matter what we do! He has our cellphones, he has our trackers, he knows every move we try and make! He'll just kill us!"
"Janus we'll make it out of this please don't give in...please..." Janus sighed.
"Do you not see the situation I'm in? I don't want to give in but he'll just kill us if we try anything..." Logan stood up as the door flung open.
"Ready for round two Jan-Jan?" Mark asked with a creepy smile. Janus looked away from Logan.
"Yes sir..." he mumbled. Mark growled.
"Didnt hear that, say it louder for me and Logan here to hear sweetheart." He winked at Logan and Janus looked up at him.
"Fuck. You." He spat. Mark grabbed Logan and shoved him against the wall so his arms were pinned down. Mark looked at Janus.
"Say that again, a little louder." Janus scoffed.
"Fuck. You!" He shouted. Mark looked at Logan and Janus started to panic. Oh god.
"Well, Jan-Jan doesn't wanna behave so to teach him a lesson..." he kissed Logans lips and Logan squirmed trying to get out of his grip. He pulled away and looked at Janus. "Now, repeat what I told you to call me...or logan here gets a front row seat to the show." Logan looked at Janus and Janus looked at Mark terrified.
"P-Please you can't..."
"I asked you a question boy, are you ready for another round?" He hummed. Janus gulped and bawled his hands into fist.
"Y-Yes," he paused and took a deep breathe. "Yes sir." Mark released Logan and walked over to Janus, kissing his neck and wrapping his arms around his waist.
"Good boy." He looked at Logan. "Leave, now. Unless you want to have a front row seat for our show! I'm sure the audience would actually love another actor..." Janus flinched. "Actually...let's ask them." Mark strapped Janus down and Janus stared fearfully at Logan. Mark walked over to Logan and grabbed his arm dragging him to the bed. Mark turned the camera on and turned Logan to face it. "Hello my viewers! What do you say about adding another actor? Wouldn't that be fun!" Logan looked at Janus who was strapped down the way he was before but fully clothed. Janus had tears falling down his face.
"No!" Logan struggled against him. "Please I won't hurt him!" Mark laughed and dragged Logan over to the laptop.
"They seem to enjoy the idea of you two!" He giggled maniacally. "I think we will!"
"I refuse to play your games Mark! Let Janus go! You've done enough!" Logan struggled against him. Mark laughed.
"I don't think I've done much." He licked his lips and shoved Logan down behind the camera. "I think I need to do more." He handcuffed Logan and Logan looked up fearfully at Janus. "Have fun watching the show." He started taking off his clothes slowly making his way to Janus. Janus looked at Logan as fear bubbled up inside him. He watched Mark get closer to him and he slammed his eyes shut. He felt Mark starting to rip off his clothes and he started to cry harder. Logan had to watch this, and if he wasn't watching he was listening to it. He was disgusted.
The laptop pinged and Remus looked at the the sleeping others. He walked over to the laptop that was resting on the table in the dining room and looked at the message Virgil received. He clicked on it and he froze. Tears filled his eyes and he covered his mouth as he started to sob. Janus was on the screen and his body was tied up. He looked away and then back up when he heard the laptop ping again. Someone sent money to whoever had Janus. His heartbeat picked up as he heard another voice.
"Oh don't worry, we'll be getting to that soon...just had to find this." A man walked into view of the camera holding a gag and a blindfold. Another ping and he looked at the screen horrified. There was at least 100 people watching this happen to Janus. Those sick fuckers! He started to cry and then remembered Virgil was a tech person. He could track this IP address down and they can save him! Remus ran for the couch and shook Virgil awake.
"What's happening!?" He cried.
"Sorry to wake you like that, Janus..he's in trouble." They walked to the laptop and Remus immediately covered Virgils eyes. "You don't want to watch this..." he hid the screen and then uncovered Virgils eyes.
"Dude..." Virgil looked at the laptop. "How am I supposed to help if you won't let me see what's happening?"
"J-Janus is being r-raped." Remus said quickly. "A-and it's being broadcasted. C-can you track the IP address?" Virgil immediately got to work trying to find them. They paused when they heard logans voice.
"You sick asshole!"
"Do we..." Virgil let the mouse hover over the minimized screen. Remus grabbed his hand.
"Virgil I don't know..." Virgil pulled the screen up and they both immediately slammed their eyes closed. Janus was knocked out, Logan was now chained to the end of the bed on the ground kneeling wearing a collar and leash, he was facing the camera trying to get the thing off his neck.
"Now everyone! Meet Logan, the real reason we get to have our little show with Janus as the star! His parents wanted him to suffer so here you have it! But I don't think we've broken him enough just yet..." Remus looked at the tracking address and he noticed it wasn't done yet and he looked at Virgil and Virgil just stared at the screen horrified. "I see at least one of them opened the link I sent." He smirked. Remus and Virgil looked at eachother wearily. "And knowing you, you were tracking the IP address right? Well, don't bring the cops." He giggled as he looked down at Logan. "And enjoy the show while you wait another two hours for that location." Remus panicked. He saw Logan glance at the screen as tears filled his eyes.
"W-Who opened the link?" Logan asked shakily. There was a ping and the man who was by Logan walked over behind the camera. He laughed.
"Why of course I can do that, he's perfect for that actually." Logan's eyes widened. "his parents used to do this all the time, which makes this even more fun, and to answer that question Logan." He stepped into the screen again, hiding something. "It was your son." Logan looked at the camera horror filling his eyes.
"VIRGIL SHUT IT OFF!" Remus and Virgil watched in horror as the man stepped closer to Logan. Virgil hid his face in remuss shoulder as they heard Logan moaning in pain.
"Bet you enjoyed that." They heard the man say. Virgil held Remus as he shook and cried.
"W-We have to keep it open or-or it won't track him down b-but I..." Remus held Virgil and started to cry as well.
"It's going to get him I know..." Remus glanced at the computer and saw the man leaving the room.
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A realistic, psychological isekai: What pushes people to rejoice, to torture, to sacrifice, to kill? What gives some the will to survive and thrive in a new land and others the craving for dominance and exploitation? What would those who grew up without power all their lives do when given the approval and blessings of God Himself? How far will someone go to protect those close to them? How far will someone go to exact vengeance against an unjust world? How far can someone go before the abyss looks back at them? "Everything in the world is about sex — except sex. Sex is about power." - Oscar Wilde “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” - Abraham Lincoln Greed is the worst of all the deadly sins; all of human history lays out the evidence to support this thesis. Consider all of the above before reading this story: A 12th-grade high school class is sent to another world; a world of sword and magic called Omicron where other-worlders are revered as heroes given the divine blessing of the Lord God Sapiora, creator of Omicron's human race. It is currently a world at war. The humans of Omicron need these divine heroes as weapons against the Demon Emperor and the demihuman forces of the evil god Azazelin. However, two students within the class, Ajax Leonid and Shaula Seikennith, haven't been given the hero's blessing. They've been given something else, something more curious; the blood of a deity who noticed their specialness. As a result, after escaping the clutches of their summoners who tried to kill them for their lack of heroic potential, Ajax and Shaula enter the new world of Omicron with no one on their side except each other. While wading through rivers of blood, Ajax and Shaula seek a stable life, a life where they can salvage happiness. They have each other above all else. Perhaps the cost will be worth it. Perhaps not.
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