《Am I really though? (Sanderssides HumanAU)》Two: logan/Virgil
⚠️please do not continue to read if eating disorders trigger you⚠️
"Hey, have you seen Virgil? I just called his house with no response. He's been missing school for the past week!" Patton was sitting in Logan's classroom as Logan got ready to leave.
"I'm sure he's just doing what all teens do eventually, slip out and say they are off to school and then skip." Logan finished putting his stuff away.
"But...when I met Virgil and from the few times we have spoken he doesn't seem like the kind of kid to do such a thing! What if he's hurt!" Patton gave the puppy eyes to Logan and Logan sighed.
"Alright, we'll go to his address. This is really unnecessary but we will do it since you are being such a pain about it. Let me contact Roman....he's been worried as well." They walked to Logan's car and as soon as they got in Logan texted Roman.
They reached his home and got out of the car.
"This can't be where he lives...it looks abandoned." They knocked on the door and nobody answered but the door swung open. Patton entered and saw broken photos and a mattress stuffed into a corner. He looked at Logan shocked. Roman walked in a few minutes later and gasped.
"He lives here!? What a mess...poor kid..." Roman walked over and gasped. "He's alone..." Logan walked over to see a news article taped to the wall. He gasped.
"How come he hasn't been put in the system yet! Oh my.." Patton started to cry.
"Where could he be..." Logan sighed.
"Since he is not here, he is most likely trying to run away from something."
"No..." Roman looked up. "Logan, Virgil isn't one to just up and run away when confronted. He may have been very hot headed and stubborn that first week, but he wouldn't have just left everything precious to him here like this. Something is horribly wrong." Logan looked at the ground. He's never actually cared more about a student than he does Virgil. Virgil talks to him and stays after just to help clean messes he himself didn't make. Virgil was an amazing student and to think something bad has happened to him is just horrible.
"Let's just hope we find out soon" Logan whispered.
Virgil opened his eyes and he felt dizzy. He was in a dimly lit, green room. He was laying on a mattress, chains held him down. He started to cry. What the hell did Remus want with him. Suddenly the door opened and Remus entered the room, without saying a word he forced Virgil to his feet and dragged him into the kitchen. Virgil stared at him as tears flowed down his cheeks.
"Please let me go home, I-I promise I won't say anything to anyone about this please..." Remus walked over and wiped Virgils tears. Virgil flinched.
"Oh come on now, we both know you don't want to go home to nothing. Relax. You won't be going to school for awhile." Remus pushes Virgil into a chair. He tied Virgil down. Virgil started to cry harder.
"Please R-Remus please..." Virgil tried to get out of the restraints. "Why are you doing this?" Suddenly Remus held a knife and Virgil shook. "Please don't hurt me..." Remus chuckled as he walked into the kitchen and prepared some food. Twenty minutes later he dropped a plate down in front of Virgil and Untied him.
"Eat." He gestured at the food. "It's been a week since I took you here, you must be starved." Virgil grabbed them fork and started to eat. When he was done Remus smirked. He suddenly dragged Virgil towards the bathroom. Virgil fell to his knees. "Now, look at you, you ate too much." Virgil stared at Remus confused. "You must feel sick right now."
"what are you saying? Your the one who made the food for me!" Virgil screamed. Remus got into his face.
"If I don't see you throwing it back up in ten minutes, you will be punished. Now throw. it. up." Remus kicked Virgil. Virgil started to cry.
"Please Remus what did I do..." he tried to get away from him.
"You must feel sick, don't you?" He asked. "You poor child. You ate too much." Virgils eyes widened when he realized what was happening.
"You...how do you..." Virgil shook his head. "I've gotten over it! Leave me alone!"
"Aren't you feeling sick? Throw up Virgil, won't that make you feel better?" Virgil tried to back away from Remus but Remus forced his mouth open. He stuck his finger down Virgils throat and Virgil felt all the contents in his stomach spill out into the toilet. "There there little Virg. Everything will be just fine." Virgil wiped his mouth and tried to back away from Remus.
"S-Stop!" He squirmed when Remus grabbed him and did the same thing, causing him to throw up again.
"You poor thing, emptying out your stomach like you are. You must really be feeling ill" Remus stood back and Virgil wiped his face of tears. "Now Virg, do you know why you are here?" Virgil looked up at Remus.
"Because you are a psycho!" He shouted. Remus growled. Virgils throat hurt from throwing up so much. Remus grabbed his arm and dragged him from the bathroom. He threw him to the bed and tied his ankle down.
"How many times, did you tell Patton something was wrong with my classroom? How many times did you report me?" He chuckled. "How many times did you and Janus disrupt me while I was watching my movie to ask a question about classwork that I specifically said don't bother me for? Do you know how hard I worked to get these kids to trust me and now you try and ruin that? Well Virg, I know a lot about you and while we spend some time together while you are here, I hope you know I'm going to make your life hell." He walked out of the room.
"YOU KIDNAPPED ME OVER THAT!" Virgil shouted after him. He started to cry and he held his stomach. It hurt. He promised Patton he would never purposely throw up again, but did he break that promise if technically Remus forced him to throw up? Virgil pulled his knees to his chest and leaned back against the wall. Why did this psycho want to torture him over stupid things like classroom interruptions? Was anyone even looking for him? He wiped his face. He'll get out of this somehow.
****Patton (two days later)****
"Hey Remus!" Patton danced over to the teacher standing by his door.
"Why hello Patton." Remus smiles.
"Me and a few of the other teachers were going to go out and look for a student of theirs..." Patton looked down sadly. "He's also one of your students..."
"Oh...Virgil, right?" He asked. Patton nodded sadly.
"Wait did you find him!" Janus came running towards us.
"No Dee, unfortunately the police haven't given us anything either." Remus laughed.
"Sorry, wrong time to laugh but I just...why do you trust they'll find the kid in the first place? Didn't you say he was all alone either way? Maybe they shrugged it off as the kid running away and disappearing because he didn't want to be put into the system." Remus rolled his eyes. "Besides, the kid was a nuisance anyways."
"That's really mean Remus!" Patton cried. Janus walked away with a crying Patton. Patton looked down at him.
"I'm sure he's gonna be okay." Janus smiled. "If I know Virgil at all, he's very resourceful." Patton and Janus sat down in Patton's office coloring for the rest of the day. Will we find him okay or will it be too late?
Remus entered the room and didn't say a word as he gripped Virgils arm and dragged him towards Remuss room. Virgil shook and tried to pull away.
"W-Why are we going in there you creep!" Virgil tried to pull away but Remus shoves him towards the bed. Virgil coward away as quick as he could. "Please...please don't hurt me like that!" Remus rolled his eyes and opened his closet. He pointed at a dog crate.
"Get in." Virgil stared at it in horror. "I can't have you running around while I'm at school, get. In." Virgil was shaking in fear as he crawled into the dog crate. There was just enough space for him to sit up, his head barely touching the top of the crate. Remus placed a tray down. "You know what I expect when I come back." He turned and left, locking the closet door. Virgil felt tears roll down his cheeks as he held his knees close to his chest. Why was remus torturing him like this? He glared at the food. If he was just going to throw it back up forcefully what was the point of even eating it? Virgil closed his eyes. He just has to hope he won't get hurt because of it. After what felt like hours, the door opened. "Oh what a shame, you didn't like your food?" Remus dragged Virgil from the cage. "You haven't eaten in days Virg, you might get even more sick that way."
"Well maybe, if you didn't make me throw it up every time then I'd eat it!" He shouted. Remus shoved him against the wall.
"You know I don't like it when you back talk me." Remus grabbed Virgils arm tightly and dragged him to the green room. He attached the chain to his leg and then left. Why did this crazy psycho think kidnapping and torturing him was even a good idea? Virgil sighed. He remembered how Patton looked so excited to see him making friends, how excited Janus...dee, was when they actually were able to talk for the first time. God he misses them. Did they even know he was missing or did they assume he ran away? He hoped they didn't think he was running away.
****flashback to the first week of school ****
"Don't worry, I don't like him either." The kid Virgil recognizes as the one that was being laughed at in remuss class places books in the locker besides his own.
"Are you alright? I saw those kids..." Virgil looked down sadly. "I'm sorry I didn't stop them."
"Hey, it's alright." He said with a smile. "My names Janus, but Patton started calling me Dee awhile ago and it kind of stuck with me so if you want you can call me that too!" Virgil smiled at that.
"My names Virgil, Patton calls me Virg for some reason." He chuckled as he caught Dee smiling even wider.
"I don't think Virg suits you very well." Virgil laughed.
"Neither do I." He laughed. "What's remuss deal anyways?"
"He's been working here for years, and Patton doesn't have the heart to fire him......" Virgil sighed.
"So that's why Patton hasn't done anything about the way he teaches?" Virgil grumbled. Dee stopped smiling and started to shake.
"Vi-Virgil..." he gestured behind him and Virgil saw Remus standing there with a raised eyebrow.
"I thought I told you never to tell Patton how I teach, did you really do that?" He asked. "You know what, whatever. I've got my eyes on you Virgil." Virgil turned to look at Dee.
"Seriously, what is his deal?"
Virgil looked up as the door opened. Remus placed a tray down in front of Virgil. Virgil shook his head.
"I'm not eating that, and you know I won't so get out." Virgil backed away.
"You better, if not I'll just have Dee join you here. Do you want that?" Remus threatened. Virgil let his eyes widen.
"Y-You wouldn't dare!" He cried. His throat dry from the lack of water in his system.
"I would, now eat up you little monster. Maybe I'll let you keep it down this time for being good." Virgil let even more tears flow down his face as he took the food and ate it all.
"J-Just don't bring Dee here." Virgil whispered. Remus smiled and walked out of the room. Virgil groaned as he held his stomach. It hurt. He hadn't been eating in the last few days due to Remus making him throw it up whenever he did, so he didn't want to touch food knowing Remus would make him throw it up...but he did this to protect dee. He couldn't risk him being kidnapped as well. Remus entered again and handed Virgil a towel.
"Go take a shower, bathrooms over there. I took out everything you could use to hurt yourself so you can't. I'll be back in twenty minutes." He walked out of the room after unchaining his leg. Virgil walked over to the bathroom and started to strip. He looked at his wrist and more tears filled his eyes. He shouldn't be alive after all those attempts. He just wanted to see his family again! He turned on the water and climbed in, washing his hair and body. When he was done he wrapped himself in a towel and saw that his clothes had disappeared and were replaced with what looked like an inmates uniform except it was sweatpants and a tank top not a jump suit. He glared at it. After putting it on he walked out of the bathroom to find Remus waiting on the bed.
"What do you..." Virgil let his eyes widen as he heard a noise in the closet.
"I brought you a friend." Remus smiled as he walked over and opened the closet. Dee sat there in the cage crying his eyes out. Virgil ran over to the cage and threw it open pulling Dee out and into his lap. Dee wrapped his arms around Virgils neck and cried even harder.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" Virgil shouted. He started to cry as he held the shaking Dee. "I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T!" Dee pulled away and wiped his face. Remus walked out of the room without another word. Virgil looked at Dee and started crying harder.
"Virg?" He asked. Virgil cried even harder.
"I'm so sorry your stuck here with me." He whispered.
"T-That monsters had you this entire time!?" Dee cried. "H-He was acting so normal at school...we were even talking about you with Patton and Logan..." dee frowned. "Virgil...why are you so small?"
"H-He's been forcing me to throw up after I eat..." Virgil looked away disappointed. "I'm sorry."
"Virgil..." Dee sighed sadly and wiped Virgils tears. "It's been 9 days since you went missing. What else has he done to you?"
"He's locked me in my room inside that cage when he goes to work..." Virgil looked at his feet. "He sometimes puts me in his closet locked away so he can make sure it's dark knowing I'm scared of the dark..." Virgil started crying again. "At least with my closet I can at least see a little bit of light...his closet has no light and in the cage it's so hard to not feel lost..."
"Virgil you look so sick..." he wiped Virgils face. Virgil looked at Dee.
"It's my fault he brought you here..." Virgil started crying even harder. "He said he wouldn't if I ate..."
"Virgil I can protect myself you know." Dee wiped his eyes. "Besides, he forgot I have a cell phone." Dee showed Virgil his phone. "I'm calling Logan." Dee dialed his number and when Logan picked up the door slammed open. Dee hid the phone quickly.
"Virgil, you feeling okay kiddo?" Remus stood and grabbed his arm. Tears flowed down his cheeks even faster.
"Please remus you said... you said I don't have to." Virgil was shaking. "Please..."
"This isn't my fault kiddo, your the one feeling sick." He dragged Virgil from the room.
"N-NO!" Virgil whined as he was thrown to the bathroom floor. Remus got closer to him. He shoved Virgil towards the toilet and stuck his hand in his mouth. Virgil bit his hand and ran. He ran towards the door and screamed when he saw that it was locked. He turned around to find a furious Remus standing above him.
"Fine, I tried to be nice." He dragged Virgil behind him to his bedroom. Virgil being too weak to fight back let himself be dragged behind Remus. Hopefully Logan heard who was behind this whole thing and called the cops.
"Dee!" Patton shouted happily as he answered Logans phone. He put it on speaker for Logan and Roman to both hear. They heard crying. Suddenly they heard a door slam open. Oh god.
"Virgil, you feeling okay kiddo?" Logan's eyes went wide as he realized before the other two who's voice that was. He looked at them. The other two stared at the phone in shock.
"Whoever took Dee has Virg!" Patton gasped.
"Please remus you said...you said I dont have to. Please." Virgil pleaded. Logans eyes widened as he tried to think of the many possible situations Virgil could be in.
"This isn't my fault kiddo, your the one feeling sick." Remus said. Logan gasped and looked at Patton, remembering that Patton had cried into his shoulder after finding out that Virgil had an eating disorder. Was Remus forcing Virgil to feel sick? By doing what? They heard the door slam shut and some more yelling. Suddenly someone was moving the phone.
"Y-You still there?" Dee asked.
"Yes!" Patton cried.
"He's been forcing Virgil to throw up every meal! He's been...he's been locking him inside a closet. He's so small and it's only been 9 days!" Patton started crying.
"I can't believe my own brother would do this..." Roman looked at the two. "Do we know why he took you Dee?"
"Virgil keeps blaming himself for it...he keeps saying that Remus took me because he didn't behave." Dee sighed. "I don't know where we are but I know it's Remus that has us somewhere. Please you have to find us. Please....he doesn't know I have my phone or that you guys know he has us please do me a favor and don't make it obvious you know it's him he might hurt Virgil." Logan nodded his head and looked at the other two.
"Of course Dee, please take care of Virgil. We'll find you as soon as we can." Dee hung up after saying a quick goodbye.
"How can we just pretend everything's normal around Remus! He kidnapped two of our students!" Roman shouted. "And for what reason! Why is he forcing Virgil-."
"Roman, calm down please. If we even act like we know somethings off with Remus then he might hurt the kids, we can't have that. So please...please Roman."
"I know we can't risk it but...we have to find them." Roman wiped his face of tears. "Why would he do this..."
"We can't sit here and wonder why, we need to think of places they could possibly be." Logan spoke up and he looked down at his phone. "Otherwise Virgil can get more sick within the time we try and find them." They all looked at eachother. "are you ready for this? Your brother will be arrested for what he's done, are you okay with that?" Roman nodded his head.
"We need to find those kids. Virgil, he's alone in this world he needs a family and right now we are his best shot at getting him home to one." Roman grabbed Patton's hand. "We will get both Dee and Virgil back. To hell with my brother I don't care about him after what he's done." Logan smiled at the two.
"Alright love birds, lets get to looking."
Remus sat Dee and Virgil down at the table, handcuffing their feet to the bottom of the table so they couldn't run. He placed a plate in front of Dee and then handed one to Virgil. Virgil stared at him disgusted.
"I'm not eating that, you'll make me throw it up anyways." He shoved the plate away.
"Virg, eat your supper or I will not let Dee eat." Virgil quickly looked over at Janus who wasn't touching his plate. He sadly smiled and grabbed his fork.
"Virgil no..." Janus frowned.
"I don't want you to be sick.." Virgil whispered as he started to eat.
"Good boys, I'll be back in a few." He walked out of the house. Virgil put his fork down and started crying.
"I can't eat it..." Janus reached over and held Virgils hand.
"It's alright Virgil." Janus smiles sadly.
"If I don't eat it he'll know..." Virgil wiped his face.
"I know...but I don't want you to get sick on accident Virgil...eat what you can?" He suggested. Virgil smiled. They sat in silence for a little while then Virgil spoke.
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