《Monster (a Sanderssides human AU)》Twenty: hahaha surprise you get nothing
***janus (a few weeks later)***
He opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. He heard the bedroom door open and immediately closed his eyes pretending not to notice.
"I saw that." He groaned and sat up.
"What exactly?" He asked. She walked over to him and sat besides him. He glared. She laughed and gently reached over touching his cheek, stroking it with her finger.
"When will you stop with that sarcasm?" She hummed.
"When you finally let me go." Janus replied as he smacked her hand away from his face.
"They haven't even been looking for you so why should I even bother letting you leave?" Janus looked away.
"I know they haven't, but I would really rather be home than here with a crazy bitch." He spat. She scoffed.
"Look at me Janus." Janus shook his head. "Look. At. Me." She growled. Janus shook his head again. She harshly grabbed his face and turned him to face her. "You are home. You will never go back there. They don't want you." Janus started to cry. She does this everytime she comes in. She tries brainwashing him into thinking they won't want him, that they won't bring him home safe. He glared through his tears.
"I know they don't. like I have said a lot already, but I know they'd rather me be home than here where anything can happen to me!" He lashed out and she growled.
"Oh you shouldn't have done that..." Janus tried to run for the door but she pulled him back and threw him down. "Maybe it's time we actually brought in the big guns and scrambled that big brain of yours. You need to forget them, they will never come for you." Janus flinched as she held his wrist even tighter.
"Just leave me alone!" Janus cried. She laughed.
"Oh most definitely not." She dragged him to his feet. "It's time to scramble your brain and make you obedient." She pulled him after her and he shook. He tried to fight back but she shocked him every single time. He felt tired so he let her drag him through the hall. No matter what they do I will find my way back to you Virgil, I promise. Janus was thrown down into a chair and he looked around. He picked out the razor from his pocket when she left and immediately bit his lip.
"I promise..." Janus took a deep breathe and spelt out in shaky scratches Even if she did scramble his brains, he would have to remind himself to look for Virgil. He dropped the razor and the door flew open. He pulled down his sleeve as they got closer and attached him to the chair. This wouldn't be fun.
"Nope." Virgil folded his arms across his chest. "Fuck off." Remus sighed and placed the food down on the dresser.
"You need to eat, you know how worried you are making Logan and the others right now?" Remus started walking away and Virgil stood grabbing his arm. "What's wrong?" Virgil pulled him into a hug.
"I'm worried about him..." Remus sighed.
"I am too, it's my fault..." Remus sighed. "I don't want to put you at risk...but I know where they are..." Remus pulled away.
"How!?" He asked. Remus pulled out his phone.
"S-She uhm..." Remus handed Virgil his phone and Virgil looked down at the text.
missing someone? ((Image)) (Janus tied to a chair)
I swear to fucking god if you hurt him I won't hesitate to kill you! Let him go this is between us two
nah we'll play awhile~
if you lay your hands on him I will find you and I will chop off every single finger! You understand me!
((image)) (Janus laying chained to a bed, shirtless cuts over his chest and arms)
he's fought back quite a few times, and until he learns to behave he will receive punishment.
Virgil looked up at Remus sadly.
"Remus, don't blame yourself she's clearly not right in the head. What she's done to Janus I promise we can help him but we need to figure out what to do to find him." Remus nodded.
"He's probably scared right now and he's alone..." Remus looked at his feet.
"I feel awful for not telling Patton and Roman about this..."
"Patton is still recovering I'd feel even worse if he tried to leave..." Remus said. "And you are going nowhere near this situation, I know you want to bring him home and I know you want to help me find him but I am not putting you in harms way! Definitely not because of me again." Virgil grabbed his hand and smiled sadly.
"It wouldn't be because of you it would be because of whoever took Janus and since you clearly aren't getting help from Roman or Patton, and you haven't even bothered asking dad, im coming with you." Remus face palmed.
"You are absolutely insane, you know that?" Virgil chuckled.
"Uh duh." Virgil hugged Remus. "We'll get him home."
Logan glanced at his phone and walked out of the room, answering it.
"And why are you calling me?! Your parents are worried-."
"Oh I know they are Logic, hey Janus want to say hi to Logic?" Logan shook his head.
"You crazy bitch!" He growled. She just laughed.
"Come on Janus, say hi to Logic." Logan listened to the quiet conversation going on and he started to cry.
"Leave him be!" Logan cried.
"Fine, fine." Logan looked back at the room where Roman was talking to Patton and then out the window.
"Where are you?" He asked.
"I sent you the address, I'll be expecting you." The phone hung up and Logan walked back into the room.
"I'll be back soon, I have some things I need to take care of." Logan ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Patton you should rest." Logan nodded at Roman and then left the room after grabbing his bag. He walked to his car and banged his fist against the cars steering wheel. "Fuck!" Tears flowed down his face. If he hadn't argued with Janus, he would never have been put into danger. This was all his fault. He drove out of the parking garage and sped his way to the address. He was going to save Janus.
"And you think he actually gives a fuck? Please...neither of them are coming." She laughed and looked at him through the reflection in the mirror as she fixed her makeup.
"I think you under estimate how much you actually mean to all of them." She turned around and walked over to him, tugging on the collar around his neck. "They will both be coming and then I can kill them."
"Yeah, you are an absolute psycho." Janus rolled his eyes. She slapped him and he flinched.
"I'm very upset scrambling your brains hasn't worked out yet it would have been perfect to see them so upset that you don't remember them..." she pulled away and walked back over to the mirror.
"You won't win." Janus glared at her. She put down her hair brush and glared at him.
"Do you ever shut up?" Janus laughed.
"Remus hated that about me, I do not." She turned towards him again.
"Maybe you will after I fuck-." There was a door being banged open and she rolled her eyes. "Rude..." she left the room and Janus struggled against the chains holding him to the bed. The door opened and Janus looked over at it. His eyes widened and he started crying.
"Virgil?" Virgil ran over and tried to get the chains off huffing in frustration when they wouldn't come undone.
"Are you alright Jan?" Virgil touched his face and Janus leaned into the touch.
"I am now..." he glanced up at the chains. "She has the key..."
"I don't know why she took you..." Virgil looked at the door as it slammed open.
"That's an easy one, now shut your trap. Move away from Janus and come here to my side or so help me I'll kill him." Virgil stepped away from Janus and glared at her as he put his hands up.
"Relax..." Virgils eyes widened as he made eye contact with her. "Oh hell no! You should have just taken me you bitch! Let Janus go!" She laughed and walked over to Virgil playing with his hair.
"Now where's the fun in that anxiety? I had fun with you but Janus here, he's definitely more of a fighter than you were." Janus struggled against the chains.
"Stop!" He cried. She walked out of the room and Virgil ran over to Janus again.
"I...I'm so sorry Jan. We didn't come after you..." the door opened and Remus was thrown into the room with the two.
"Logic is on his way. See you soon boys." She left and Remus looked at Janus, immediately taking a step back.
"Look, Janus I just want to protect you from-."
"You came after me?" Janus asked. Remus laughed a bit.
"Well yeah, After everything I did I know why you can't trust me but I don't want you to get hurt because of me, again." Remus glared at the door. "And I'm not letting her keep you or Virgil."
"You aren't mad?" Janus asked. Remus walked over and pulled a Bobby pin from his hair, he got the chains undone and then smiled.
"Course not." Janus hugged Remus who awkwardly Pat Janus on the back. Janus pulled away and looked at Virgil who sat down and hugged Janus.
"This is not your fault Remus." Janus immediately said. Remus sighed.
"Yeah it is, none of this would have happened had I not been psycho and kidnapped and r-." Remus looked down at his hands and took a deep breathe. "Had I not did what I did in the past."
"I'm scared..." Janus said quickly. Virgil held him.
"Same..." Virgil glanced at the doorway then back at Remus. "Dad is coming you don't think that means she'll also try and get Roman and Patton? Or try and finish Patton off?" Remus looked at his hands.
"I'm hoping not..." Remus sat down and Virgil pulled Janus into a hug as they sat together. "If she comes back in at all I'll try and get you guys set free okay? Don't fight me on that..."
"Remus..." Remus looked at Janus. Janus felt so guilty for everything. Remus was willing to sacrifice himself to save them when a few years ago he didn't even given a shit that they were malnourished and sick! Janus had thought he hadn't changed but he really did. "I'm sorry for thinking you never changed." Remus just laughed.
"If you believed me so easily I would have been worried." Remus smiled at the two boys and Janus laughed as Virgil rolled his eyes.
"I only trusted you right away because dad did, I know that he's a good judge of character, so if he didn't trust that you were better I wouldn't have trusted it either." Remus nodded.
"I just hope you guys can get out of this." He looked down. Janus smiled a bit and reached for remuss hand squeezing it.
"Don't worry we all will." Remus squeezed back and smiled.
"Thanks for that."
"Something was off about Logan after that phone call..." Patton mumbled. Roman pulled away from the cuddle pile and looked at the door.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm sure. He wouldn't have been acting like that if not...and Janus hasn't been by to visit you don't think they had a fight right?" Roman looked down.
"Patt..." he looked back up. "There's something I have to tell you about Janus."
"What happened!?" Patton asked scared.
"He's been gone for a few weeks, we think he was kidnapped."
"And why didn't you tell me!?" Patton cried.
"We knew you'd try and go find him! Patton relax!" Roman held him down. Patton slapped him away.
"How could you let this happen!? When did it happen!?" Patton cried.
"He had an argument with Logan in the hallway, and when me and Virgil stepped out to see what was happening he had run off.."
"AND NONE OF YOU WENT AFTER HIM!" Patton went to get up so Roman pushed him back down. "Roman get off! It's our son who ran off and he's probably hurt!"
"I'm sure he's fine you need rest come on please patton-."
"Get out. Just go." Roman sighed and walked out. Patton immediately started to cry. He should have told them that Iris was in his room. He sighed. Great.
He walked and stood by the window looking out at the street.
"Aww you sad?" Roman looked up and saw a nurse. Roman laughed.
"It's just...I hate hospitals." She laughed.
"I know someplace you might not hate." She hummed.
"That's seriously inappropriate." Roman shook his head.
"Oh come on Roman." Roman paused and looked at her. He immediately recognized she was wearing a wig and he reached for it, ripping it off.
"IRIS!?" He backed away from her.
"Hello dear." She hummed. "Now, I don't know why he lived but anyway...logic and trash rat are at my place with anxiety and deceit so do you want to come with me to save your family?" Roman glanced at the direction of pattons room.
"Leave them out of this! What the hell is wrong with you?!" He growled.
"You got me arrested!" She shoved him against the wall. He hissed in pain and then slapped her away.
"HELP!" Suddenly security came running over separating the two. "S-she's insane!"
"Hey you assaulted me I was defending myself!" She cried.
"What is happening?" Patton left his room then froze seeing Iris. "Oh hell no."
"Sir?" The officer asked.
"Get this nurse out of here please, she sexually assaulted me in my room and I don't want her anywhere near me or my husband." The security guard dragged her out and Roman ran to Patton. "A-are you okay Ro?"
"She did what..." Patton looked down.
"Yeah.." Patton sat back down in his bed and Roman suddenly pulled him into a hug.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Roman asked. Patton sighed.
"I was hurting, I didn't think you would believe me so I didn't bother trying..." Patton looked down. "Besides she's done worse to everyone else her being in my hospital room attempting to fuck me isn't exactly bad in comparison to that."
"Patton please don't compare your trauma to anyone else's, what happened still happened. She hurt you...and I just want to be here to make sure that you are alright and that she doesn't touch you again." Patton leaned into Roman and the two ended up curling up and falling asleep.
—-hours later—-
Roman heard his phone beep and he looked at it. Logan was calling him.
"Hello?" Patton opened his eyes and stared. Roman put the phone on speaker.
"Iris..." Logan groaned. "And she wants you to come but do not leave Patton alone you understand me?"
"Hey Lo, don't tell us what to do." Patton said. Roman laughed.
"Wow Patton..." Patton kissed Roman and then smiled sadly.
"Just be safe okay?" Roman nodded.
"I will be, Lo I'm coming." Roman kissed Patton one last time and then left the room. Patton let tears fall down his face. He was really just letting Roman leave him...god he's stupid.
"Nope! Nope! Nope! Not happening!" Virgil folded his arms across his chest and glared at Iris. "Out."
"Wow someone grew some balls." Iris laughed. Virgil rolled his eyes.
"I swear to fuck if you don't get out of my sight right now I will fucking stab you you pathetic excuse for a-." Janus covered Virgils mouth.
"Jesus." Virgil stopped and Janus removed his hand.
"Whatever, just do as we say." She walked out.
"I was handling that." Virgil grumbled.
"No, no you weren't." Janus crossed his arms.
"Boys, relax." Logan quickly said as he looked at the two.
"Says the one who practically looks like he got attacked by a fucking bear." Janus growled. Remus looked at the two.
"Seriously Janus, shut up." Remus looked down at Logan. Virgil glanced at Logan.
"It doesn't look that bad, really." Virgil glanced away. Logan flinched.
"Right..." Logan mumbled.
"At least-." The door opened and Janus shut up. "Nevermind." Virgil looked over at Logan then at Roman who was thrown into the room with them.
"YOU ACTUALLY CALLED HIM!?" virgil cried. Roman laughed.
"Chill Virgil I'm fine, I don't know what's happening but...we are all together so it's fine." Virgil glanced at Roman as he tapped his pants pocket. "There's only like 3 of them, and there's the four of us." Virgil laughed as the door slammed shut and Roman pulled out his phone which was on call with the police. (
"We are sending someone they are on their way to you." Roman smiled.
"Okay, I'll hide the phone so you can keep tracing the call." Roman immediately hid the phone and smiled. "I'm not as dumb as we've been." Remus laughed.
"Yeah apparently they don't know how to properly kidnap." Logan smacked remuss head and Remus chuckled.
"Jerk" Logan smiled. Roman looked between the two and then at Virgil who smiled a bit. Roman walked over and stood by the two boys.
"I swear if he hurts him..."
"Don't worry I've already threatened to kill him." Roman laughed and ruffled Virgils hair. They heard sirens and they all smiled at eachother. This time they all made it out alive.
****Logan (a few months later)****
"Heading out." Logan grabbed his jacket. Remus bounced over and hands him his bag kissing his cheek.
"Forgetting something?" He chuckled. Logan rolled his eyes.
"No, I knew you had it you kind of took it and ran off with it as a way to try and stop me from leaving. I have to go to work love." Remus groaned.
"Can't you just stay home?" Virgil entered the room eating an apple, his bag over his shoulder.
"Gross." He walked by the two rolling his eyes. "I'll be out in the car waiting dad, please don't let him convince you to stay home...it's creepy and weird." Remus laughed.
"Wow you are a rude little-." Logan covered Remuss mouth and rolled his eyes.
"Bye Remus, see you after work." He quickly kissed his cheek and him and Virgil left the house.
"You guys are so gross." Logan smiled as they got into the car. He laughed at Virgil who stuck out his tongue.
"It's called showing affection." Virgil sat in and buckled up rolling his eyes.
"It's called being a gross over affectionate couple like Roman and Patton." They drove to the school and when they got out Logan smiled at Patton who was greeting the kids at the door. Patton smiled at Logan and waved.
"Hey guys." Logan walked over and hugged him.
"Hey Patton, hows everything?" Patton smiled.
"We are back on track! Uh back still hurts a bit but nothing pain meds can't fix." Patton looked at Virgil as he walked into the school. "So how's..."
"My relationship is fine Patton." Logan rolled his eyes. Patton and Roman always ask him about it every day. Virgil always calls them gross, and Janus just avoids the topic. As always it's routine. They don't fully trust Remus yet. "I trust him." Patton laughed.
"And we trust you but you know how it is..."
"I know, I know, now come on. Or else we'll be late." They walked into the school laughing and talking. Logan looked around the school and smiled. Back to the start. Everything is perfect.
- In Serial399 Chapters
The Rise of the Winter Wolf
What would you do if your entire life was suddenly changed at the drop of a hat? The entire population of the world that you were born into suddenly transported to another planet along with the rest of the intelligent inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy. A strange System talking to you about abilities and levels without a care for your opinions. Thousands of monster spawning dungeons placed around the new world without a care for the new inhabitants. And if those weren't bad enough, a forced invitation for one thousand random individuals to compete in a livestreamed competition within a dungeon with the rank of Administrator as the prize. You don’t know? Well, it’s actually pretty simple. You survive. Our story follows Wolf Adler as he, along with every other human on Earth, are faced with a strange blue box filling up their vision, warning them about an upcoming reappropriation of every being of sufficient intelligence to a new planet for the initialization of some sort of System. Will he perish in this new world? Or will he thrive? Except for the first 4 chapters, Book 1 has been moved to Amazon Kindle Unlimited. Except for the first 4 chapters, Book 2 has been moved to Amazon Kindle Unlimited. If you do not have the financial means to purchase the books, then you may DM me on discord through my discord channel for a pdf version of the book. There is only one main protagonist, but the story does have more than one perspective that it is told from. It's mostly first person from the main protagonist and third person perspective for the livestreams. The beginning of the story has also been massively rewritten since most of the reviews as of 1/23/2022. The release schedule right now is dependent on my college classes and coursework, but I always try to keep it to at least one chapter every other day, if not one chapter every day. I do not write sexual content or harem stuff. I am also not very interested in writing romance, so if you think you might see some romance, then you are probably wrong unless it's only a slight hint at romance or a slow romance very far into the story. Lastly, know that I don't like long-winding antagonists that get on everyone's nerves and last throughout the entire story. And I do like plot twists, so if you are predicting something that you think is going to happen later on that you dislike, (particularly around the middle to end of book two) then it likely won't happen.
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Earth Exodus
Elliot isn't the first one taken, he was the last, or one of them at least. Careless divines, gods, or higher powers had been snatching humans through numerous means over the years. Those that returned brought minor tokens of their previous power if anything at all. Over time unrestrained magic became commonplace on earth. Which must have brought attention to us. The earth is ravaged by increasing levels of rogue magics, divines, and a war over resources and experience. Eventually resulting in a mass exodus of the remaining powerless humans by a coalition of gods.Now translocated to Vauthia where everyone has been given a path to power. They're met with an unfortunate reality. They've only been rescued from one dying world to be tasked with saving the new one. While at the same time they're apparently supposed to compete with one another. Meanwhile Elliot wasn't just given a path to power. He was given a choice. The opportunity for true power is offered. When as he reaches for it the power isn't all it's cracked up to be.Systemless in a world where everyone else has access to one Elliot must grapple with a multitude of problems from without and within. The 'gods' might actually be incompetent, uncaring, downright malicious, or all three. His power is constantly three steps behind those who chose the quick path to power. There's also the antisocial tendencies he's brought with him from earth. Can he trust the 'god' who seems to be taking him under their wing? Will he be able to catch up to his fellow earthlings who're ever increasing in power? Is it possible he may just break out of his shell along the way?*** What to expect ***The initial start will be quite slow, building the setting, history, and individuals involved. There is a small bit of progression in these early chapters for the MC, but more along the lines of figuring out how their systemless power works. though once the story gains traction it won't stop.*** Don't tell Elliot, but ***Elliot hates to admit it but he's very clearly antisocial. Not to mention troubles with thinking that stem from several un-diagnosed disorders he'd rather believe don't exist.*** Image Copyright *** //In this satellite image released by Copernicus Sentinel imagery, 2020 twitter page dated Dec. 31, 2019, shows wildfires burning across Australia. COPERNICUS SENTINEL IMAGERY VIA AP
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