《Monster (a Sanderssides human AU)》Eighteen: Patton


He opened his eyes and looked around the hospital room. Nobody. Figures. He sat up slowly.

"You shouldn't be alive." Someone walked into the room and Patton looked up quickly. His heart started to race. "Calm yourself now, or you'll attract the nurses."

"What...how did you escape! Get out of here you crazy-." He reached for his phone but she grabbed it and smirked as she sat down besides him. He backed away a bit.

"Call me crazy bitch one more time..." he glared at her.

"Get away from me." Patton glared at her. "You should be locked up iris!" She grabbed his face.

"Should be, but I'm not. Now...you do as I say or I WILL kill Roman you understand me? They are on the way here, I want you to kiss Remus." Patton shook his head.

"What the fuck!? You are insane!" Patton glared at her.

"I may be, I know you hate him and that's why you ended up here is it not?" She asked. Patton shook his head.

"I'm not kissing him." She leaned forward.


"Alright then..." she pushed Patton down into the bed and climbed on top of him, he winced.

"Crazy bitch! I...it hurts." She leaned forward so her lips were close to his ear.

"That's the point." She kissed him heavily. He gasped and she let her tongue slip into his mouth. He struggled against her but it was no use, the wires holding him refused to budge and her being on top of him made pain travel across his entire body. Suddenly the door to his room opened and a nurse walked in.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you were awake! Oh your girlfriend must have been happy to uh...well I have to check your vitals so ma'am if you can uh..." Patton whimpered but iris covered his mouth and turned to look at the nurse. (⚠️)


"You interrupted me." She pouted. The nurse looked at Patton and Patton shook his head as tears filled his eyes.

"Get out." The nurse said quickly. "Or I'm calling security!" Iris got off of Patton and smirked turning around.

"I'll be back Patton dear." She left the room and the nurse ran over and called security. She helped Patton sit up and Patton shook.

"I... I need Roman." Tears filled his eyes again and he pulled his knees to his chest.

"I'm going to check your vitals, the security guard can stay outside your room alright?" Patton nodded. She went and checked his vitals and then nodded as she left the room. Patton looked towards the door.

"O-officer?" The security guard poked his head into the room. "My kid and my uh my boyfriend should be here soon...as well as my friend logan and his son please don't tell them about this..." the officer nodded his head. "Thanks." Suddenly the door opened and Janus walked in carrying some water.

"DAD!" he ran over and hugged him. "Wait..." he paused and looked at the security guard. "What happened!?"

"Uhm...well he tried to fight the nurse so I was called." The security guard looked at Patton who smiled thankfully at him.

"Dad what the hell?" Janus walked over and sat in the chair next to Patton. Patton shrugged.

"Flashbacks took over I freaked." The officer left the room and Janus looked around pausing. "You alright Jan?" He looked back at Patton.

"Why is your cell over there?" He got up and grabbed the phone off the floor. He looked around even more pausing. "Dad..." Patton followed his gaze and froze seeing iris had left a napkin with a kiss mark on it, in plain view. "Who was in here with you when I was gone?"


"J-Just the nurse and the officer." Janus looked at the napkin and then back at Patton.

"Bullshit." Patton looked at his hands and then back up at Janus.

"I'm sorry." Patton stared crying.

"I'm just glad you survived that crash dad." Patton smiled.

"Same.." Janus called Roman and looked away. "He's awake."

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