《Monster (a Sanderssides human AU)》Thirteen: logan
"Did you forgive him?" Logan put his fork down and glared across the table.
"We agreed we wouldn't be discussing the kidnapping mother." Logan growled. She put her fork and knife down and looked across the table at him.
"You agreed, I just want to know what in the hell you are thinking!" She growled. Logan looked away. "Look at me young man!" Logan shook as he looked up at her.
"Don't." Logan went to get up and she stood from her chair and grabbed his arm, she threw him back down into his chair.
"This dinner isn't over yet young man." She sat back down and Logan looked down at his plate. "You need to tell me more about this Virgil you have adopted. Will I meet my grandson?" Logan glared up at her.
"No." Logan stood up and shook his head. "Never in a million years! I will not let you meet him you abusive bitch!" She stood and smacked him so hard he fell to the ground. He held his cheek and tears filled his eyes.
"The doctors did tell me it would be best to keep you away from there, now go to your room. You will be locked in there until you need to take your medicine." She glared at him.
"I am thirty years old you can not keep me here like I'm a teenager!" Logan went to grab his keys and she harshly grabbed his arm. He cried out in pain. "Mother let me go!"
"You are going nowhere near that city again young man!" She dragged him to his room and threw him to the ground. His heartbeat picked up as he lifted his head to look at her before she slammed the door shut and locked the door. There was no windows in his bedroom so he couldn't see outside, he couldn't sneak out. Not that he ever wanted to as a teen but now? God now more than ever he wanted out of this damn house. He wanted to go back to Virgil. He heard a beep and looked towards his closet. Right his phone. He ran over to it and opened the message from Virgil.
Logan smiled. It felt nice seeing Virgil actually calling him dad even though he's done it a few times it warmed his heart even more knowing Virgil still wanted to call him that after all this time.
He clicked send just as he heard his bedroom door slam open. He looked up.
"Seriously Logan? Hiding? Come on give me it." Logan glared at her.
"I'm thirty years old, I don't need to do anything you tell me to do. Now let me out of this damn house!" Logan growled. She laughed.
"Oh honey no." She shook her head. "This is your new home. You aren't going there ever again. Especially after you let yourself be manipulated by that man! You let him walk all over you!" She went into a rant about the kidnapping and Logan was about to fight back when his phone started to ring. He froze and looked down seeing it was Virgil calling him. He answered.
"Vi-Virgil nows not the best time..." Logan backed away from his mother. "I have to go." Before he could hang up the phone she grabbed it.
"Oh hello Virgil! How nice to finally speak with you! Oh please call me nana, maybe you can come meet me soon? I'll text you the address. See you soon kid!" She hung up the phone and glared as she walked out of the room. Logan sat down on his bed and tried to calm down. He was thirty years old and trapped in his old bedroom. Yeah...he'd prefer being stuck with Remus over her.
Flashback to junior year of high school: (when Logan first met Patton)
Logan straightened the tie as he walked into the school. He walked to the office and smiled at the reception lady.
"Hi I'm Logan... I'm new here I was told I could get my schedule here?" The lady nodded and went into a couple of files grabbing some paperwork.
"Logan sanders correct?" She asked. Logan nodded and she handed him his paperwork. He thanked her and left the office, only to run into someone and drop everything.
"I-I'm so sorry I'm not usually this clumsy." Logan apologized as he helped quickly gather his things and the other person's belongings.
"Hey woah slow down it's alright." The kid stood up and smiled at Logan. "I'm Patton." He reached out his hand and Logan flinched suddenly and then realized Patton wasn't going to hit him and sighed relaxing. "Are you alright?" Logan nodded and smiled reaching out his own hand.
"It's very nice to meet you." Logan looked down at pattons shoes and saw he was wearing a very hidden rainbow. He smiled. "Aly or are you a part of the community?" He asked as he looked up. Patton froze. Shit he asked the wrong question. "S-sorry that was rude of me to ask-."
"It's fine. I'm not exactly out, but I'm bisexual." Patton smiled at him. "You can relax, no need to be so tense it was just a curios question!" Patton giggled. "I can already tell we are going to be great friends." Logan smiled. Great friends indeed.
The door to his room opened and Logan looked up. He glared at his father.
"You two need to stop treating me like a child and let me out of this damn house!" He stood up from his bed. "I need to go home to my real family."
"Shut up and sit your ass back down on that bed." His father growled. Logan stood still and shook his head.
"I will not do as you say, I'm not staying here and you two are going nowhere near my son. If you put your hands on him I will-." He got closer to Logan and shoved him backwards causing him to lose his footing.
"Like you can do anything right. You are nothing but a dumb ass. You allowed yourself to not only be raped by a man, but by several women too. You can't fight back so no use trying. Sit back and shut the fuck up." His dad left the room and Logan ran for the door.
"If you put your hands on my son I swear to god I will kill you!" He punched the door and felt his heartbeat pick up when he heard his mothers voice downstairs and a door opening. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. "Virgil!!" He banged on the door. He heard footsteps come upstairs and his door opened. His father dragged him downstairs but stopped before they entered the living room.
"Don't tell him a god damn thing." His father walked into the room and Logan followed immediately running and hugging his son.
"Hey Virgil." Logan kissed his head and then pulled him close as the two sat down on the couch.
"Oh come on Logan, I'm excited to meet my grandson!" Logan glared at her.
"Mother, you let him leave right now." Logan growled. Virgil looked at them confused.
"Dad?" He asked. Logan looked at Virgil and then back at his parents.
"He's been through enough I swear to fucking God I will burn this house to the ground if you lay your hands on him!" Virgil looked at the two other adults and then back at Logan. Virgil stood and ran for the door but stopped when Logan's dad pulled out a knife and pointed it at Logan's throat.
"Kid, maybe it's best you don't walk out that door right now. Come sit back down with your father and relax, you will be here awhile." Virgil looked at Logan eyes wide with fear.
"Virgil no! Go!" Logan glared at the knife and then back at his son. "Please Virgil don't-." Logan's mom grabbed hold of Virgils arm and dragged him towards the stairs. "MOTHER!" Logan shoved his father away and ran and grabbed Virgil from her.
"I'm scared." Virgil held Logan tightly.
"It's okay, I've got you." Logan glared at his parents. "You let him leave this house, he doesn't need to be here. I wish I wasn't here either but you somehow contacted my therapist and convinced him to have me come here. I will not stay here and allow you to hurt me, and I will not let you lay your hands on my son."
"Grab him." Before Logan could react his father pulled him from Virgil and his mother grabbed Virgil and they were both dragged off in separate directions.
"YOU PHSYCO!" Logan shouted. "VIRGIL!" He struggled against his father but he was dragged to his bedroom and thrown down to the ground. He winced and sat up.
"You will do as we say, and you will not disobey us or so help me god Logan I will hurt that son of yours. Do you understand me?" Logan glared at his father.
"Don't you fucking touch him." He growled.
"Go to sleep, goodnight Logan." Logan ran for the door as it slammed shut. He slid down against the door and tears filled his eyes. After all they've gone through, now they were both stuck with the worst of it all...his parents. Logan bit his lip. Virgil was stuck with them. Oh god.
Flashback to senior year of high school: (after the Remus situation happened)
"You got your report card today?" Logan looked up at his mother and placed his fork down and nodded. "Show it to me." Logan nodded and went and grabbed it for her. With shakey hands he handed it to her. She looked it over and suddenly slapped him.
"Mom I can explain-."
"Go. To bed with you, no diner tonight. Also I don't want to see you down here unless it's to do chores, you understand me? You will get this fucking grade back up understand me?" Logan whimpered but nodded his head as he turned and walked to his room, pulling out his books to study.
***like 5am the next day***
Logan looked at his alarm as it went off and quickly turned it off. He sighed and closed his books putting them in his bag. He got dressed and walked out the door ignoring his stomachs growling. He got on the bus and once at the school he walked to the library and took out his books to study some more.
"Hey Logan there you are...why aren't you in the cafeteria?" Logan looked up at Patton and then back down at his books.
"I need to study Patton. I have a very important test coming up and if I don't study I could fail..." Patton sighed.
"Logan, you are at the top of our class please stop worrying about this. I noticed Logan, you are slipping again, And I'm not letting that happen." Logan looked up at Patton closing his books.
"You don't think I've known this entire time we've known eachother Logan? Come on... I'm not that stupid." Patton sighed. "Please at least have this granola bar. It's not much but I know it's something..."
"I can't have anything Patton I-." Patton sighed and looked at the desk.
"Why won't you tell anyone about this?" Patton asked.
"I'm going to get out as soon as I graduate Patton please don't tell anyone about this.." Patton sighed.
"As long as you eat with me everyday, I don't want to watch you go back to how you were junior year..."
"Patton you know I can't do that, they'll know." Logan looked down at his hands. "I have to study, please just leave me alone.."
"I'm your friend Logan I can't just-."
"Patton please." Logan looked up at him sadly. "I don't want to get in any more trouble than I already am for getting a B- please....let me just get through this year." Patton sighed.
"If you get any worse I'm telling my father what I know, and you can't stop me." Patton walked out of the library and Logan opened his books again glancing at the granola bar Patton left behind. He sighed and put that in his bag. He will eat it later for now he needs to study.
"Dad?" Logan opened his eyes and looked towards the door as it opened. Logan immediately jumped up and pulled Virgil in for a hug.
"Did they hurt you?" He asked. Virgil shook his head no and held Logan tighter.
"T-they wanted me to get you for breakfast..." Logan nodded and grabbed hold of Virgils hand.
"I'm not going to let them hurt you like they did me V, don't worry." Virgil shook his head.
"Dad, I love you but I can protect myself." Logan sighed.
"I know you can, but these are my parents I've dealt with them my entire life you don't have to deal with them-."
"Dad, they technically are my grandmother and grandfather now. Yes they are some seriously crazed up frootloops, but you aren't going to protect me by staying here with them after all they've done. I'm not going to let you." They reached the dining room and they walked in.
"Logan dearest, come here." Logan walked towards his mother and she immediately pushed him into the chair, grabbing handcuffs and chaining his wrist to the table.
"Seriously?" He rolled his eyes. "You could just tell me not to eat, you have my son I'm not going to risk his life over this."
"Dad, please no-."
"Virgil, dearest. Sit down and eat." She glared at Logan and Logan sighed as he looked over at Virgil.
"Virgil please, just eat." Virgil sat down at the table and glared at the two adults across from him. He glances at the handcuffs and Logan shook his head. Virgil groaned and ate some of the food in front of him.
"So Virgil, you agreed to be his son...why exactly? Our Logan here clearly doesn't care about anything but himself so I don't see how you could have possibly agreed to this." Virgil glared at them.
"He has always taken care of me you dumb bitch." Virgil spat.
"Oh really? Then why exactly were you kidnapped and tortured as well? And let me guess you accept the kidnappers apology as well? Did that end very well after those women used you as a toy for their own gain? You were sold off all because my son here was irresponsible." Logan looked down at his hands as he started to cry.
"No, no." Virgil glared at them. "My dad has always protected me. The reason I was taken away from him was because they wanted to hurt him. He loves me and I love him. I don't give a fuck about what happened to me because I'm home with him again. I'm traumatized yes but that doesn't matter because I have my dad." Logan smiled sadly at Virgil. "But now because you wanted to add to the list of traumatic fucking things that happen in my life you take me away from him and lock me in your fucking creepy ass basement-." Logan's mother reached forward and covered Virgils mouth.
"That's enough out of you." Logan's heart started beating rapidly.
"Mother, what exactly are you doing to my son?" Logan looked her dead in the eyes. She pulled away from Virgil.
"Nothing my dear." Virgil looked at Logan and then back down.
"Virgil..." Virgil looked up. Logan felt tears in his eyes as he saw Virgil nod. "YOU BITCH!" Logan shouted. "Don't you touch him like that! Don't you ever hurt him like that you hear me!"
"Not like he will care Logan dear, it's not his first time using any of those things." Logan glared hard at her.
"If you fucking dare touch him like that, I will fucking kill you where you stand." Logan growled.
"We may be old Logan, but we can always just do what we used to do for your punishments. I'm sure you'd enjoy that even more now huh?" She asked. Logan glared at her.
"If you lay a hand on my son, I'll kill you where you stand." She walked over and took Logans handcuffs off the table and dragged him after her.
"Lock Virgil up in his fathers room, then come downstairs dear." Virgil looked at Logan horror filling his eyes.
"Dad!" He struggled and got away and ran to Logan. "N-No!"
"He's used to this punishment honey, now be good and go." Virgil shook his head.
"No way in hell you crazy bitch." Virgil growled.
"We could always have some fun with both." Logan glared at his father.
"If you two so much as lay a finger on my son-."
"To the torture chamber we go!" They dragged Logan and Virgil down into the basement. They took the chains from the ceiling and attached them to both Virgil and Logan's wrist.
"What shall we start with today..." Logan looked down at his feet fearfully as memories flooded his head. He started shaking and he shook the tears from his eyes.
"Please...." Logan's father walked over and squeezed Logan's cheeks.
"Quit the crying baby." He chuckled. "It's just like old times, so everytime you cry out, you know what happens." Logan nodded his head and bit his lip.
"Just please don't touch V." Virgil glared the best he could through his tears.
"Dad..." Logan smiled sadly at Virgil.
"I'm alright." He bit his lip. He knew that was a lie.
Flashback senior year:
"LOGAN GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" Logan shakily stood up from his video call and walked into the living room.
"Y-yes?" He asked.
"What the hell is this?" His father gestured at the sink full of dishes and Logan looked away.
"I had school work to do and-." His father smacked him.
"Get them done, also...don't go back upstairs me and your mother have a surprise for you later when you are done." Logan shook his head.
"I-I have schoolwork and I-."
"Don't talk back to me young man." He growled. Logan felt tears in his eyes and he nodded going to do the dishes. Suddenly his mother came down with his laptop, she was talking and Logan realized she was talking to patton. Oh fuck.
"Yes dear, you can come over later tonight! That would be very very lovely." Logan stopped the water and looked at her wearily.
"Mother no-."
"Thank you for inviting me, I honestly can't wait." Logan heard the sarcasm dripping through Patton's voice and he almost laughed at how oblivious his mother was.
"Good good, see you then." She shut off the laptop and raised her eyebrow at Logan. "You didn't tell me you friends, I invited him over to join us later." Logan shook his head.
"Mother please, no. Patton is just a friend and he doesn't deserve your punishment for being a friend. Please anything but that. Please don't hurt him." His mother shook her head no.
"I made up my mind." He shook his head.
"Mother please-." She smacked him and he looked away ashamed. He got Patton tangled into this mess. It was all his fault.
***a few hours later***
Logan looked down at the table and bit his lip trying not to think about what's about to happen to poor Patton. It was all his fault after all. His mother placed some food down and smirked at Logan.
"Don't look so worried Logan, everything will be just fine." Logan looked up at her.
"No! Are you insane!? Nothings going to be fine! You are going to chase away the only friend that I have made in years! You humiliate me enough but to go this far and to threaten to hurt him? That isn't fine mother! It's sick! He's going to tell someone and I hope you get fucking arrested for this!" His mother slammed her hands on the table and he flinched.
"He won't tell if we threaten your life." She hummed as she calmed down and sat back down at the table. Logan glared at her again.
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