《Pied Piper | {K.NJ}》Chapter 23


'Remember that I love you'

You sat up and found yourself back in your room again. You wanted to believe it so much but it was still hard to bear. Everything just felt too real. You checked your phone and just as you predicted, it was a Tuesday.

You groaned and stuffed your face into the pillow in frustration. You were pretty sure everything was going to be repeated again when your phone rang. You didn't need to look at the caller, it was Minji.

When you picked up, she was about to say something when you beat her to it.

[I know. You are not free since you have to accompany your parents. It's okay. We can hang out next time.]

The other line went silent for a while, probably because she was surprised.

[Wow. You can read minds now. Okays then. Really sorry though. Next time then.]

You rolled your eyes and hanged up. You sat on your bed, just blankly staring into space for a while. You let out a sigh and ruffled your hair.

You decided to stay in the house for the day. You knew that if you went out, everything will repeat again and you will end up fainting and Tuesday will never end. You needed it to progress.

That was what you planned but you realised that you couldn't lock yourself in. Somehow, it was fated for you to leave the house on Tuesday.

And thus, this time, your parents stated that you should head out to eat since they will need to leave for some business trip. There wasn't any food or groceries at home for you to cook up a meal so you had no choice but to step out of the house.

Turned out that whenever you head off, you will meet the brown haired boy.


Tuesday went on repeatedly every time you fainted. You learnt that you will meet the brown haired boy once you step out of your house who will leave due to urgent matter and you will meet Namjoon next. Then, the day will end off with you fainting.

When you wake up, you will end up in your room again.

It had been repeating too many times that it was messing your brain up as well as your heart which kept clenching in every situation. You felt weaker and weaker as time passed. It was as if your life was slowly being sucked away.


The only reason why you were able to withstand was because you were holding on to Namjoon's voice. You had been reminding yourself that this was just an illusion but it felt too real that you woke up crying each time you thought of the previous scene.

Each day it got worse. The vision was much clearer and Namjoon was much colder.

His eyes only saw you as a stranger and the way he looked at you tore your heart bit by bit. The fact that you didn't exist in his world totally crashed yours.


You stood at the end of the road, waiting to cross the other side. The boy with big round eyes was with you and till now you didn't even know his name. Every time you were about to ask, something else had to pop up.

And as if on signal, he left and Namjoon appeared at the other end. You realised that there must be a connection between the two. You stood still while the other crossed over. He walked past you, without even realising your presence.


Namjoon walked down the street, using his phone. It had been a while since he had gone on a date so he was quite nervous. He glanced at the window of the shop which showed his reflection. He touched his hair and made sure it was in place before heading off again.

He stood at the side of the road and played with his phone as he waited to cross. He noticed someone staring at him so he looked up from his phone. The person was looking at him with sadness and affection. His heart ached a bit but he didn't know why. She felt so familiar to him yet he had never seen her before.

He crossed the road when it was time but the person stood still. Curiosity started to grow in him and he glanced at the person from the corner of his eyes. He thought it was just his imagination so he walked past her.

However, he was stopped when someone grabbed his wrist, making him turn around.


You grabbed his wrist and he turned to you. He seemed pretty shocked by your sudden action. You smiled at him and let go of his wrist. He stared at you, confused.


You stretched out your hand to him and he was blankly looking at it. A giggle went past your lips which made him blush.

"Nice to meet you, Kim Namjoon," you spoke. You observed his expression and you could see his eyes twinkled a bit. It was as if something crossed his mind. It could have been just your imagination but you didn't mind. You continued, "I'm Kim (Y/N)."

You felt that time had stopped when you introduced yourself to him. Everything around you slowed down and only you were aware of it. It took a while before it went back to normal and you felt your hand being gripped tightly.

Your hand was being pulled and the next thing you knew, you were in his arms.

"It's been long, little kitten."

You smiled and accepted his embrace.

It was strange as you didn't feel nauseous or anything. Your heart was racing but it was not in a torturous way. It slowly beat in sync with Namjoon's as you listened to his heartbeat.


The boy watched the two of you from aside. A smile spreading on his face.

"Looks like I'm going to get into trouble soon."

He whistled and turned around. His steps started to move away from the two of you and his eyes turned serious.


You couldn't believe you were holding Namjoon's hand and walking side to side down the road. It still felt like a dream since you were still in your college student form. It felt weird as you knew you were still stuck in this illusion.

"So, what are we supposed to do?"

He hummed in question and raised his eyebrow to show the slight confusion.

"Did you say something?"

You repeated what you said and he tilted his head. You furrowed your eyebrows as he looked at you confused again.

"I can't really hear you, (Y/N)."

You blinked your eyes.


"Oh now I can hear you."

You scratched your nose and wet your lips. You were starting to question something and you figured to try it again to confirm your thoughts. You repeated your question and received the same reaction. You figured it out. You couldn't escape from this illusion through Namjoon. This meant that there had to be someone else involved.

Your thought were interrupted when Namjoon spoke.

"Is something wrong?"

You shook your head and smiled. You also figured out that this Namjoon didn't know this was an illusion.

The two of you continued walking down and your mind was full of thoughts. The two of you stopped and stood at the side of the road. You noticed Namjoon staring at you worriedly as you were being quiet.

"Really. Nothing's wrong."

He let out a sigh and nodded his head. He ran his fingers through your hair and tucked it behind your ear.

"I love you."

You giggled and held his hand in between yours.

"I lov..."

You couldn't continue your words. It was as if there was a lump in your throat and something was blocking you from saying the words. You touched your throat and shook your head.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asked worriedly.

"I don't know. I can't speak properly."

He nodded and all of a sudden, he winced in pain as he clutched onto his chest. He gasped for breath. He felt weak and almost dropped. Luckily, you caught him.

"What's wrong?" you asked but didn't receive an answer. He held onto his head as he felt dizzy and everything was starting to blur out.

He leaned onto your shoulder and glanced at the side. His eyes widened and he pushed you away. You couldn't even respond as you dropped onto the floor.

A loud screeching of the car was heard as well as the sound of people gasping and screaming in shock.

You looked to the front, trying to figure out what was happening. Just as you were about to see what was going on, someone covered your eyes.

"It's okay. Go to sleep now."

You knew this voice belonged to the brown haired boy and you wanted to ask him what he was doing. But you felt drowsy and your brain shut off, causing you to fall asleep upon hearing his voice.

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