《Dr Luthor - Supergirl AU》Cure


"Alex, we found a cure," It was really hard not to tell her what Kara and I had done. Keeping a secret this big from the eldest Danvers was pretty hard. "It's made from the virus itself. The virus has a pocket inside of it which counteracts the fever and the whole sickness, to be honest. It's a huge flaw in the virus but at least now we can give people a cure."

"Great, get it out to everyone in this hospital and send it out to the other hospitals in the area."

"Also..." I stumbled over my words, trying to finally get the truth out. "Kara and I..."

"I know, Lena. Do you seriously think that I couldn't tell when you two came to work in the same car and beaming with delight? You were both glowing the same glow that I had after my first night with Maggie." She laughed and continued to explain. "I am also the sister of the woman who you love... and who loves you back. She told me as soon as we were alone together about what happened."

"You aren't mad?"

"Of course not! I am happy for you two." She gave my shoulder a quick pat before leaving, taking a briefcase full of the cure in small vials with her. I sighed with relief and smiled to myself. Thank God, Alex approved, getting Clarke's blessing should be a piece of cake.

"Hey!" I tried to get his attention but he seemed to be focused on a piece of paper sitting in front of him. "Clarke!

"What is it, Lena?" He was grumpy and mad at something. I decided that now wasn't the right time to tell him about last night, or was he mad because he had found out about last night?


"What's up your arse?" I grabbed the paper before he could react. I looked at it for a minute before seeing the name on the document. It was about Kara. "What's this?"

"Her results... I was searching through her laundry for the results this morning and found this."

"It's..." I saw towards the bottom of the page that the results had come back inconclusive, which always meant the person wasn't clear of the virus.

"I can't find her anywhere. After I left her house, she called me and told me that she was going to be late for work. Now I can't get a hold of her and no-one has seen her all day. I am really worried, Lena."

"She'll be fine. I'll go to her house and make sure she is okay. Even if she isn't, they are giving out the cure and we can give her one of the doses." I shrugged and walked away confidently. Then, when I was out of Clarke's line of sight, I ran to the elevator in a hurry and went as fast as I could to my car. When I got in, I took a moment to calm myself before I took off onto the highway, heading for the apartment I had left not a few hours ago.

"Kara? You home?" I knocked a few times and then called out again. "Kara, Clarke is worried. You didn't come in today and we just need to know you are okay."

"Lena? The door is open..." Her mumble freaked me out so I ran in the house. I saw her on the floor of the kitchen, covered in blood. I grabbed my phone and instead of what should be my instinct, I called Alex.

Kara's POV

I heard a few mumbles around me and a small amount of fighting. I opened my eyes to see my sister fighting with Lena.


"What... what happened?" I groaned and sat up. Alex rushed to my side, helping me sit up.

"You had the virus, Kara. Luckily, Lena had just found the cure. We gave you the cure as soon as we found you and you should be okay now. You are feeling okay, right?" I nodded and Alex relaxed a little. Lena looked down at the floor and spoke up.

"Why didn't you tell us, Kara? You lied to us."

"I didn't want you to worry."

"You should have..."

"Lena, now isn't the time. You can scold Kara later but right now, we need her to rest."

"Alex, I am right here and I don't need rest." I stood and walked to Lena, who stepped back once I got close. "I am sorry. I should have told you that I had it and it was wrong of me to keep it from you guys." I cupped Lena's face with my right hand and grabbed her other hand with my left.

"I'm sorry for yelling, Kara. I was just so worried." I leant in and gave her a huge kiss right on the lips. Before I could pull away slowly, she did instead quickly and stared at someone behind me. When I turned, I saw a wide-eyed Clarke standing in my hallway.

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