《Caught In The Loop | Steve Harrington X Reader》~13~ The Powers of Reconstruction
"Steve! Watch out!" Lucas suddenly shouts.
"A little busy here!" He shouts back.
I grab another sheet of metal and bend it. "How are you doing that!?" Max asks.
"It's a long story! I'll explain everything later, I promise!"
I bend it into a flamethrower and tap it on the ground. It shapes and forms, showing that the flamethrower also has a saw blade in it. "What the fuck is that!?" Dustin exclaims.
"If the lighter fails, use the flamethrower." I order. He opens up his mouth to say something but I give him serious eyes and he quickly shuts it.
"Three o'clock! Three o'clock!"
Shit! Steve is indanger! I quickly bust through the door and shut it behind me. Steve darts his head around.
"Y/N!? Get back-"
I swing the ax as the monster in the other direction leaps and it falls to the floor. I swing my ax up high and swing it down on it's head.
Dustin quickly opens the door to the bus. "STEVE!! Y/N!! ABORT!! ABORT!!"
More come from the side. The one at the front charges at Steve and he barrel rolls onto a car. One leaps at me and I swing the ax and cut it through.
Steve quickly looks back and swings the bat as he gets off the car. I swing my ax as one charges at me.
"SHIT!" I gasp.
"Steve, run!"
"Y/N, hurry!"
More and more appear from the fog as I run past Steve and swing the ax, giving him a headstart to the Bus.
"Y/N GET IN!!" Steve howls.
One bites my arm and I scream in pain. I quickly kick it off and ax it before running into the bus and slamming it behind me.
The monster tries to get in but it's too late. Steve falls down and I fall back. My arm bleeds rapidly and my eyes go wide.
"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!?" Steve turns to me.
"You should've stayed inside! Where'd you get an ax!?"
"She did it with her mind!" Max gasps.
Lucas and Steve exchange confused glances before turning to me. I huff, winded. "I'll...explain...later."
"Shit, Max! She needs to cover the wound, go into my bag! There's a bandage wrap."
Max goes through the bag and pulls it out before wrapping it around my arm. I hiss in pain as it stings violently. "We'll be able to properly take care of it later but we don't have time right now!"
Steve turns to me, eyes wild. "You shouldn't have done that Y/N. And you better bloody tell us how the hell you did that once the night is over, you hear me!?"
He has every reason to be mad right now. It hurts, but he has his reasons. He's probably concerned and we're in danger too now.
I nod and turn to Max. Steve quickly grabs a sheet of metal and put's it against the door.
"They can't get in! They can't!" Lucas protests.
Max screams as the bus rattles and shakes. Everyone screams when they manage to break through.
The kids run to the back as Steve grabs my ax and chops off the arm that tries to claw at him.
There's loud screeching in the distance and Dustin fumbles around for the walkie-talkie. He picks up to his face in a panic. "Is anyone there? Mike? Will? God! Anyone!"
There's a loud banging and Dustin curses again.
"We're at the old junkyard, and we are going to die!" Dustin speaks into the microphone. Max looks up to the ladder, her eyes fearful.
Steve grunts and falls back as there is loud banging. We watch as it slowly, pounds the roof. I have a bad feeling it's crawling across the top to meet us at...
One of the faces peer down the hole.
The middle of us.
Max screams loudly full of fear which breaks the silence and Steve scrambles to his feet.
"Out of the way! Out of the way! You want some? Come get this!"
He has his bat again and I look over, seeing that the ax has dissolved back into plain old metal. I cuss under my breath angrily.
The monster peers down, opening it's face and screeching. It stops suddenly and turns it's head slightly. It backs up and growls as Steve continues to stare at it with the bat. It jumps off the roof, shaking the bus.
"What the fuck?" I gasp out of breath.
The sound of monsters growl in the distance but don't sound close to us at all. We all stand silent, fearful and confused. Did they just...back away? Runoff? Surrender? My eyes look down, and I see.
Max and Lucas. Hands cupped together. They quickly let go but this is no right time to bring that topic up. Some of us take deep breaths, Steve still looking toward the ladder and avoiding eye contact with all four of us.
Steve peers out the door slightly and it bangs from the cracked metal. "Geez."
"What, happened?" Lucas asks inching out the door.
"I don't know." Max asks.
"Y/N, did you do something?" Dustin questions.
"No, I didn't. I couldn't have lead them away." I reply, all of us slowly inching our way out the door.
"Steve scared 'em off?"
"No." Steve answers himself.
"No way."
He then turns to us with such a serious face. "They're going somewhere."
All four of us stay silent, trying to think for a moment. My heart pounds loudly in my ears and I begin to realize where. Or possibly where...
"Y/N what's the matter?" Steve asks concerned.
The three other kids turn to my shaken up face. I look at all of them directly, then finally at Steve.
One word escapes my lips in a whisper.
* * *
"You're positive that was Dart?"
Lucas and Dustin walk together upfront. Max walks inches behind the both of them. I tag behind beside Steve.
"Yes. He had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt."
"He was tiny two days ago!" Max huffs.
"Well, he's molted three times already." Dustin states continuing to walk forward.
"Malted?" Steve asks.
"Molted. Shed his skin to make room for growth like hornworms."
Me and Steve walk silently behind the trio, I hang my head low in shame. Steve speaks up every so often as we walk along the train track.
Steve nudges me and I look up at him. He gives a silent you ok and I nod. I haven't been able to talk about it as the trio were so focused on Will and Dart in their conversation.
"When's he gonna molt again?" Max asks, shivering coldly.
"It's gotta be soon." Dustin reckons. "When he does, he'll be fully grown. Or close to it. And so will his friends."
"Yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats." Steve groans.
"Wait, a cat?" Lucas stops suddenly. Max's eyes grow wide. Dustin hesitates.
"Dart ate a cat?"
"No, what? No."
"What are you talking about? He ate Mews." I say confused.
"Mews?" Max looks to me. "Who's Mews?"
"It's Dustin's Cat." Steve says casually.
"STEVE!! Y/N!!" Dustin exclaims.
"I knew it!" Lucas shoves Dustin a little. "You kept him!"
"No!" Dustin protests. My eyes grow wide. Me and Steve exchange glances.
"No. No, I... No, I...He missed me. He wanted to come home."
Oh. My. God.
"Bullshit!" Lucas barks.
"I didn't know he was a Demogorgon, okay?"
Dustin and Lucas begin to have their argument with Max trying to stop it. I drown my attention out from reality.
"Y/N? Y/N Hello?"
I ignore Steve as I look off to the distance. And then I hear it. My heart pounds in my chest from the screeching in the distance. Steve stands beside me and waves his hand in my face but I don't do anything. I look off to the distance so Steve decides to do the same.
"Hey guys?" I hear Steve call.
Him shouting at the trio also snaps me out of my little trance and I flinch.
The screeching continues, loud enough for the trio to hear as well. I shiver coldly.
Will...Oh, God.
Steve swings the bat over his shoulder, I move forward beside him and I can hear the kids follow behind us.
"No, no, no. Hey, guys, why are you heading towards the sound?" Max asks.
"Hello? Hello?"
We flash our lights around every so often looking around the field that we come across. Me and Steve stand ahead, looking around. One step at a time, we keep walking and looking around.
All I can think about is Will. The last time I saw him was the time I came over for a movie or something? Or at his school?
There's an eerie feeling that washes over all of us as we stop in one spot. Steve stops which makes all of us stop.
"I don't see him." Dustin says blankly as we look over a field of fog. Lucas brings his binoculars up to his eyes and scans around.
"It's the lab."
My heart drops and I freeze. That cursed place?! No No No No NO NO NO!
"They were going back home." Lucas says bringing down his binoculars.
I feel myself shiver even more. Dustin and Lucas both say something then go down to the bottom of the hill. Max willingly follows.
"Come on Y/n." Steve huffs.
He takes my arm to help me but I don't budge.
He turns back to me with a confused look. "Y/N, you okay?"
I avoid eye contact, looking at the lab. Steve turns to it. "Do you know that place?"
"Too well." I almost choke on my own words.
"Hey." He turns back to me.
"Everything will be fine. I..." He sighs looking down. I take my hands in his and he looks up surprised, he smiles slightly.
"Now's not the time but I want to find the right chance to tell you something very important. But there's nothing to be afraid of."
He gives me a quick peck on the cheek and my eyes widen. I feel my face get flustered and begin to warm up.
"All of us will be here for you."
With newfound confidence, I nod. He smiles and we both make our way down the hill. We come close to a fence as we continue flashing our lights around.
"Hello? Who's there?"
"Who's there?"
When we finally walk into view...I see...
"Nancy? Jonathan?"
"Steve?" Both of them question at the same time.
Oh, thank you for acknowledging me.
"Nancy?" Steve asks.
"Jonathan." Dustin huffs.
"What are you two doing here?" Nancy growls walking up to us.
"What are you two doing here?" Steve repeats.
"We're looking for Mike and Will." She answers.
"They're not in there, are they?" I ask nervously.
"We're not sure."
"Why?" Jonathan asks softly.
Before we can answer, there's loud screeching again and it comes from inside the laboratory. He goes on for quite a while and I feel my hand twitch a little, the same hand that *would* have my number on it.
It doesn't have a number but I've always been the sixth for everything and anything even when I was incomplete.
* * *
I stare at the building beside Nancy as the others begin to have a conversation. We've been here for a little while now. Unsure of what to do. Nancy turns to me and opens her mouth to say something. But in the distance, I see the lights of the laboratory go back on.
Instinctively, I turn to the group.
"The Power's Back."
The chatter quickly ends and everyone turns to us. Nancy nods and I look toward Steve.
In an instinct, we all begin to run. We run back to the main power source where Jonathan was at before in a rush. Jonathan presses the button a couple times and I look around for anything useful.
I find a bunch of leaves on the ground and my eyes widen.
I quickly run to it and begin rummaging them around.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" Max asks.
I begin shifting them around like puzzle pieces, Steve looks over my shoulder as I do.
An Assault Rifle, A handgun and a shield.
"Oh my God." He whispers.
I stand up and lower my hand to it. It begins to change, the piles getting more thicker, heavier looking and changing color. Turning more metallic. Especially the shield. Once it's finished, I let out a heavy sigh.
I drop to the ground and Steve drops down beside me. "Hey! You okay!?"
"I'm fine." I grunt.
"Did she just do what I think she just did!?" I hear Nancy's voice sound off alarmed.
"Yes she did Nancy!" Steve turns around.
"She just turned leaves into weapons and a Shield!"
"She did what!?" Jonathan looks up.
I pick up the Assault Rifle and hold it beside me. Steve picks up the gun and tosses it to Jonathan. I have the Sheild held in my grip. Max looks wide-eyed so I give it her.
"What! Why are you giving it to me!?"
"Because the laboratory is known for nothing but trouble! I don't want you getting hurt and that shield should last a long while with the power I put into it."
"Do you have powers!?" Jonathan questions.
I open my mouth to say something but the gate door suddenly begins to open which catches all of our attention.
"Hey! I got it!" Dustin chuckles. "I got it."
Jonathan runs out and to beside me. "I'll explain everything to everyone later. I promise."
There's a scream that comes from the labratory and I feel my heart begin to pound.
No No No NO
"JOYCE!!" I scream.
I bolt ahead with the rifle and I hear Steve yell my name. I ignore him as I continue to run. One foot in front of the other. Not stopping not leaving not tagging behind. I feel wind rush past my face and the footsteps behind me as Steve, Jonathan, Nancy and maybe the others try to keep up.
I finally get to the front of the door and see Hopper. Joyce is inside the building. I don't give Hopper a chance to question who I am as I run in the building.
"NO!!" Joyce screams. I feel my mouth drop so I cover it with one hand as a Demogorgon opens it face up to a screaming Bob on the floor. Hopper runs up beside me and glances down.
Aim and Fire
We both lift our assault rifles up, I put my finger around the trigger as the monster begins to bite into Bob.
I take the first shot and Hopper does the next. Joyce covers her hands over her ears as the loud bullets ring out. Two other Demogorgon's bust down a door which me and Hopper take aim.
They keep flooding through. My heart drops. Bob won't make it.
"HOPPER!! We need to get out right now! There's too many of them please!!"
He looks down at me, and back at the monsters. "Keep firing!!"
I do as he says and continuously hold my finger down on the trigger as it shoots one bullet after another at these creatures. Some miss, some hit. I shift my eyes toward Bob.
No...I didn't even get to know you well. You were so nice...
"GO!!" He shouts toward Joyce.
I can hear Joyce's voice scream with anger pain and sadness all at once as Bob begins to bleed from the pain and damage the current Demogorgon he has on him. Tears sting my eyes.
"Remember Y/N."
No, not now!!"It's all your fault!! You little brat!! It's all your fault! Disrespectful ignorant brats like you deserve to be trapped in the Up! Side! Down!!"
It's all your fault. You weren't quick enough. You weren't smart enough. You couldn't save Finley. You couldn't visit Will. You couldn't help Billy. You couldn't save Bob. It's all your fault.
I scream with anger as I continue to shoot and fire at every single monster.
"KID!! RUN!" I hear Hopper's voice only so faintly. Joyce continues to scream as Hopper struggles to pull her away. My eyes widen as I snap back to reality.
A Demogorgon leaps at me and I gasp.
Max suddenly comes from the side and pulls the shield up. The monster landing against it and being thrown back from Max pushing it back.
I rub one of the tears from my eyes and bolt out the door with Max.
We run out the door to see Mike with a sleeping Will. Mike sees the mixed look on all of our faces and shouts "What happened?!"
"No!" Joyce cries.
"He's gone! He's gone!" Hopper exclaims as she continues to cry.
"Mike!" I gasp. His eyes widen. "Where'd you girls come from!? How did Max get a shield and you get an assault rifle!?"
A car honks at the distance as the monsters slam themselves against the glass.
"Come on! Get in!" Jonathan yells.
"Max where's the others!?" I gasp. Not everyone will fit in that car!
"Steve stayed behind with Dustin and Lucas while I ran after you and Nancy and Jonathan ran to their car!" She yells as we race down.
So it was her that was chasing me. "All of us won't fit in!!" I gasp.
"Run to your other friends, I'll meet you there!" Hopper says.
"What!? Why?" I gasp.
"JUST DO IT!!" Mike yells.
Me and Max nod before running off toward them. I huff and pant as we continue to run, Max doing a bit of the same.
"You guys okay!?" Lucas asks.
"No!" Is all I can get out before I run out of breath and fall to the ground. "Y/N!!"
I try to get as much air in as I can but at the same time, my mind is running wild which I begin to hyperventilate.
There's a honking in the distance which I feel Steve pick me up and we go to the side.
"Hey, hey, hey. Y/N you need to calm down!" Steve tries to reassure.
He lifts my head up to him and takes my hand, looking down with worry.
"Get in!" I hear Hopper say.
Steve mumbles something under his breath before picking me up again and putting me in the backseat. Everyone ushers everyone else and the door slams shut, Hopper speeding away from the laboratory.
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