《A Mindful Relationship [Jensoo]》Chapter 25


It's been some time since the discovery of me and Jisoo being soulmates slammed in our minds. We both fell into silence on our table, face to face to each other but seems too distant. We can't wrap our heads around what we've discovered. I mean, we're soulmates!!! What's to believe in that?! Jisoo is perfect while I'm... well, ME.

And it seems not only us are suffering but the maknaes full of question just by their expressions.

They arrived earlier and immediately started questioning why on earth the two of us were just silent on the table. In front of each other.

Lisa's sigh filled the atmosphere, "So what exactly happened?" "You two were so lovey-dovey just awhile ago and now you two are what? Silent buddies?" She crossed her arms and huffed out in frustration.

Yet again, no response. We couldn't talk properly especially because we're both now seated beside each other and we're looking like tomatoes.

Lisa sighed once more before slamming her hands onto the table, "Look. I can't help you two if you won't say anything."

Another batch of silence finally ticked her off and she went towards Chaeyoung who was busy smiling over her thesis. Oh shit, Manoban finally snapped.

"Chaeyoung! Stop admiring the thesis and help me out here!" She called out for the other girl which completely ignored her.

Lisa huffed out again. Her face was going red with annoyance and I couldn't help but hold down my laughter. Lisa stride her way towards Chaeyoung and grabbed the backside of the other girl's collar. Dragging her to sit with us on the table.

Chaeyoung was about to complain when Lisa gave her a serious look which wasn't always and so Chaeyoung chuckled and patted her head, unphased.

"Sorry, sorry. Jennie Unnie just never seizes to amaze me with her skills with thesis." Chaeyoung smiled and that alone melted Lisa away from her furious state. She's now all giddy and blushing, what a lovesick girl.

"Yeah. Yeah. Now that you have exceptionally showed your adoration for Jennie Kim, can you please help me with her?" Lisa gritted her teeth as she looked at me strangely. It was either she was still frustrated with me not talking or she's jealous.

Seeing such expression from Lisa, Chaeyoung laughed. Lisa and I looked at her confused. She hummed in amusement before wrapping her arm around Lisa's shoulder and leaving a kiss on the blonde girl's cheek. After she stunned Lisa, Jisoo and I; she made her way towards me and hit the back of my head harshly as she always have which stunned us even more.

"Ow! What the heck Chaeng?!" I whimpered and held the back of my head, soothing it out while glaring at the malicious girl behind me.

"Oh god, you actually can talk." She feigned surprise while covering her mouth. "I thought your tongue got cut off." An amused smirk played on her lips while making her way towards tomato Lisa and sat beside her once more.


"I can talk, thank you for your concern." I spat at her. "If you had any." She nod her head and giggled at my state.

What a brat.

"Surely I do since you did make this for me and I am VERY thankful for it." She waved around the thesis paper which now I regret making for her.

I was about to grab it off her hand but she held it way from my reach. Damn these short arms.

"Hey! Hey! We're stirring away from the topic here!" Lisa, finally coming back to her senses, waved her hands around in between me and Chaeyoung to bring us apart.

As we all sat down finally, the tension started building up again.

"Will you guys really not talk?" And Lisa broke that tension once more with an annoyed tone. Once again, Jisoo and I decided to stay silent. We really didn't know what to say. And because of her pent-up frustration that disappeared earlier, Lisa faced Jisoo and said, "Unnie say something!"

Well, she sure fucked it up.

Silence engulfed us once more, the tension heightened more than ever. I was about to comfort Jisoo when she burst out laughing. It wasn't a clear laugh but wow, was it beautiful.

Jisoo sighed as she came down from her series of laughter. She waved her hand, signaling she was fine towards Lisa and I. She looked at Lisa and said with her eyes to sit once more and so did she do.

After Lisa has calmed down with the help of Chaeyoung's comforting back caresses, Jisoo smiled towards me which made my heart do aerobic flips inside my chest. What kind of love potion did you make me drink that made me this addicted to you?

I cleared my throat and faced the maknaes. Surely with red cheeks. "So um... we have both mentioned that we have met our soulmates right?" The two of them nodded in sync. "And we just made a crazy discovery moments ago." I chuckled with uneasiness creeping up my system. I didn't know what to say.

Jisoo suddenly yet gently held my hand. I looked up to see her cheeks getting pink second by second, she was look away so it wasn't too obvious with me. My body instantly relaxed and I squeezed her warm hand.

Warmth spread all over my body which was weird at first but as I remembered all the times Jisoo made me feel this way, I smiled even more.

"Oh my god- is it..." Lisa reacted so suddenly which surprised me. I looked at her incredulously and so did everyone on the table did. "What?! No way!" Lisa covered her mouth and squealed like a massive idiot.

"Y-Yes way."

"I expected it already but damn you guys figured it out fast." She smiled triumphantly towards me and her Unnie.

"Huh? You already knew from the start?" I asked, amazed by how she figured it out and amazed as well for being so blind.


If Lisa were to know from the start, I am so blind. She's VERY dense. Not as dense as Chaeyoung though.

"Well yeah. It isn't so unobvious."

"I... wow Lisa, that's cool." Her nonchalance really seemed cool. "So then you know now that-."

My words were cut off when she squealed like an idiot again but stopped when Chaeyoung clicked her precious forehead. She groaned in pain but smiled yet again before saying something I truly did not expect. "Hell yes I do! You finally confessed to Jisoo Unnie about your feelings and now you two are dating right? Right?!"

Everyone in the table just had blank faces. Except Lisa's which was full of anticipation and mine which was embarrassed by her stupidity.

"No Lisa..." I facepalmed myself and sighed. What did I expect.

"Wait what? That ain't it?" She seemed confused and I seemed to be a murderer now in my mind.

I want to kill her for exposing me like that in front of Jisoo herself! I don't know what to do with this girl anymore.

I shook my head and she asked, "Then what's this news you two are tryna say?" She sat back down and crossed her arms. Even more confused than ever.

"The two of us are..." I started out.

Chaeyoung interrupted but I didn't bother because she was right when she said, "Soulmates?"

"Yes! Wait, how'd you know?"

"Well, you two have marks." Chaeyoung looked bored while pointing towards the two of us and I couldn't be more confused.

"Huh?" I may have looked stupid at this instant but I really needed an explanation.

"Marks. Like those around your fingers."

As soon as Chaeyoung said that, me and Jisoo look onto our fingers. There was a thin pattern of some sort that was forming onto our right ring fingers and we didn't know what to do.

I can say it is quite pretty though. It was string-like but it had patterns like daisies. It was cute.

I looked at Jisoo's reaction and her eyes gleamed at the sight of the marks forming completely. She was so adorable. She showed me her right ring finger with a bright smile on her face and I held our hands together in the air before turning her hand over to me and gently kissing her right ring finger where her mark has formed.

And I swear I couldn't have known that Jisoo could blush so red until now.


"This was never here before..." I showed them our clasped hands together while Jisoo tried to compose herself.

The maknaes simply rolled their eyes.

"Obviously or else we'd be in for an easy find for our soulmates." Chaeyoung shrugged.

"I don't think I've seen soulmates have these." I looked at our marks closely and smiled fondly. Our hands suited with each other. And maybe our hearts as well?

Oh god Jennie what are you thinking?! Just because she's your soulmate doesn't mean we'll end up together.

The though made me sad but I shook it away because this was a happy day. I can deal with that later.

"They're not too evident at first but it appears in its final state when you've known your soulmate's identity already." Chaeyoung replied to my confused statement awhile ago. "I've heard if your soulmate is truly in sync with you, it gives people special abilities." She thoughtlessly said while caressing Lisa's hair.

"That's cool!"

"Only for the chosen ones by the system though and there are billions of people in the world." Chaeyoung chuckled slightly. "I doubt you're one of those couples." I frowned at her statement then rolled my eyes. Who was she to say that.

"Hell, you really know how to get in my nerves don't you?"

"Of course!" She replied happily.

I decided to just ignore her and face my soulmate by my side. She was still flustered but I can tell by her eyes that she was happy. She kept on staring at our clasped hands.

"It's pretty don't you think?" I asked her and she immediately nodded.

"You're prettier."

I looked at her and smiled. She was so beautiful.

And I have totally forgotten that we could now communicate with each other efficiently in our minds. I can hear her voice always.

Her voice. It's beautiful.

"Ugh, this is so envious to see." Lisa rolled her eyes and grumbled onto Chaeyoung's shoulder. Chaeyoung only chuckled which made Lisa smile.

Look at these two being all lovey-dovey.

"Don't you have a mark as well?" I asked her as Jisoo started playing with my hands with a happy smile on her beautiful face.

"I do but it isn't so obvious to the eyes." Lisa carefully stood up and raised her shirt up halfway before a small and faded mark appeared by her waist.

I leaned in further and so did Jisoo who was not distracted anymore to take a closer look.

"Wow... that's cool. A string heart, so cute." I poked it which made Lisa whine because it tickled.

I was about to let Chaeyoung take a look as well because it seemed as if she was a statue on the spot. She kept staring at Lisa's mark and then she held her shoulder with a shy expression on her face.

"Chae?" I asked for her attention but she just kept on staring at the ground.

I sighed and went towards her before holding her hand away from her shoulder and asking her what was wrong. She only avoided looking at me or anyone else really.

That look on her face was familiar. As if it was the expression Jisoo gave me when she found out that we were soulmates...


As the realization hit me, I pulled Chaeyoung's shoulder part of her shirt and there it revealed it. She looked flustered, she looked amazed and of course Chaeyoung looked extremely

A mark so identical to Lisa's.

"Now what do we have here."


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