《A Mindful Relationship [Jensoo]》Chapter 2


"Why the hell will that blonde text you to hurry up getting here when hasn't even arrived yet?!" I snapped at Chaeyoung unintentionally or intentionally, it doesn't matter, because the face that she just gave me was worth witnessing.

"Why the hell are you asking me?! Don't blame an innocent civilian here." She raises her hands up in the air while I huffed in irritation. Not that I have anything to do today. It's just that I don't like waiting at all.

"Innocent? That's what she said."

"I heard that, bitch." She glared at me while I sent her a playful wink and smirk. She immediately acted as if she didn't like it by gagging but we all know she only gay panicked like she always does.

"I was intending to."

"If you have time to wink at me, at least get us something to drink. I'm parched, Unnie." I seriously don't know if she's trying to say this to me nicely or the other way around. Her mood swings are insane.

"Why don't you do it. My legs are exhausted." I waved her off making her whine.

"You're only being lazy."

"Says the one who actually ordered me to get her a drink and now calling me lazy. How ironic."

The two of us shared deadly glares and curses to each other and later on realized that people from around us were staring at us as if watching a live MMA fight. Creepy, I say.

Today has been crowned as the day that me and Park Chaeyoung were absolutely famous that people are staring at us shamelessly because of our snarky loud mouths and hell are we proud of it!

"You two seriously never get along at all." A familiar voice from the crowd was heard by both of us and we can't help but sigh in relief that she was here or else this could've been bloody.

But it did not mean that I won't hit her for being late and so I did. Not caring if I get more 'fans' for being a bitch to my friends. But that's why they love me so much.

It was about a minute or two before I finally calmed down and stopped hitting her because she was almost in tears. Rosie didn't even try to help the poor maknae at all and only looked up from her phone when Lisa sat beside her looking disheveled and pitiful.


"So... do share and entertain us why you were late, Lisa. Better make the explanation good enough for me not to hit you again." I raised a fist and she didn't waste any more time to get on to the topic because if she didn't, I don't know what could've happened to the blonde.

"It's just someone I wanted you guys to meet was being a lazy ass and I had to drag her here. I didn't know I was getting late until I arrived here and saw the two of you complaining about me being late."

After she finished that rap of an explanation of hers, I leaned myself on my chair and eyed her intensely. Finding any signs of excuses in her explanation. But I found nothing but sincerity in her eyes which saved her from any consequences later on.

"You were already here when that happened and yet you still didn't go here to stop this brat from being such a loud mouth that she is." I pointed to Chaeyoung with my lips puckered in her direction making the younger one scoff and, of course, run that loud mouth of hers to defend herself.

"Excuse me?! Your the loud one here!"

"And here goes another showdown on who's the bitchiest." Lisa sighed while shaking her head. Witnessing mine and Chaeyoung's another round of nonstop bickering.

This was completely normal now considering that the blue-haired girl in front of me right now won't shut her mouth for crying out loud.

"Shut up, Manoban." Me and Chaeyoung glared at her at the same time. She immediately zipped her mouth shut. Finally! Someone who listens. Not like someone I know.

"Anyways, the close friend of mine that I told you about was successfully brought here but she's still in the restroom right now." Lisa starts off another topic for us to talk about. Not wanting to watch one hell of a bloody showdown.

"Did you even inform this friend of yours that you'll let her meet us?" Chaeyoung asked, brows raised in question. I was about to ask myself but the brat beat me to it. Not next time though.

"Well... th-that's confidential." Lisa managed to stutter out under Chaeyoung's examining gaze.


Me and Chaeyoung sighed knowingly. The Thai would never inform someone even if she was told to. Stubborn I may say.

"You didn't inform her. No wonder."

"She won't come with me nonetheless. Might as well take her here by surprise." She shrugged it off as if it was such a normal thing which it was. I just feel sorry for this friend of hers for having to deal with such a stubborn child as this one.

"Right..." Me and Chaeyoung singsonged in unison. At least this time, we didn't glare or spat unnecessary comments to each other. That happens a lot and I can say that Lisa is quite relieved about this.

"You guys make me look like I'm the one wrong here." The blonde girl pouted making me and Chaeyoung grimace in disgust. That aegyo was not called for and yet it had no effect on me and Chaeyoung because maybe, just maybe, we've accepted the fact that Lisa will never be cute in our eyes.

"Exactly." We formed our hands into handguns and made a 'ppoong' sound with it when we imaginarily shot Lisa and the Thai acted it out as if she was shot for real.

"Meanies." She uttered out while kneeling on the floor, grasping the material of her shirt like it was bleeding for real.

"That's what we are."

"But set this conversation aside, I want you guys to treat her as gentle as possible... sh-she's not a typical girl that we get to meet everyday. She doesn't have that much friends in her circle of socialism. So I want you guys to make her feel welcome as much as possible."

Lisa looked at us with seriousness covering the layer of her eyes. As if begging us to do this. And hell! She never begs unless she needs food. Chaeyoung has entered the list as well.

"You really care for this one don't you?" It was supposed to be a joke but I guess she didn't get it because her response made me and Chaeyoung smile unintentionally.

"Of course! She's like a real big sister to me. She was the one who gave me a home when I got here in Korea and had no clue on what the hell I should do."

"Alright. Alright. So just be gentle, right?" I clarified and she shook her head as an answer. She did it too aggressively than normal.


"So where's this girl now? She's taking her time in the restroom that's for sure." Chaeyoung butted in. Trying to make this heavy and too serious atmosphere lift up. I give her a thumbs up on this one. I didn't like the atmosphere either.

"She doesn't take that long in public places. I wonder why thou-."

Lisa was abruptly cut off when the sound of broken glass and a woman yelling made her stop by her sentence. The three of us looked at the direction of where the ruckus was coming from and so did the other customers.

A woman was yelling uncontrollably to a young girl who was only hanging her head low and clenching her fists and jaw. She didn't look much older than I am.

With her petite form, soft-looking pale skin, flashy yet simple outfit, and black wavy hair that finished off her magnificent look. I couldn't see her face clearly though because of her hair curtaining over it. But her jaw was on show.

But other than that, the issue right now is that maybe the girl bumped onto the woman making the older woman's glass drink drop to the floor and it was now shattered. Luckily, the pieces didn't hit neither of the two. But still, the girl was taking all the damage here.

"Poor girl." Chaeyoung commented and I nodded in agreement. I was about to question Lisa's opinion when she maneuvered her way towards the woman and the girl. Going in between them.

"What is she doing?"

"No idea."

Me and Chaeyoung looked at each other and decided to follow Lisa. Judging by the protective look on her face, this must be the friend that she was talking about.

When we got there and stupidly just stood there, the next scenes of the live show just made this a whole lot more interesting.


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