《mindful souls [ COMPLETE]》new balance.||6:66


" If your mind is at peace,

the world too will be at peace.

...You are just an ordinary person

whose work is done." I said the last part of my poem and instantly heard fingers start snapping .

I opened my eyes and the crowd that was sitting down quiet was now standing up snapping their fingers "thank you y'all , my name is miyoko." I smiled as i made my way down to the crowd

"Wasn't so bad huh?." Elias said as he hugged me tightly and a smile formed across my face.

"actually it wasn't that bad but i always would only read my poems to my grandmother." I mumbled while i hugged him back and released myself and took a seat at the booth.

he took a seat across from me and took a sip of his coffee "you never read your poems to your mother , sister , brother?." He raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged my shoulders while leaning back and placing on my legs onto the seat "i was always under my grandmother."

"i understand." He nodded his head "i was always a momma' boy."

"Oh word? When my dad was around i was always under him but once he died i clung unto my grandmother and i think because she was the only thing i had left of him." I looked outside the window and watched the rain drops hit the window making me grow sad "you ever been sad and then look out the window while it's raining and get more sad?." I asked while biting down on my bottom lip

he chuckled while running his hands down his face" i use to do that shit all the time but my dad told me to stop doing allat." He placed his hand on top of mine and i looked over at him "my sister was the same exact way , maybe it's time y'all should meet."


A smile formed across my face and i nodded my head "tell her to meet us at the new spot we found." I said while lowly

"Alright onnat." He mumbled while typing away on his phone "hey what's your sign?." He asked randomly.

"I'm a pisces." I mumbled and looked up at me while laughing "yes the water sign , we feel everything deeply and we are very emotional." I side eyed him.

He threw his hands up and sucked his teeth "Ian judgin' ima cancer." He nodded his head " the ones that love hard and we are emotional."

"My grandmother and daddy were very emotional and they were cancers." I rolled my eyes "i seen to attract cancers huh?." I chuckled

"we are blessings but i have a question." He asked

"Go ahead."

"Do you meditate?." He asked while placing his chin in his hands and i giggled

"Indeed i do , it's very calming." I bit down on my lip while looking over at him and he chuckled while looking down.

"Let's go to our spot and meditate." He said lowly while getting out of the booth and walking outside the building

I chuckled while placing a twenty dollar bill on the table . we had drinks and something to eat before i perform and insisted on paying for everything today because he paid for everything else we did

"alright so we're going to do mindful meditation , it's easy." I stated while sitting criss crossed and straightening back and leaving my hands faced up.

Elias sat next to me and followed my every move "i gotta bad back na." He chuckled

I rolled my eyes " Take a deep breath and relax, with your eyes open or closed but i prefer closed .. it helps me feel at ease."


He nodded his head " mhm I'm listening." He stated

"drop all your concerns now, like setting down a heavy bag."

"That's motherfuckin hard." He Mumbled while he nervously laughed.

"Now focus on your breathe Eli." I mumbled

We continue on with our mindful meditation until his sister finally showed up with snacks and blanket .

She laid the blanket down and lit up a few candles and placed all the snacks onto the blanket.

"This is so relaxing and it calms my nerves." Penny moaned while biting into a chicken tuna sandwich "you smoke miyoko?."

I chuckled while taking a sip of my drink "surely do."

"She brought shrooms." Elias ran his hands down his face and side eyed penny "it'll get you fucked up literally."

I smacked my teeth "how fucked up?." I crossed my arms across my chest and looked at Elias and penny

Penny sat her sandwich down "it'll have you feeling like you On the move." She sounded serious.

"I already feel like I'm high as hell when i smoke my weed." I tapped my finger against my cheek "how about we smoke my weed and do shrooms."

The both looked at me with wide eyes and a smile formed across penny face " me and you are going to be bestfriends , this bitch tryna take us to the mother fuckin sun." She said excitedly while digging inside of her bag full of snacks

"I hope you know how to handle your weed." Elias said while laughing and pulling out his already rolled up blunt.

Penny pulled out a bag and handed it towards me . I opened the bag and sniffed " this shit stank , what i do though." I said while scrunching up my nose .

She happily clapped her hands together "eat it." She yelled out while taking the the blunt from Elias and lit it up

this went on for about a house , we all passed the blunt and took turns eating shrooms now we were currently laying on the blanket in a circle

"Why do they call it apartments if they're built together?." I blew the smoke out of my mouth and passed the blunt to penny

Elias smacked his teeth "even though they separated they apart." He shrugged while laughing

I rolled my eyes and we all began laughing "nah on the real bruh when i erase a word with a pencil where does it go." Elias mumbled

My eyes widened and i sat up "what if that shit go to the black hole huh.?" I said lowly while looking at both of them

"Do clothes in China say made around the corner or some shit?." Penny mumbled "scratch that , y'all think aliens real? I think i just seen one."

"Girl where at." Elias mumbled while sitting up. She pointed towards the area and my eyes widened

"That shoot look like a bear." I mumbled while squinting my eyes and looking closely at the animal

they both smacked their teeth "that's clearly a fucking alien." Elias said while hitting the back of my head .


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