《mindful souls [ COMPLETE]》bad trip. || 4:44


I grabbed the rolled up piece of paper off of the counter and slowly ran my face across my face to get the hair out of my face.

I put the rolled up paper by my nose and bet down sniffing the white substance , i got up slowly and threw my head back in satisfaction.

I repeated the same routine a couple more times before turning around just to bump into a dude , he smirked at me as he wrapped his arms around me

I giggled and looked around and everything was moving in slow motion , i turned around and his arms and slowly started to slow grind but i looked up and was pulled into another guys arms .

I looked up at him and my eyes were low , i sniffed and he handed a small box item "what's this?." I mumbled.

"something that'll make you happy." He whispered into my ear as he pulled me closer to him , he nibbled down on my ear and i chuckled .

"Where i put it at?." I backed away from him and everything was becoming blurry to me "on your tongue." He said sternly and i simply nodded my head

I placed the paper looking thing on my tongue and closed my mouth "you got more?." I mumbled while grabbing his face and making eye contact with him

he chuckled and looked away . He roughly dug into his pocket and pulled out three more.

I grab all of them from him and got out of his grip and walked where a nearby mirror was at , i looked at myself then a smile formed across my face

I placed all three of the square shaped things on my tongue and slowly closed my eyes and bobbed my head to the music.

The feeling i was feeling was amazing .

The feeling of excitement rush throughout my body and a smile plastered across my face.


I took a seat and slowly opened my eyes while looking around the club . I felt a vibrate from my back pocket and pullled out my phone and frowned once i got a text my mother and penny.

I frowned and clicked on my mothers messages "it's been a couple of weeks now miyo where are you." I read out loud and chuckled before deleting the message.

I clicked on penny's messages "I've been doing good , i started doing mindful meditation yesterday, hru?." I read out loud . I locked my phone and place it back into my back pocket .

I placed my elbows on my knees and my head into my hands as my eyes scanned through room .

I felt the couch sunken a little bit' and i looked over to see a dude smoking and he looked over at me and blew smoke into my face.

I closed my eyes and sniffed the air , i felt my face being grabbed and his sloppy wet lips were placed into mine.

I slid my tongue inside of this mouth and we tongue wrestle for a few minutes before he got up and left i frowned and got up to follow him only for my arm to be tugged at .

I looked back and was face to face with Adonis who had a unreadably look on his face. I smacked my lips "wassup doni." I said lowly while removing my arm from his grip

He shook his head and placed his hand onto my face "what are you doin' ?." He mumbled.

"Haven't fun isn't that what you wanted?." My words started to slur and vision became a little blurry but i started to slowly move my body to the beat that was playing inside of my head

he looked elsewhere "yeah but you're supposed to be having fun with me." He yelled out

I laughed while running my fingers through my hair "I'm not yours i can do what i want."


he looked down at me and shook his head "why'd you come here with me then?."

I chuckled and bit down on my lips before speaking. " i don't know , you asked me to come with."

"Do you even like me?." He looked around before finally looking back down at me "cause i like you." He mumbled "does any of this mean anything to you?." He threw his hands up while getting in my face." or did you just someone to get fucked up wit'."

I stayed quiet and looked down at feet why playing with my fingers "wow." He mumbled

"Look Adonis , i just don't have the space to love aigh?." I looked up and placed my hand chest

"Oh space huh? Let me give you some then." He stated before slowly walking away from me

"I'm having a awful time , you said you would get me high." I mumbled to myself as i looked around and grabbed the dude that was standing next to me . I got in front of him and slowly start to grind while letting the music take over my body

After a while i got tired of dancing and slowly made my way over to couch and dropped down onto the couch.

I looked towards the crowd and stared at the floor and seen those shoes.

the same shoes my grandmother would wear.

The same shoes we buried her in.

I rubbed my eyes to make sure i wasn't tripping and i continue to watch the feet .

I scrunched up my face and slowly rose up , i followed after the person until they finally got inside a room

I walked up to the door and looked around before slowly opening the door open and it i seen the same room i grew up in . I looked in the corner and seen my grandmother standing up looking at a picture of us.

I slowly made my way over to her and rubbed my eyes , She turned around while smiling and i ran towards her with open arms .

I sunk into her arms , the feeling I've been missing .

the scent i missed so much.

"What are you doing here? Usually i see you in all white but now it's like you're actually here." I said surprisingly while releasing my arms from around her i backed up then studied her

"I came to see you miyo." She chuckled

"What's it like? Is tupac there?." I asked seriously

she laughed laughed and took a seat on the bed so i sat next to her. "I actually haven't see him yet."

My eyes started to burn and tears fell from my eyes. I tried to stop the tears but i just couldn't . I laid my head into her shoulders "how am i supposed to live without?." I mumbled.

"By letting me go." She spoke softly as she ran her fingers through my hair. "You have to miyoko."

I shook my head "no , i can't." i looked down at my feet "I'm afraid I'm going to forget you."

"please." she scoffed "and I'm afraid you never will."

I shook my head down and dropped head into my lap trying to retain back the tears

she placed her heavy hands on to my back and rubbed me softly "please miyoko let me go. you have to .. I'm stuck here because of you and baby it's been years." She said lowly "you have a life of your own."

"I'm sorry i can't."

"you can." I heard her mumbled. I looked up and she got up from the bed . I closed my eyes while shaking my head "no you can't."

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