《Yarichin bitch club x (male) oc》Chap4(part1) "i wont be doing anything after this.."
I was in homeroom class and we just did a mock exam, the teacher said he well call up ours names to get the results i already knew i fail so i didn't care "lincoln" he call out and so i got up walk to his desk "please Try to act like your working.." he told me and i just nodded my head and left.
I look at the papers and saw i fail everything so i was right, not like i give twoshits about it though, its not like I'll be doing anything after this..
As i was thinking kyo-san came up to me and taka-san did as well "hey how'd you do linlin?" kyo-san ask me,
I just show him my mock test and he was shock even taka-san was "what about-" "i guess you dont like to study huh? Linlin" kyo-san ask me "not really.." i said looking away then I look at taka-san "i didn't do half bad..Yacchan help me with some things he knew." he said and so i look at his, he did a lot better then me
I gave him a pet on the head and yacchan as well "good job.." i said to them, i didnt notice kyo-san blushing but taka-san was smiling "thanks!" he says to me "y-yeah thanks.." he says, the three of us went to look at the board that had rankings on it with all the different students names on it, then i saw Yuri's name at the top of his class "eh!!! A-ayato got first in his rank!?!" i yell "you know him?!" kyo-san ask "y-yeah..We're in the same club.." i said looking away
"that makes since.." he said laughing saying that ayato was in the top of his class since the beginning and shit, i was shock "how about i help you with your studies linlin" kyo-san ask me, i was going to refuse but he gave me that sad puppy eyes look.
I sighed and said "fine.." he jump with joy and smile happily, then i got a text from ake-senpai
Ybc' group:
Ake-sanpai: come to the club room pls! I mean everyone btw! So dont be late!~ 😘
Tuma: yeah yeah, also fuck you yuri! 🖕🏻
Yuri: ye ye~ sex sex!~ 👅👅👅💦
Kashima: ok! I'll there! 😄
End of text in the group.
I groan wondering why i even join a group chat with them, i look at taka-san as he look at it to and sighs "we gotta go to the club room yacchan, we'll see you later" he says as he walks first then stops to wait for me
"hm. See ya kyo-san, I'll text ya later" i mainly got the people's numbers and that from who i knew already "y-yeah sure! See ya!" i wave at him as i ran up to catct to taka-san "wonder what he wants." i ask as we walk to the club room "i dont know but im scared to find out.." he says
Once we got to the club room i open it for taka-san so he could walk in first and then i did closing the door behind me, i saw everyone there and of course yuri was sucking on a dildo
"amazing that he's the same guy who is the top of his class and shit..." i said groaning "yeah fuck you yuri getting first place again!" tuma middle finger him having a piss off look and sigh a bit as tuma was arguing with him ake-senpai and shi-senpai were explaining some stuff i kinda already knew thanks to kyo-san.
"so how'd you guys do on your mock test?" ake-senpai ask "i got seventh place in mine.." taka-san says "not bad!" he says having him sigh in relief, "i came in fifth!" kas-sama said.
I was shock that he was in fifth place 'what!?! He's way better then me! Ughhh' i look at him still in shock then he look at me smiling "g-good jo-" "and you lincoln?" he ask me now 'well shit...' i turn my head away saying "i fail" was all i said in a blunt way, guess he knew i didn't care one bit
Tuma was yelling at me and shit so we ended up fighting for a bit kas-sama was holding me back as yuri was holding tuma back as well cause all them knew both of us would go at eachother throats.
"so i fail! Not like i give twoshits about it" he says as he was out of kashima grip which made akemi just sigh as Lincoln sat down on a chair crossing his arms over his chest while kashima sat next to him.
"isnt your older brother in college?" he ask and Lincoln glare at tuma and yuri cause they were the only ones who knew about him "yeah. So what?" he ask as he looks away from tuma the most which shock him "just thought that maybe-" "that I'd be like him wanting to go to college and ran a busines or some shit like my dad. Yeah thats not for me" he cut him off before he could say anything like that.
"look ok the all college thing isn't me, besides I'd end up fighting or some shit so why bother going there, doesn't matter what i do, it my own life" he said to them "i understand but at least try please.." akemi ask him looking at him sadly which Lincoln flinch at and sigh nodding his head slowly "doesn't mean I'll like it though..." he says "great! Now then I'll say why i wanted all of you come here!" he says smiling "innocently"
All of the members did a pose expected tono "we're doing a study session!" all of them said wearing glasses while yuri just wore his sunglasses.
'fuck me..' was all Lincoln said in his head, tono already went to his dorm, while Lincoln was walking away from the club slowly letting out an irritating sigh "why the hell do i have to study for this shit...Not like I'll be doing anything anyways..Never really fit in anywhere or with anyone..So whats the point..' he kept thinking to himself until he was call out by someone
"linlin!" he turn around seeing yacchan, he smile a bit and wave at him "hey.." was all he said "hey haa linlin wanna study now? I can help with the stuff i already know! I-if you want.." he says his smiling fading a bit.
He nodded his head and said "sure, wanna do it in my room? I got some snacks there" he says to him which got him to blush very red "s-sure!" yacchan said with a happy smile
I went to Lincoln's room for the first time but only to study! Just to study! As we finally made it to his room i notice his room was a few doors away from mine. "its a little messy just to warn you.." he says to me i shook my head saying im a messy person to
We walk in as soon as he open the door
'this isnt as messy as my room! Wow..' i said to myself as i look around, he pull out a around small table on the ground were we could sit and so we startes to study for a while.
I taught him the stuff i knew already after about 3hours of studying we took a break, he ask me if i wanted something to drink i said yes, he handed me one of his favorite drinks, i took a sip and spitted out quickly, it was sour!! "g-guess you dont like it huh?" he ask me "my taste bud and sour stuff dont really mix no.." i said with a nervous smile wiping my mouth "i can get you something else if you like" he says "no its fine!" i said drinking it then but a little to fast into which i cough violently
He patted my back gently and rub it up and down slowly "you ok kyo-san!?!" he ask worriedly "y-yeah *cough* j-just drank to fast hah.." i laugh nervously, he gave me some water and i drank it slowly until half way his phone rang suddenly which i spitted out my drink again and this time onto his shirt
"s-sorry linlin!" i said bowing my heaf repeatedly "its fine kyo-san" he says taking off his shirt as he got up, my eyes widen at the sight as i saw he had a 8 pack of abs, my face was red soon he pick seeing who it was and his calm face turn into a frustration one i was going to ask who it was until he spoke into the phone
He talk in a piss off tone "i told you i would fucking call you mom, your the one who told me i can call whenever want" he says hurshly "yes im studying! God.." he frown his bowrs my heart leap a bit from the sight so i left his room as he talks to his mom
I held my hand over my heart crunching my shirt tightly as i went back to my room panting a little.
Today the club at a study session cause its after school now (and this girl to lazy!) once they got into the studies they had one rule, or game..It was if you fail then you strip your clothes off! Lincoln was in hell when he had to see everyone, well almost everyone strip ".....So..How does this help? Ake-senpai..." he try to keep his focus on his books while getting more pale "oh well, we gotta make it a bit fun and all right!" he says as he was just in his boxers 'dear god...!' he yells in his head
Then tuma strip his last clothing while yuri was ass naked "u-um why are you stripping?" he ask yuri and he sang of course so he couldn't get an actual answer from him.
During the study shit went down fast, lincoln got some right "ah! Got it right linyliny!~" yuri said, he walk to him "th-thanks..Um..Ayato-senpai.." then out of nowhere yuri hug him while he was naked "ugk! D-dont hug people when your ass naked ayato-senpai!" "yay yay! Im a senpai!~ wet kissy!" he try to push him away "h-hell no! Keep it!"
Tuma was pouting a bit until he heard "t-tuma-senpai help me!" he calls out something snap inside him as he hug him two "ack!!!" he finally push them out of the way and hug kas-sama "i cant focus shit! First you want me to focus now you want me to strip and shit!!!" he yells as he kept holding onto kashima for dear life
"come liny~ we just wanna reward ya~" tuma said with an evil smirk "the hell you do!" he yells as he didnt look at him cause both of them were ass naked "since you got 3 wrong might as well take off three clothes lincoln" akemi said "fuck no! Ughhh i cant study like this!!! Why the hell did i agree to this shit if this was going to happen!!!" he mess up his dark purple hair.
I was studying with kyo-san for awhile but not as much but we did study after school and during breaks here and there at times midterms were in three days so i had to really focus on it but i cant if they keep striping
"you trouble with something?" i glance at kas-sama and nodded my head pointing to the one i had more troubles on, he explain to me about it but i wasn't listening at all 'he so easy going..He gets better grades then me..Probably everything actually and so social to..Someone like me i get so akawrd around others and my grades are seriously bad' suddenly i felt an arm press against mine and i look to see kas-sama
"you listening lin-chan?" he ask 'crap..' i was pale now "s-sorry..Um could you repeat that..Please..." i beg as i look into orbs (i forgot what colour they r!!!) "maybe we should take a break..Lets have lunch" he said "but I'd feel bad..I can study." i said to him then he lightly hits his book on the table and whine sadly "come on! Cant you have lunch with me once in a while?!" i thought it was kinda cute "i just eat by myself mainly.." i told him "plus don't you have friends to eat with?" i ask him "i see them all the time so dont worry about it! Please eat with me lin-chan" he beg and i sigh giving in saying ok to him.
Once it was lunch i went to cafeteria but i didnt get much but for kas-sama he had a lot "so much food!" i yell as i look at his tray "you barely have any lin-chan haha"
He had ask me why if i eat alone a lot, i explain to him why asking if i eat with kyo-san "well..He always has soccer so i wouldn't want to look like a creep or something to him if i wait and plus..I get claustrophobic when it comes to big ass crowd of people.." I said "the club im fine with cause there isn't that many guys in there.." i told him looking down at my food "ohh i see. I have siblings so its weird for me to eat alone" he said to me.
"how many do you have?" i ask him "seven of us including me!" i gave a shock look "seven!?! Holy crap!" he was chuckling explaining what they do and that and he ask the same thing "well..I have two sisters and well you already kinda know i have a older bro.." i said to him as i ate "oh i thought you just had a brother" he says "are they older or younger?" he ask "their both younger then me, I'm the middle child in our family." i said as i look at him my cheeks full of food with crums on my face again
"haha you really are messy huh?" he wipe my face gently and i groan a bit trying to move his hand away "i told you I ain't no kid!" "hahah!"
The food was to big so i only ate half of it he ask me if i was done and i nodded my head "want my flan bread?" he ask as he smile at me "dont you like it though?" i ask him before answering before i could though "yeah i do. Huh wait how'd you know?!" he said looking surprise "well the weeks ago, look like you enjoy it" i said to him bluntly, i notice a blush on his face "s-so you remember that huh?" he rub his nose with his index finger "yeah hahaha, not hard to remember something that was so cute to see" i said smiling a bit "h-huh lets trade!" he says
I told him i don't need it but he insisted on it which i chuckled to and so we did, then we started to study together. He had ask me if we could do this more often after the terms, i agree to it and then he said "great! I like being around you, its fun!" he said smiling charmingly "h-hm ok then..But i wont be doing it all the time.." i said to him he chuckled once again nodding his head.
Once me and my friends were in the cafeteria i saw linlin and yu together studying, i kept looking at him as they talk and everything.
I didn't know how i should feel right now..I liked Lincoln cause he was kind even though most others wouldn't see that cause of how he acts and looks, i heard he got into a fight with the thrid years but he explain why, he was helping a club member..He was gentle to, a heart of gold, his smile always made me feel safe 'ill talk to him tomorrow i guess..'
It was the morning now boys walking from their dorms to school, Lincoln was yawning away cause he study so much with kas-sama he said his room wasnt very far so it was ok, as he was walking he heard yacchan calling out to him "morning linlin!" he says cheerfully "oh, morning kyo-san" he said in return rubbing his tired eye, his hair was messy bedhead as he walk. Yacchan couldn't help think it was cute
Then he ask him something "so you study with yu?" Lincoln look at him and nodded "yeah *yawn* he was helping me for a bit" he says "is that so.." he said sadly as he walk up ahead, he watch him "you jealous kyo-san?" he ask suddenly "wha-what no! I-i mean u-um" he kept looking at him as yacchan look down 'shit! How'd he know i was jealous! Ughh linlin needs all the help he should get! So i should feel this way!' he was yelling to himself in his head while Lincoln was blinking
"if ya want..I don't have to study just with him, we can study together" he says to him "e-eh? You meam 'we' as in you, me and yu?" he ask nervously "mhm, if you dont mind.." he said looking down almost like a sad dog, he could literally see a dog ears and tail 'so cute!!!!' "n-no i dont mind at all!" he says "great! Then we can in my room?" he says excitedly with a smile just like an angel or something.
"y-yeah..Hahah.." he said while blushing.
Once they were inside the school Lincoln quickly look for kas-sama "um, is kashima here?" he ask someone and they all look scared of him but he was just tired, then kashima came running to him "hey! Whats up?" he ask him "oh um..Kyo- i mean um..Its fine of kyo-san studies with us right? He look like he was being left out so i ask him, he said it was fine with him.." he said looking down as kashima look at him thinking of how cute he was "sure, why not" he says smiling a bit "great see you in club and after- oh and we'll be studying my room, i hope you dont mind" he says to him 'h-his room?!! I-i never seen his room before! This is a one in a life time chance!!!' kashima yell in his head "n-not at all! See you then!!"
Then he went back to his class and sighs in relief.
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