《Not A Bitch [Haitus]》Chapter Nine


To add to the mystery not even a full five minutes passed until multiple footsteps were heard. More unknown men showed up, Tengfei stood full height looking at the incoming men in nicely dressed suits and sunglasses "" the man in front stopped bowing his head. The other members bowing their head aswell "" he spoke Chinese in a dignified manner. Zhin-shou Kung, one of the top men hired by the Wu family in Japan to cover up any mishandlings caused by the Wu family.

With a raise of his hand the group of fifteen or so men split in half, half going into the room with flashlights the others going to the boys on the wall. Six men picked up one member each, walking down the hallway "What's happening?" Keiichi asked looking to Fei who was trailing the group of men "They will make sure you're not hurt" he reassured as the six men in suits carried them into a classroom setting them in desks closing the door behind them "Tell them if you hurt anywhere" "I was kicked and stabbed" blood trickled down her outer thigh which a man was quick to kneel bandaging her thigh after disinfecting it.

Tengfei left the room leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, a scowl was on his face. His brows furrowed. For Tengfei, when he was young he was raised with an opportunity to choose to either be brave or move with the least of his fears like a leaf in a river. Sometimes he flows like the leaf, but he's most proud of himself when he just stops and take control over everything. He was trained to not be the leaf, he was raised to be the river and direct his own course even when fear blackens out the sun. He is Tengfei Wu, a warrior. Bloodshed meant nothing, he could swim in his enemy's blood without hesitation.


But how would normal people react, he had instances when he was little. Kids at primary school would look at him in fear only because of his last name. Therefore he had to be homeschooled. Away from kids who try to start fights with him. Out of China he was unknown, or only few organizations knew about him.

He didn't think the Lou family would track him, they probably used Baihua. He would have to send her back and keep a lookout on the club members, normally he wouldn't care to trample on the bodies of those who thought of him as a friend.

But these boys were different.

From the day he met them they never stopped surprising him. They never ceases to make him feel welcomed. Outside of his own family, this felt like something close to family. A brotherhood "" Fei nodded "" He uncrossed his arms cracking this neck. His soft expression hardened, his eyes narrowed at nothing particular "" Fei ran a hand threw his long white hair ""

Mr. Kung nodded "" "Sincerely, The Wu Family" Kung nodded before turning and walking away.

Fei reached into his hanfu pocket pulling out the price of paper the teacher handed him, unfolding it carefully his eyes traced over the words.

Dear Tengfei Wu,

We do hope you enjoy the tea sent. We took delicate care to make sure it has reached your dear friends.

Sincerely, The Lou Family.

Should he send the letter to Mrs. Zheng to place on the body? No. Certainly the sincerely would be enough. If not he could always stamp and send it back "Gege?" He folded the paper tucking it into his pocket turning to Baihua, she peered in the hallway at Fei. He relaxed his face into the soft expression she always seen him have, he reached out patting her head "Are you alright?" She nodded. Slowly she came out and she hugged her arms around his broad torso, she nuzzled her nose into the nook of his shoulder "You're sending me back?" "Yes" being cooped up in the house surrounded by nothing but guards would be sufficating. But safe. She exhaled, there was no use in trying to fight against it. She was his pet. Her job was to obey everything he says.

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