《Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}》Chapter 22
"I'm so happy.."
Zayn groaned hoping Liam's flair for dramatic entrances doesn't wake up his baby girl. Yazz usually sleeps well through the night, even between her feeds, but last night she was restless and wouldn't stop crying. Harry had worried she was ill as she's not a fussy baby and worked himself in such a state, Zayn was in turn worried he will have an asthmatic attack. Harry had Facetimed his mom all flustered and anxious, moving the phone all around the baby for Anne to see, Zayn thought he looked like a security guard with a metal detector the way he kept moving the phone. Anne said Yazz was probably just feeling too warm cause she was wearing a thick fluffy white romper, 'as much as she looked like a cute little lamb' she said, 'it's too warm to sleep on'. Yazz did settle after they changed her into something lighter, but was angsty when she woke up for her feed, in the end they decided she'd better sleep in their bed.
So right now he's tired, Harry is tired and fallen asleep after their brunch, which was surprising as Harry is such a morning person. Harry had suggested inviting the boys for brunch to tell them about their engagement. So here they are, Zayn lying on top of his sleeping boyfriend, fiancee..oh my word, he can't believe he's engaged and a father at twenty three. Louis lying on the opposite couch with Yazz sleeping on his chest, she was still fussy this morning and Zayn was more than happy to pass her to Louis when he came this morning, Harry had been busy in the kitchen. Niall is in the loveseat munching on something. Liam the last one in, he did say he was going to be late as he had a gym session he couldn't miss, whatever...
"Okay.." Louis said.
"Okay? Is that all you got? Okay"
"What do you want me to say, Liam?"
"You're supposed to ask me why I'm so happy...that's how it works"
"No, don't say okay Louis, ask me for goodness sake..Niall..??" Liam said crossing his arms,
"Why are..." Niall started saying the same time as Louis,
"You always do this though Liam, you'll be like 'ooh I'm so excited','ooh I'm so happy' blah blah blah. Why can't you blurt it out like everyone else instead of making everything into a bloody fucking mystery huh?" Louis said sitting up, the baby's nappy needed changing he could smell it, he could see Zayn looking exhausted.
"Louis..." Zayn said looking at a pouting Liam.
"Okay...why the fuck are you happy for then..?"
"Well, I proposed to Sophia.."
"Good for you, mate" Louis said getting up to change the baby.
"Good for you mate?!! is that it? Wow.. The enthusiasm just jumped out of you there mate, thanks.."
"What can I say..i can only handle one proposal at a time.." Louis headed for the nursery cradling the baby.
"One proposal at a time?..what does he mean??"
"He means baby daddy here also proposed yesterday..so.." Niall said
"What!! Oh my gosh!! Zee, Harry...guys. Congratulations, let me see the ring...no. how did he propose? omg Zee, I'm so happy for you mate.." Liam jumped on Zayn to hug him, kissing them both, waking Harry, who groaned.
"Get off Liam..you're heavy" Harry said pushing him off Zayn.
"Zee,...let me see the ring..aww.. l love it, it's so you..gold and beautiful.. well done Harry"
"Thanks Li.." Harry said shifting so Zayn's head was on his shoulder, arm across his chest, lifting one of his legs around his waist.
"I mean it Haz...thanks for making Zee happy. I mean, I'm happy I proposed to Sophia but this just makes me so so so happy." Liam was grinning so wide at Harry.
"Stop being so fucking dramatic Liam" Louis was back without the baby, sitting down, putting baby monitor on the coffee table, cutting him off.
"Congrats to you too Li. I'm happy for you too mate...I'm assuming she said yes?.." Harry said smiling and teasing,
"Of course she said yes...why else will I be happy about.."
"You're happy just about anything Liam, so that's a valid question.." Louis said.
"So you think I'll come here shouting 'I'm happy' if Sophia said no..?"
"We wouldn't know that Liam, now would we?"
"Anyways, thanks for owning up to fucking shouting, surely you could see the baby was asleep.." Louis said lying back down on the couch.
"Sorry about that.." Liam said looking at Harry who waved him off, "That's fine"
"You wanted to know how Harry proposed, didn't you?" Niall asked Liam smiling,
"Yeah..owww" Liam said ducking when Louis threw his phone at him, knocking his head on the table, he's been sitting on the floor next to Harry and Zayn.
"Check the video 'Shady Harry', you can see for yourself how he proposed" Louis said eyes closed. Niall was laughing so loud covering his mouth Louis was such a drama queen,
"You've got the proposal on video, what?" Liam was looking at Zayn eyes wide, "Mate..." Zayn just shrugged smiling,
"Aww...this is cute. Zayn, were you drunk?" Laim said chuckling
"You mean drunk in love..?" Harry said, Zayn raised his head looking at him wide eyed, "Give it to me..babe" he said his hand up and Harry high fived him smiling.
"Do I dare ask why 'shady Harry'?"
"Gemma sent me that video..Liam, ask her?"
"Gemma is the one who took the video, she was there as well then?"
"No.." Harry mumbled, burying his face in Zayn's head of hair, ruffling it with his hand.
"No..?" Liam asked Zayn shaking his head,
"You know who else wasn't there..?" Louis asked looking at Liam.
"I didn't know Haz was gonna propose Lou, you would've been there if I did" Zayn said cuddling closer to Harry.
"How would you know, baby? It's supposed to be a surprise, isn't it?" Harry said kissing Zayn's head.
"It wasn't a surprise to you Harold, you knew, didn't you?"
"Lou..please" Zayn said, sitting across Harry's lap, biting his lip nervously. Harry put his hand around his thigh and squeezed it.
"That's alright babe.., it is what it is" Louis said shrugging,
"Why can't you let it fucking be then, Louis? Why can't you just be happy for us...for Zayn?" Harry said trying to get up but Zayn pushed him back,
"Who said I'm not happy..?"
"You could've fooled me cause you're not fucking acting like it mate"
"Oh please, like you were going to fucking propose anyway..Pfft.." Louis scoffed,
"What? what do you mean Louis, huh?" Harry sat up pushing Zayn off his lap, who wrapped his arms around his waist so he couldn't get up.
"Don't act dumb Harry, you know exactly what I'm talking about?"
Louis was sitting up hands across his chest,
"No..I don't Louis, spit it out" Harry stood up, trying to push Zayn off him,
"Oh you don't know do you, explain how you proposed the same day I told you about Zayn flirting with Jake, huh, explain that?"
"No I didn't flirt..no I didn't" Zayn said walking towards Louis,
"Why were you blushing then babe, if you weren't..?"
"You told me Jake kept complementing Zayn and smirking at him...no flirting, you never told me anything about flirting, Louis" Harry was moving slowly towards Louis, hands clenched, Liam's hand was on his arm pulling him back.
"Just admit you proposed to claim Zayn as yours. Jake can't have him now, can he?"
"That's enough Louis!!!" Zayn shouted at Louis, sitting back down. How the fuck was this happening, all the boys are suppose to be happy for him and Harry. Fuck...
"You know something just came to me... you were with Zayn barely a month and he was pregnant, what's that about. You are nothing but possessive that's what, you got him pregnant so..."
Harry punched him before Louis could finish, straddled and hitting him over and over as Liam and Niall tried to pull him off.
"You fucker... I fucking hate you" Harry growled as Louis kneed him on his balls, pulling him to the floor kicking as Liam tried desperately to separate them. Harry is taller and bigger than all of them and that was to his advantage, and he was like a caged animal when angry. He managed to shake Liam off him and Niall got accidentally kicked in the knee by Louis who was on his floor frantically kicking at Harry. Niall cried in pain sitting on the floor, Harry charged at Louis, picked him up like a ragged doll, standing him on his feet and slammed him against the wall Louis winced in pain as the back of his head made contact with the wall.
"Take that back, Louis" Harry growled his arm on Louis's neck, but not pressing just holding him there.
"Take what back..everyone know what a fucking possessive bastard you are, Harry. Explain why a commitment phobe like you would have someone pregnant and engaged in less than a year. You want to own Zayn..." Louis was stopped by pain, a dripping nose and a door closing as Harry punch his face.
Zayn.. Shit..
"Get the fuck out of here, Louis!!!" Harry shouted lying on the floor, Liam having managed to tackle him. He was shaking with anger, just fucking seeing red, didn't even notice the door closing.
"Get the fuck out of here or I swear I'm going to fucking kill you!!!!"
"Harry...mate, Haz..come down please" Liam was trying but failing to calm him down.
"Tell him to get the fuck out of my home!!!" Harry was trying to push him off but Niall was sitting on his legs as well.
Louis took his shirt off, wiping the blood off walking towards the bathroom, Harry frowning at him. "I'll clean myself and go.." he mumbled,
"Haz please...calm down yeah. Zayn is gone." Niall said rubbing his legs.
"Baby!!!" Harry was looking around for Zayn, running to their bedroom and nursery, falling down as his legs gave way. The baby. Yasmeen was not in her cot.
"He's gone Niall and took the baby with him ..Oh my god" Harry collapsed in his arms tears falling down. Liam sat him down and Niall sitting on the other side.
"Zayn will be okay he just need a breather," Liam was rubbing his back,
"The baby. He took the baby.." Harry cried on Niall's shoulder,
Louis walked in wearing Zayn's tshirt, bruise already forming in his face. He stood looking at Harry then sat down looking miserable.
"I was out of line. I'm sorry Harry"
"What the fuck got into you Louis..huh?, you are like a destructive cyclone not caring who gets hurt. I thought you care about Zayn more than anyone, why?" Niall asked disappointed at Louis, of all people. Louis whose always protective of Zayn.
"I'm sorry I was not thinking, maybe selfish a bit..maybe. I don't know, sorry"
"Look what you've done now, huh. Zayn is gone taking our Yasmeen, he's clearly upset and intends to be away for while. Why else will he take the baby?" Niall said shaking his head,
"Its almost as if you were jealous or something.." Harry pursed his lips at him, Louis looking away, "omg you are jealous.."
"Louis..you are not jealous of your friends are you mate?" Liam couldn't believe he just asked that, what the fuck?
"You like Zayn..dont you?" Harry asked elbows on his knees sitting forward,
Louis didnt answer, instead looked away.
"Louis! You like like Zee?" Liam asked voice high pitched, standing up to sit next to him.
"No, I mean of course I like him he's my best friend" Louis mumbled not looking at him or anyone,
"You like him more than a friend, dont you? Omg it makes sense now, how for five years you stopped me from making a move at him. You like him" Harry was looking at ceiling now, head resting on the couch. This is fucking messed up and unbelievably believable. Louis was always close to Zayn, closer than any of them, partners in crime.
"What does it matter, he's never liked me like that anyway, he was hooked on you the first time he saw you, pftt" Louis scoffed, wiping his nose with his dirty shirt.
"Oh God..." Liam said as Niall gasped looking at Louis,
"Why did you tell Harry about Jake, huh? Where you jealous?"
"This is fucked up, you are not even gay, are you?" Harry said looking at him,
"I don't know..I think I'm bi.."
"What..?? When did that happen? Were you always bi?" Harry stared at Louis open mouthed as Liam fired questions.
"Is that why you mentioned you and Zayn kissed? Were you trying to tell us you're gay..?" Harry asked, this is not happening, this is a nightmare!
"No of course not, I didn't know then. I was just messing with you. It's just that, I had a fight with Eleanor, she sort of blurted out I cared more about Zayn's feelings than hers, that maybe I should just be with him"
"Basically, you destroyed your relationship and now are trying to destroy mine, huh?" Harry shouted at Louis wanting to stamp his feet on this tiny fucker.
"Of course not, I know and see how much Zayn loves you and you love him.."
"But that didn't stop you taking a dig did it though?" Harry scoffed at him, getting up going to the kitchen. He needs to find out where Zayn is. He took his phone out of his jeans calling him.
"What's done is done, we need to find Zayn, we can't have him be upset and have the baby with him okay. So, Louis go... me and Niall we'll stay with Harry" Liam said standing up, looking for his phone. They need to call Zayn.
"Yeah sure...sorry about everything" Louis said walking towards the door,
"His phone is switched off.." Harry said looking at his phone,
"Can Zayn not know about this, please?" Louis blinked his tears looking at Harry.
Harry nodded at him and Louis left.
"Harry, he's not at his mom's house either.. Trisha hasn't seen him today.." Liam said shaking his head, "Anne hasn't seen him either.." Niall told him, getting off his phone.
"Omg...where the hell could he go, huh?"
"Maybe work..let's call in and ask" Niall was already dialling as Liam was talking,
"Ed mate, is Zayn there?...Yeah.. Ok...
Yeah I know...she's cute, isn't she?.... ok..I've gotta go yeah...bye..bye" Niall nodded at them, "He's at work.."
Harry took his keys running out, boys following.
"They are close, aren't they? The arguments we had were always about them you know. I always felt he was holding back, like someone maybe was holding him back, you know. I guess it was just me being jealous of their friendship. Oh..congrats by the way on your engagement, couldn't help but notice the ring shining on his finger." Jake said patting Harry on the shoulder, leaving him watching Zayn and Louis cuddled on the couch in Zayn's office.
Liam and Niall were at the reception desk watching Ed, he was feeding the baby when they came, guess Zayn is that upset then, Harry thought.
"Haz.." Zayn detached himself from Louis, standing up and hugged him, clinging on tight, Harry hugging back just as fierce.
He can't lose him, he can't.
"I'm sorry..baby. Forgive me.." he said squeezing him tightly,
"Haz.." Zayn looked up at him, tears in his eyes.
"Please forgive me..baby"
Harry leaned down kissing softly his mouth, then each cheek, his nose, his chin, his forehead and lastly his mouth again lingering a bit. He looked at his face and Zayn's eyes were smiling through his tears, that's lately been Harry's way of saying 'I love you so much' through each kiss.
"I love you too.." Zayn said smiling, Harry wiped his tears.
"I love you more, baby. More than you can imagine..so so much more. I'm sorry for being an arsehole. I'm sorry for not making our home a safe place for our daughter that you had to take her away. I'm sorry for losing control in her presence"
"I forgive you Haz"
"Thank you..baby"
"Now kiss me.." Zayn whispered his arms tight around his waist,
Harry could feel him smiling into the kiss, everything is fine. They are fine. Hell will freeze if Louis thinks about breaking them. Friends or not, gloves are off.
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