《Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}》Chapter 12


Few days later. Harry didn't take well to the news of being a father. Zayn left..


Harry could hear someone moving in Zayn's room, shuffling around, doors opening and closing. He got out of bed wearing his boxers, walking slowly taking hesitant steps towards the room, almost afraid what he was going to find.

"Zayn" he tried again, voice shaking a bit.

"Harry.." oh, Liam.

"Liam.." Harry leaned against the door watching him moving around the room, taking clothes from the wardrobe and drawers putting them on the bed. He was afraid to ask what Liam was doing even though it was clear he was here for Zayn's clothes.

"Hi, Harry" Liam sounded like he was forcing the words out, not even looking at him.

"What are you doing?"

"What it looks like.." Liam answered putting some of Zayn's clothes in a suitcase Harry hadn't even noticed on the bed.

"Liam, please..just. How is he?" Harry asked in a low unsteady voice.

"I'll be out of your way in a minute, mate. You can get on with whatever you were doing" Liam continued moving around the room, putting some of Zayn's socks and underwear in the suitcase.

"Huh?" Harry frowned at him, the hell that means.

"Listen.." Liam said looking at Harry, "I'm here to get what Zayn wants and then I'll be out of your way, okay?"

"I don't think I like your tone, mate" Harry said moving towards Liam,

"I don't think I like you right now, mate"

"What?" Harry stood there looking at his friend, are they even that anymore, he hasn't seen Liam or Louis since Zayn left.

"You heard me" Liam eyed him up and down, shook his head walking towards the door dragging the suitcase behind him.

Harry rushed standing between him and the door, folding his arms, "What don't you say what you mean Liam? Out with it"

"Louis was right about you when he said-"

"Of course Louis. I should have known, why don't you tell me what Louis said huh, Liam? We all know he can't stand me, always desperate for Zayn's attention. Come on then, tell me what he said" Harry moved closer to him till their faces were inches apart.

Liam shook his head looking at Harry, "You know what Harry, Louis might not like you for no reason, but YOU," Liam pointed at him, "just gave me a reason mate. You always like to have your cake and eat it. Well, I hope it's worth it" Liam pushed him out of the way and banged the door on his way out.


"What even?" Harry was puzzled looking at the door.


Harry turned around so quickly he nearly gave himself whiplash, Niall was standing in the middle of the room looking at him. How had he not notice him earlier, how and when did he even get in, he assumed Zayn would have given Liam a key.

"Niall.." Harry ran towards him, and Niall hugged him tight, Harry teared up, feeling emotional. He's been so conflicted, his life not making sense anymore. He hasn't seen his boyfriend in two and half weeks. He knows Zayn went to his parents' house after their appointment, the last time he saw him. The tears Zayn had on his face when he drove away haunt him. Everytime he closes his eyes, all he sees is him crying. He thought about going to see him, but didn't know if he would be welcomed. Also Louis had banned him from seeing Zayn, threatened him in fact. He sobbed loudly on Niall's shoulder, thinking about how he messed everything up when he told Zayn he wasn't ready to be a father. Zayn did understand, didn't he? He said it was fine. Why does it hurt so much? Did he make a mistake? Will Zayn ever forgive him? He's still his boyfriend. They didn't officially break up, at least Harry doesn't think so.

"Haz.." Niall said softly rubbing his shoulders.

"Liam hates me. He's always been on my side, taken my side, and he hates me. Zayn hates me. Louis hates me" Harry wiped his eyes looking at him, "everyone hates me.."

"Em, Louis never really-".Niall started, but stopped when Harry pouted like a child.

"Let's concentrate on me please Niall"

"Sorry Haz. I'm not sure what's going on with you and Zayn, and I'm not judging you, but.." Naill cocked his head tongue poking his cheek.

"What do you mean, but?" Harry asked as Niall pulled away from him and sat on the couch.

"I mean..." he said again lifting his shoulders.

"What? Can everyone stop talking in fucking riddles and tell me the fuck you mean, Niall huh?"

"Well.." Niall hesitated for a minute finding his words, "Kendall did open the door to let us in wearing your shirt. So, you can't blame Liam for being pissed at you. I'm assuming you and Zayn probably had a fight that's why Louis banned me from seeing him. No one is telling me what happened, even you. Kendall being here, you in your..." Niall was waving his hand at Harry's boxers, "is not helping Haz"


Harry was looking at Niall like he's lost his mind. Kendall did visit last night and knows what happened with Zayn, but she left last night, Harry thinks. He fell asleep crying and can't remember her leaving but he assumed she left..

"What are you talking about?" He asked

"What do you mean, Haz? You losing me now" Niall asked confused.


"What about her?" Niall frowned.

"Yes, Niall. What about her,..?"

"What about her?" Niall asked again not following.

"Oh for fucksake Niall...." Harry said walking to his and Zayn's room. God it hurts. He needs to fix this. "You said Kendall opened the door for you and Liam?" Harry was putting on a tshirt, sweatpants on.

"Oh yeah that-" Niall started to say,

"Yes that Niall, jesus..."

"When I came to check on you, Liam was already knocking on your door and Kendall answered"

Liam should have had a key though, why was he doing knocking? Whatever.

"Okay, she opened the door" Harry shrugged, "what's wrong with that?" Guess she didn't leave last night, he was not sure why.

"Wearing your shirt, Harry. Your shirt. Your ex being here when you and your boyfriend are not talking doesn't look good, Haz"

"Kendall is not my ex, besides nothing happened"

"If you say so..."

"I say so. I love Zayn. I wouldn't cheat on him. I didn't cheat, okay" Harry told him annoyed at the suggestion "Where is she now?"

"She left as soon as we got here though"

"Nothing happened. She was just here, I don't know" Harry stood up going to the kitchen, this conversation was making him hungry.

"Liam said Zayn was at the doctors today, what's wrong with him?" Niall asked sitting on the kitchen counter.

Harry turned to look at him, "I messed up.."

"I'm here for you Haz. Tell me what's going on?"

"He's pregnant"

"What?" said Niall choking on nothing,

"Zayn is pregnant"

"Who's the father?" Niall asked shocked.

Harry rolled his eyes, how is that even a question, "Oh my god, it's not Jake is it? Is that why you two are not talking? I'm sorry, Haz" Niall got up about to hug his friend.

"Sit down Niall. I'm the father" he will kill Jake if he goes near Zayn.

"Okay. You're the father. Now, where's the problem? Why are you two not together?"

"I messed up. That's the problem"

"You are the problem you mean" Niall's demeanour, he folded his arms looking at Harry.

"I thought you're not judging.." Harry raised a brow at him.

"I am not. I'm mad. You are not taking responsibility for your unborn child otherwise Zayn wouldn't have moved out. I love you Haz, I do. You're going to be a father, so your days of being selfish are over. Thats unfair on Zayn and your unborn child too"

Shit, even the truth hurts. Harry was about to have a meltdown in the middle of the kitchen. Niall got up and hugged his friend noticing his glossy eyes, his breathing changing and lips quivering.

Harry couldn't control the tears rolling down his face, taking in his best friends words. Niall is right. He needs to figure things out, postponing whatever plans he had. He loves Zayn with all his heart, he's always dreamed of them settling down, buying a house with a big garden and having a dog together. Seeing the world together, collecting souvenirs to show their children in the future. But he doesn't remember pressing a fast forward button for the future to come this quick. He clinged on to Niall as he continue sobbing, he just couldn't stop crying, he missed his mom and sister. He hasn't told them about Zayn being pregnant. He never thought he'll turn out like the man he despises. His own father.

He is going to be father. A better father than his own. He smiled through his tears. He's going to be a great father. And will prove that to Zayn.

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