《Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}》chapter 2


Bang! door shutting, someone being pushed against the wall, muffled moans, things being knocked over. Zayn turned over to look at his alarm clock, 2:25am. Great. Urgh just fucking flipping great, Harry always bringing his friend of the night at bloody awful hours just as he's starting to nod off.

Just then,"Oh fuck" he heard someone moaning loudly.

He would have been turned on if he wasn't so tired having worked twelve straight in his father's company, fixing and updating computers software alongside other computer geeks. Not like he had a choice in the matter, he was ordered to come. His father built his company from scratch and made it as successful as it was. It's a consultant accountancy firm and he's got quite a large clientele cause my father is brilliant at what he does and it helps that he is very handsome and can charm a nun as well.

A loud moan coming from Harry's room, sounds like someone just...that's disgusting, not that someone possibly orgasming is disgusting but it just was when you're listening in. Whatever. Zayn was tired and needed to sleep.

"Fucking fuck" A loud scream from Harry's room. What the hell. He wasn't sure if that was Harry or whoever he had with him cause it was high pitched, possibly a girl but then again, he can never tell with Harry he's loud, it could be him. Zayn was visualising Harry, he could touch himself if his ding wasn't so sensitive having vigorously shaken it about five times already in his bid to get some sleep, only to be woken up by Harry's night shenanigans. He's going to pay. Not sure how, Zayn thought might have to hide his favourite strawberry shampoo or replace it with strawberry yoghurt, no, too much work involved. Maybe hiding the TV remote control and watch him freak out about missing his favourites Forensic detective and Disappeared programmes about unsolved murders and disappearances. Harry watches too much of that, should he be worried. Maybe he's planning to kill and finding ways to get rid of the body.


"Oh my God, he's going to kill me I haven't written a will yet" Zayn uttered irrationality to himself sleepy.

That's the obvious explanation to Harry constantly asking 'how's your breakfast, did you like it?' 'Do you want more coffee?' every single day even though he eats the same breakfast everyday, Harry knows that. He's always had two cups of black coffee in the morning, one with his wake me up ciggie then another cup with his toast. That's been his morning routine since they met five years ago at a coffee shop and became roommates two years later.

"Zayn are you alright? Why are you screaming?" Harry asked outside the door.

"The fuck" Zayn mumbled to himself,

when did he scream, did he or was he thinking out loud. He really really need to sleep.

"I'm fine Haz, go back to sleep" he shouted towards the door.

"I'm coming in" Harry said opening the door at the same time. He knows no boundaries.

"Harreh, you're naked" Zayn said, he's seen him more naked than himself. Okay maybe not but still, he's seen him more than he should. Harry shrugged, walking towards the bed. Normally Zayn wouldn't mind a cuddle but his hand was slightly sticky from previous activities and he knows Harry will feel it when he drapes himself all over him. He wanted to scream, no please, he didn't need him coming any closer.

"Zaaayn" Harry slurred "I'm worried about you. I missed you tonight, you recluse. Why did you not wanna go out tonight, Z?"

Zayn sighed looking at him. He didn't want to watch him flirt with everyone. He sort of developed a crush on his best friend but he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. So, he's keeping mum.

"I'm sorry babe, but you know why. I was tired. Dad really worked us up today and him stressing kinda rubbed off me. You were laughing at me when I got home cause I couldnt keep my eyes open, even when I was eating" Zayn kissed his forehead while Harry cuddle to him.


"Mmm." Harry mumbled with his eyes half closed,"Eww eww, that's sticky- Zayn, really?" Zayn laughed as Harry jumped out of bed, wiggling on the spot trying to get rid of the sticky substance on his thigh. Like that would help. It wasn't, it stayed put. Didn't shift. Harry's thigh was covered in his cum..

"You're one to talk, you reek of sex and not even wearing underwear" Zayn laughed at how ridiculous Harry looked dangling his ding dong around, while being adorable at the same time. Only Harry can look sexual and cute all at once.

"I hate you" Harry said dramatically leaving the room got and slammed the door.

"Love you too babe, say hi to your friend for me" Zayn shouted after him still laughing. Looks like he's not getting any sleep anytime soon. That was his last thought in his mind before dozing off, finally.


"Zayn.. Zayn wake up" Harry tried shaking him awake but Zayn was taking a long time to do so, like usual.

Zayn finally opened one eye groaning as light attack his eye, Harry opened the curtains. Fucker. Nevermind that, how is it morning already, he just put his head down.

"What time is it?" Zayn groaned debating whether to kick Harry in the groin or pull him to the bed for a cuddle. Harry is always warm and soft.

"Six in the morning" Harry answered cheerfully.

The fuck! Zayn groaned, why did Harry have to wake him up so early, moving his arm back, he aimed for the groin and punched not too hard. "Oww! Omg Zayn, did you just hit me? Why are you so violent so early in the morning?" Harry cried out holding on to his blood line, his family jewels, his future heirs, okay you get the drift. His groin.

"Go away Harry" Zayn turned over only for Harry to pull the duvet off him. "The fuck, Harry. Let go.." boy, was Harry really trying him. He could just strangle him but they've got a witness in the house, his sleep buddy from last night. He hasn't done his walk of shame, yet. He normally could hear the door close, no matter how deep into sleep he was. Strange.. "What do you want Harry? What's so fucking important I had to be woken at ungodly hours? What, huh?" Someone better be fucking dying for his sleep to be disturbed, even if they were, depending who they were, he would just give them a phone to dial 999 if their hands were still able to move that is..

"Sorry Z" Harry moved away from the bed not before covering him with the duvet again. He didn't mean to upset him and Zayn looked clearly so, "I just wanted you to meet him" he said quietly while Zayn's heart just sank. Him, who?

"Meet him?" Not sure how Zayn found his voice but he heard those words leave his mouth.

"My boyfriend" Harry mumbled quietly.

"Y..your what?" Zayn's mouth was dry, very dry.

"I'm Shawn, his boyfriend" said a tall not so bad looking lad reaching out to shake Zayn's hand.

Well shit..

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