《Finding them》Chapter 11


Once the twins were asleep Daniel turned to his sons. "Right, now they are asleep we can talk more. Darcy especially doesn't like loud noises, when she is touched without knowledge she pretends to pass out as you saw. This is due to the abuse she suffered her entire life. Dakota protected his sister a lot. He is very protective of her and observes everything. They haven't had much exposure to food and neither like wearing shoes. The only thing we can keep on there feet are these slippers. We will be booking an appointment to have shoes properly fitted. I am also taking time off from work to stay with them and Mitchell will be stepping into my roll" Daniel told his sons. "What do you mean abuse?" Asked Eddie. "It seems they have been abused most of there lives and don't trust people. We don't know what happened all we know is how they react. When they build trust with you, they seek comfort from you. Dakota is always on high alert but has relaxed a little with us now" Daniel explained.

The more that Daniel and Mitchell explained to the others the more upset they became. How could someone harm a child like that? As they discussed things that needed to change in the house Jamie's phone rang. "Oh shit, dad I forgot to tell you Nan and Pops called and they are calling again" Jamie rushed out before answering his phone. "Hiya" Jamie said into the phone. "Don't you Hiya me Jamie, you were suppose to get your father to call me. Is he back from his emergency trip which you refuse to tell me about?" Was heard coming through the phone. "I'm good Nan thanks for asking. I'll put dad on the phone for you" Jamie rushed out handing the phone to his father earning him a glare.


"Hi mum" Daniel spoke calmly to his mother. "Don't hi mum me. What the hell Daniel? What is this about an emergency trip which your son refuse to tell me about" his mother fumed out. "Mum quiet down. I got a call last week informing me that I was there father of ..." Daniel started. "What you have another child? You didn't think to tell me?" His mother screeched. "Mum you will wake them up. I was going to tell you, we just got home and they are sleeping right now" Daniel replied calmly. "They? What do you mean they?" His mother asked. "Twins mum and they are three. Dakota and Darcy are there names" Daniel replied. "Charles get here now. We have more grand babies to spoil" his mother screeched. "What are you carrying on about Angie?" Daniel's father called back. "Our son went to pick up his children which he didn't tell us about. They are three, three Charles. We have missed out on three years of those babies lives" his mother fumed out.

"Hello" Daniel's father took the phone. He had no idea what his wife was sprouting out about. "Dad, I just got back from my trip. I had to pick up the twins. I had no idea I had fathered them until I got a call last week. We only just got home today and they are sleeping" Daniel explained. "Right and they are three? Well your mother is booking tickets we will be there at the end of the week. God I hope she has calmed down by then otherwise she will whoop your arse for keeping this from her" his father told him. "Dad that's not a good idea. Darcy and Dakota were in foster care and it seems they were abused" Daniel tried to explain. "Your mother won't listen. Sorry Daniel best prepare them for the visit. I will try to calm her down and explain to her but you know how she is. Say hello to the boys for me and we will see you Friday" Daniel's father said before hanging up. Daniel looked at his sons, "they will be here Friday and mum is fuming" Daniel told his older boys earning nods from them all.


Daniel and Mitchell dozed off on the couches as they had barely slept on the flight home either. Darcy was the first to wake and looked around. Hunter saw her awake and waved to her. She pulled Ellie in front of her eyes. He smiled at her "hey sweetheart" Hunter said. Jamie and Eddie had gone to do other things because they didn't want to sit and wait for the twins to wake up. Darcy looked around again seeing Dakota sleeping next to her and Daniel with his eyes closed and Mitchell who was also sleeping. Darcy began to panic, someone was always suppose to stay awake so no one could hurt her or Dakota. "Hey sweetheart it's ok, I am here. You are safe and I won't let anyone hurt you ok?" Hunter told her softly. Darcy nodded her head and smiled at Hunter. She likes his hair and wanted to touch it so lifted her arms up to him.

Hunter quietly walked over to Darcy and put his hands out for her. Darcy touched his hands and then pulled away watching Hunter in case he reacted to her touch. When Hunter didn't move she touched his hand again and watched his face. Hunter stood still and just smiled at her, he could see she was cautious but also curious and he didn't want to scare her at all. Darcy tugged on Hunters hand so he crouched down so he was eye level with Darcy. Darcy smiled at Hunter and reached for his hair. Hunter leant forward which allowed Darcy to reach his hair. Darcy ran her hands through his long curly hair "soft" Darcy whispered and smiled. "Yeh it's soft" Hunter replied watching her closely. Darcy gently pulled his hair and ran it over her face before smelling Hunter's hair. "Pretty" Darcy whispered and continued to run his hair over her face. Dakota was awake and watching his sister and Hunter closely, he was making sure he wouldn't hurt Darcy. "Kota wook, pretty, soft" Darcy stated, she knew when her brother woke up, it's was a sixth sense they both had. Hunter looked at Dakota who was watching him closely and smiled "I won't hurt either of you. It's my job to protect both of you" Hunter told Dakota who gave a small nod of his head in acknowledgment. "Would you like to come play? Or maybe eat something?" Hunter asked them both earning a nod from Darcy, she wanted to play with her cups again.

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