《the secret of Stiles》what do you want !


De:Ok so what's going to happen is that we are going to do our usual patrols and if someone sees the fox you immediately text the others and we'll try to catch him , force him to detransform and then to tell us who he is , why he saved us last night and what he is doing in our town . Understood ?

Is:Ok !




Al:Understood !

Ly:Yeah yeah whatever .

De:Stiles you , you...

St:Let me guess...stay at home , far , far away from the danger because I'm too weak to defend myself yeah yeah I get it...

It's safer for you Stiles .

Whatever , you always say that .

After the meeting I got home and waited until midnight and then I shifted . First , my ears started growing until it reached the top of my head , then my teeth slowly sharpenned , my nose started growing and my bones cracking , shrinking until I'm about the size of a wolf while an orange furr settled on my body . And my eyes start to glow purple .

As soon as I'm in my full fox form I jumped out of the window cuz....why not and plus it's funny ! I then start to run towards the patrol area of Derek . Because he is the only one that seems to actually make me laugh...ironic right , the grumpy sour wolf is the one that makes me laugh ! He can be kinda funny when he wants to...even when he is with he's usual grumpy expression he is kinda cute...woooow that was weird...why did I think...that about Derek , like THE Derek Hale ? He literally made me cry of fear like 1 hour ago. Whatever it's just that he is the only one that could eventually catch me and so it forces me to run faster and when there is a real challenge it's way funnier !


I arrived to Derek's area and I start to carefully walk around, looking for his scent , I then hear a noise coming from behind me I quickly turn around and I see Derek on his phone texting the pack....probably to tell them where I am and that he needs help here . When he puts his phone in his pocket again he slowly walk towards me , really calmly . I look at him up and down and I just sit on the ground patiently . Derek stops for a minute looking at me confuse at why I'm not running off like I would normally do . I then signal him that his betas just arrived by a quick movement of head and smirk at him to signal that the game has just started . Even when the others start to run in Derek's way I just sit calmly on the ground not moving . Scott suddenly looks at me and says :

Sc:Hey guys ! We need a plan...what are we going to do now that we found him ?

Er:We just need to catch her and then she detransforms and we ask her questions !

De:Erica it's a boy not a girl...

Er:And who told you that ? The fox maybe ?

I just couldn't help but laugh ! Every eyes turn on my...I guess they heard me even in my fox form .

Er:What's so funny ?

I tilt my head on the side looking at her still laughing !

Er:You know what I'm going to ask her if she is a girl and you'll say she'll say yes !

Ly:Sure like he'll respond...

Er:Hey little one , she said while walking in my direction , don't you want to tell the other that you're a beautiful girl ?

I laugh even harder ! Did Erica just use the voice that you use when you talk to a baby on me ? Hilarious !


After me laughing for 3 minute straight and her just being confuse I just say no with a mouvement of head and she went back with the rest of the pack while the others were making fun of her . I just watch as everyone was laughing but then I felt a hand on top of my head between my two fluffy orange ears...I look up and see that Derek was patting my head looking at me , he seemed so focused on me . His eyes were watching me and seemed to try and take in every detail and inche of my furr . When his eyes met mine he quickly back off with confusion in his eyes...it was like he didn't even knew what he was doing until he crossed my gaze .


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter ! 😊

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