《Ask Nico di Angelo | √》Suddenly I'm A Girl?!



Here goes nothing.

Okay, so right after the Battle of Manhattan, I was staying at Camp full time.

During that time, Clarisse and I got really close and became great friends.

She is pretty great to know and not at all what people think she is.

Anyway, that's off topic.

So, Clarisse and I became friends and ended up hanging out a lot in the short time I stayed at camp after Kronos.

One time, she and I were sitting on her bed just talking and having a good time. A bunch of her sisters were still in there, bit they weren't really paying attention to us, so it was whatever.

By this point, Clarisse and I are tight. We tell each other everything. So I had told her about me being gay shortly after she told me the story of how she and Chris got together.

Anyway, that day we somehow got onto the topic of how Ares girls are expected to be super butch and not girly and so on and so forth. Clarisse told me that she actually really likes dressing up and wearing make up, though she doesn't like doing it for no reason. Then, she asked if I had ever dressed up or worn make up because she knew I grew up with Bianca.

So, I told her about my many adventures as a little kid dressing up in my Mom's clothes and Bi doing my make up and so on. Then, she asked me (really excitedly) if she could give me a make over.

Remember how I said there were a few of her sister in there?? Yeah, they happened to over hear that bit and came rushing over.

They were all like 'are you giving someone a make over?' 'Who's doing who's make up?' 'Can I help you guys?'


Like, I was really surprised. The meanest, toughest girls in camp were acting like downright cliché, annoying, squealy preps. Over make up.

So, I kinda just agreed easily and next thing I knew I was being dressed up by three of Clarisse's sisters while Clarisse did my make up with points from the other two.

It was really weird.

In the end, my make up looked really nice and the outfit I had on fit me really well. I honest to gods looked like Bi; it was crazy.

I was pleasantly surprised.

But for future reference, never doubt the girliness of Ares' daughters.

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