《Ask Nico di Angelo | √》Characters and Me.


So, I've been thinking. A few people have asked me my opinion on this and I never really answered anything because I never really had an opinion. So I was thinking and figured out my opinion.

Here is what I think about the sexualities of The Seven, Reyna, Nico, and Will;

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I see Percy as unsure of his sexuality. It's made pretty clear in the book that he's straight, but I feel like Percy is bi-curious. He's not really sure what he likes, so he's kinda up for anything. He's got pretty close, kinda risque relationships with the guys in the books, in my opinion. And then he falls for Annabeth and totally falls head over heels hard.

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I see Annabeth as straight. I know that's kinda boring and everything, but I could never see Annabeth with a girl, sorry.

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I think she's Asexual honestly. Like, her and Jason have this cute little relationship and everything, but I see it more as an emotional connection than a physical one. Like, she'll kiss him and hold his hand and everything, but she'd rather just have long, deep conversations or watch silly movies and laugh than anything else.

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Totally straight and girl-obsessed. The kind of guy that you want to throttle for referring to girls as "hunies". Absolutely hated by feminists, for obvious reasons.

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If you've read The Art of Keeping Cool, you already know the answer to this. But yeah, he's totes pan. Like, he doesn't care; if he likes you, he likes you. You have a dick?? He's up for it. A vagina?? Cool. Trans?? Doesn't care. Non-binary?? who gives a rat's ass?? He likes you for you.

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That one girl that's really close with all her female friends and holds their hand and gives them kisses on their cheek. She's the kind of girl where you aren't really sure because of the way she acts with her friends, but if you ask her if she's gay or any of the likes, she'll giggle and say no. She's straight.


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Totally macho-man straight. There is no doubt about his sexuality. One look at him and you know. He's only into girls and that's it. No questions asked.

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I see Reyna as straight, honestly. The majority see her as lesbian/bi, but I just don't see her like that. I see her as that one girl that everyone thinks is Asexual but then she's like, nah son. I enjoy being ravished. She has no problem with anyone of any other sexualities/identities, but she isn't into anything but dick.

If you've read any of my fics, you know this one, too. He's totally bisexual. He'll date the hell out of a girl and could maybe even marry one (if Nico wasn't in the picture), but he prefers guys. If you were to ask him, he'd tell you he's bisexual, but about 67% gay.

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Completely, 100%, no-questions-asked G-A-Y, gay. Not the stereotypical, feminine gay most people think about when they hear "he's gay", though. No. He will fuck you up if you mess with him, his sister, or his boyfriend. He may look smol and fragile, but he'll whoop your ass. Don't even try him. Oh, and if a bitch says something rude about it, he'll bottom the fuck out of their boyfriend.

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