《The untold story of the first wife》Chapter 10 - Time



It has been a day since the meeting in Ranisa's Chamber and the announcement of Saudamini's decision and my tour. My travel is scheduled for day after tomorrow. So today a court session has been arranged and we will discuss about the status of all the kingdoms captured.

Thinking of all this I woke up from bed and went to look out in the garden. I will be out of the palace for almost a month and a half because of the travel and tour. So probably I will return back just a week before the full moon day. Just as I was about to go back to my chamber I saw Kamala, Dasi of Anamika plucking flowers. Generally Anamika likes to stroll in the garden and get the flowers by herself for puja. Then why is she sending Dasi to do all this?

Without thinking much, I called kamala and asked her the same. She slightly turned to the other side since I was only in my lowers and answered, "I don't know the reason Yuvraj. She asks me to do this sometimes and other times she will come. "

I nodded at her and she went away. I remembered Anamika saying that she didn't want to disturb my time with children so she stopped coming to garden when I'm here. But I think there is more to that decision of hers. I will find it out afterwards.

To get ready for the court, I went to take bath and started getting ready with the help of some dasis. Once I got ready I started my way towards the court and took my seat. Already everyone was there except Ranasa. I saw the women section where Ranisa and Anamika were present already. As usual Saudamini skipped the court. She generally doesn't like to meddle with politics and court issues and her being pregnant becomes her way of excuse.

When Ranasa entered, everyone stood up from their seats and greeted him. He took the throne and ordered the minister to start with today's proceedings.

Minster started his speech, "Ranasa, The Victory of Yuvraj and the successful end of his expedition spread across seas and even the foreign kings want to keep a cordial relationship with us. Also People of our kingdom is very eager to meet yuvraj in person and congratulate on his victory. On this occasion, I want to suggest that all the cases be discussed tomorrow and we discuss the war strategies used, weapons used by the enemies and what is to be done with the kingdoms hereafter. That's it Ranasa".


Once he ended his speech, all the other ministers nodded in agreement and eventually Ranasa also agreed and allowed the minister to consolidate everything happened and proceed forward. Once we discussed about the strategies and weapons used by the enemies in the war which was new to us, we came to the next topic of discussion that is the kingdoms captured.

I started saying, "Ranasa! I will take up the work of analysing the existing infrastructure, revenue and resources of those kingdoms and finalize the improvements to be done and Tax to be collected from them. I will start this once I complete my tour of the villages and towns of our kingdom. "

Before Ranasa could say anything, the head Minister came forward and said, "Sorry to interrupt Ranasa and Yuvraj! But all those works are already done and the report is ready for your review. After approved by both of you, the plans will be implemented right away."

I was surprised at his words. I really didn't think that the ministers will do such a high level work without waiting for my orders. Generally even for the simplest things they tend to wait for my orders.

Masking my surprise, I said to the head minister, "That's such a commendable job done by you and the ministers. I would like to review the report once the tour is completed. And you all deserve a reward for your work."

The head minister shook his head at me and said, "No yuvraj, we didn't do the work. It's Badi bahuranisa who did all these works. Whenever a kingdom is captured, She prepared the entire report with detailed analysis. So all the praise and reward should reach her Yuvraj."

I looked at Anamika with pride. I know she is capable of doing this and proud to know that she held out her responsibility very well as the wife of yuvraj, in my absence. She was sitting behind the screen without any change in her expressions and I said, "I cannot explain my gratitude towards you in words, Anamika. You have totally reduced my workload to none. Thank you so much."


She stood up from her seat and said, "No Yuvraj. You don't need to thank me for this. It's my duty for the kingdom. So please don't thank me".

But I still was not satisfied so I asked her, "Still I want to reward you for your commendable work Anamika. So tell me what do you want from me?"

"No yuvraj. I don't want anything", she answered. But I was not ready to accept that so I said, "OK I am giving you a blank promise. Whatever and whenever you want to ask me anything I will give you. " She nodded at that and sat down. Ranasa also nodded at me and I can see that he is very happy. Of course his choice has been proves right every now and then so why not?

Then the court session was over and everyone went away. While walking to my chamber, I thought I should thank Anamika personally so I went to the east wing. Her head Dasi, Kamala came towards me and greeted me. "Where is Anamika? ", I asked her to which she replied, "Yuvraj, badi bahuranisa is practising sword."

Nodding at her, I went to her personal balcony which is wide enough to practice sword. I remember that she choose to practice sword here because she doesn't want anyone to see her while practicing, just for privacy.

I saw her doing practice in that white war suit which brought back many nostalgic memories. She didn't notice me, so I took another sword to give her company. When she saw me there, she was a little bit surprised but asked, "Yuvraj! when did you come? ".

"That doesn't matter. Come and fight with me Anamika. Let's see whether you are the same old Anamika or not", I said. She replied, "Time does change people Yuvraj. But I'm the same Anamika. I cannot say the same about you. "

I know what she is referring to but I kept my silence because I'm the one at fault. Then we started the practice. I noticed during the practice that Anamika avoided coming near me at any cost. I remembered that everytime we practice sword, we would end up romancing and stop the practice midway.

Now that I know, there is no chance of the practice stopping midway as we both are very good in sword, the practice was going on for almost an hour. Her only weakness while fighting was close strike that is if I put pressure and push her sword towards herself, she will not be able to stand for long.

I tried the same again. Though she resisted for quite a few minutes, at last her sword fell down. I said, "I see that you have worked on your weakness and became somewhat strong. But still you need to work on that more. "

She removed her face cover and said, "I know yuvraj. Thank you for your suggestion. " She replied sternly. "Now can you say the reason why you came here? ", she asked again. I replied, "I wanted to thank you personally even when you said its not needed. "

"it's ok yuvraj. You even gave me a reward so no need to thank again", She said. I nodded and said, "OK I will take my leave then. I need to prepare for the tour. " She nodded and I left the chamber.

Time cannot be reversed and lost time cannot be brought back. How I wish I could do that.


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