《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》Epilogue: Three Days Later



It's been quite the three days. On a whirl whim, I finally got the courage enough to ask the woman that I have loved our entire lives to marry me. She of course said yes, and once I heard those glorious words, I wasn't waiting another second.

I told the boys to get the cars ready, and out front so we could leave immediately. We went right to the supernatural council and said our vows. It took everything I am not to outright cry with the things Ellie said and I to her.

As I lay here, holding her in my arms, watching her as she breaths in an out. I can't help but feel like the luckiest man in this whole world. Playing with her red hair, I watch as it twines in my fingers, and falls from my hand. Ellie lets out a little snore making me smile.

Casting my eyes to the window, I look at the beautiful sky and think about our wedding to one another. It will forever remain a memory I hold dearly. The day I finally got the girl after all this time.

"Ok, Kayden would you like me to tell you what to say, or do you already have vows in mind?" The head councilman asks me.

Without answering, I take Ellies hand, "I, Kayden, take you Ellie to be my whole world. You are my life, and I am yours. I vow to protect you, cherish you, and love you for the rest of our lives and well into death. You have always been mine, and I yours. You're stuck with me forever." That got everyone in the room to laugh.

The head councilman looks to Ellie, and she places her other hand on top of our adjoining ones. "I, Ellie, take you Kayden to be my forever. We unfortunately lost so much time from one another because of the evil of this world, but now we can fight it together. You are my life, always have been. When I am with you, I feel true love, I'm talking head over heels, foolish and in love." She smiles to me.


"You are everything to me, and I could not imagine my life without you. You have my heart, body, and soul. From now until eternity. This is my vow to you." We smile to one another and place the rings on one another's fingers.

Ellie stirs in her sleep, breaking me out of my thoughts. She moans, as her eyes open and looks up at me. "Morning Mrs. Monroe." She smiles at me.

"Good morning handsome." She brings her hand to my face and touches my cheek.

We stare at one another for a few minutes, just enjoying those precious moments. She's studying my eyes, for what I'm not sure. Tears weld up into her eyes, and one falls along her cheek. With my thump I swipe it up and lick it off the tip.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I ask.

"Nothing everything is perfect. Just..." she worries her lip.

With my thumb I move her lip from between her teeth, "what is its baby girl?"

She swallows and looks deep into my eyes. My whole world spins with her next words, "I'm pregnant."

She spouts the words so fast I almost think I heard her wrong. I smile down at her, "say that again."

"We are going to have a baby." She bites her lip again.

My eyes study her face, her eyes, then make their way down to her belly. I place my hand along it, and rub. "A baby."

"I know it's sudden, and we didn't plan for this. Hell, I know we still have a lot going on, I mean we have Tony and Joshua's father's out there, and who knows what else..."

I interrupt her with a searing kiss. Her arms wrap around me, and I deepen this kiss. Our tongues are playing with one another, and we are both breathing hard. When we come up for air, I place my forehead along hers.


"A baby" I smile.

"Are you happy?" She asks.

"Happy, baby I'm fucking ecstatic!" I yell so loud I'm sure the entire house can hear.

Quickly I leap from our bed, turning to pull her up with me. I tell her to get dressed, and we make our way to the door. Walking down the halls, and into the living area downstairs. I know it's only six in the morning, but I don't give a shit.

"Everyone wakes up!" I shout.

Moments later, our entire family comes into the room. Liz looks like a zombie, Moyra has the bouts of hell in her eyes. Joshua looks ready to kick some ass, as well as Tony. Martin is looking around the room, looking for any sudden danger.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Martin asks.

I look to Ellie and smile, placing our hands together I turn to our family. "We are going to have a baby." I announce.

It takes everyone a moment to understand my words. Once they do all hell breaks loose. The girls crowd Ellie giving her hugs. The men come over telling me congrats man and saying hell yeah.

"Don't care about the time, get us some champagne." I speak.

"Water for me please." Ellie yells out to Tony as he runs down the hall.

Everyone crowds around one another talking all at once. I bring Ellie into my arms and kiss her. Not being able to help myself, when the kiss is broken, I pick her up and swing her around. "I'm going to be a daddy!" I'm the happiest I have ever felt in my entire life.

Although we still have a lot to come. Who knows of all the evil we will have to fight? Right now, none of it matters. I have my entire world in this room. With my wife, baby on the way, and our family we celebrate today. The problems of our world can wait until tomorrow.

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