《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》Breakfast



Waking up in pile of sweat, looking down I see why. Ellie is latched on to me, there is no space between our bodies, and I'm loving it. I watch as she sleeps, she's so beautiful. Man is she talented, she fit me all the way down her throat last night. That must be some of the best head I ever got.

I smile to myself, thinking about all the things we still must do. The things we will be doing in just a few days. Thinking of that, I still must get her a gift for her birthday. She will be receiving something grand of course during her transition, but she deserves so much more then the good time we will be having.

Stretching my arm, I reach for my phone, and text Martin. Telling him to remind me when we go for our business meeting later, to stop to get her the best gift I can find. Once, I finished that, I climb up from underneath her, and make my way to the bathroom.

It takes Ellie another hour before she wakes. She enters the dining room where I'm reviewing some paperwork. Looking up, I see her hair is all crazy, she's only wearing one of my buttons up shirts that gives me a nice view of her long legs.

"Morning," all she gives me in return is a grunt. Which makes me smile. She's not much of a morning person I see. Keep that in mind. Perhaps if I wake her up with my head between her legs, she'd feel better every morning from now on.

"What does that smile for?" Looking up I see she's staring right at me. Her eyes are squinted, and there is suspicion written all over her face.

"You'll find out soon enough." I say with a wink.

"Oh goodie." Rolling her eyes, she takes a seat next to me. I see she has helped herself to all the breakfast food set upon the table. She has a full plate. That makes me happy because she'll need it for our training later.


"So, can I ask you a few questions?" She asks around a mouth full of food.

"I would think something was wrong if you didn't." I tell her truthfully.

She nods her head in agreement before asking, "What happened to me last night." She looks straight into my eyes, and I can see a little bit of fear in them.

Moving my paperwork over to the side, they are no longer that important, I take her hand in both of mine. "Well, your birthday is only in a few days. So, your powers are waking up in a way, as is the parts of you that have been long asleep." I look at our hands, feeling her warmth seeping into my palms, helps center me.

Taking a deep breath, I continue telling her how the most powerful families tried for centuries to produce heirs that has every part of the supernatural world in their bloodline. Part werewolf, vampire, witch or warlock, and Fae. Some pregnancies didn't make it to full term, and others their children would make it to toddlerhood. Then, something would just happen to them and one day they wouldn't wake up.

My family thought they finally figured it out and produced me. I am part of every coven and have all the abilities and power of every supernatural in existence. I am the only one that lived to adulthood, giving my family the most power in our world. Or so they believed.

"Turns out your parents lied, the head families knew your father was vampire and werewolf, but they thought your mother was just a vampire as well. Then, the truth came out somehow. Realizing that your mother was in fact Fae, and Witch. Not vampire at all."

Taking my hand, I put her hair behind her ear, and hold her chin so she's looking dead into my eyes. To know how serious this really is. "So, you see you are just like me. You survived past being a toddler, and some people couldn't let that happen."

Her body is shaking, and I can see tears forming in her eyes. She holds my hand with hers upon her face and gives me a sad smile. I know she wants to say something, but it's difficult. So, I'm giving her a moment, and if she needs to hold my hand for comfort, I will gladly let her.


"So," she clears her throat, "some felt they needed me dead. Making it that you were the only one in this world more powerful than anyone else."

"Yes." It comes out a whisper. I really don't want her to hate me for other actions. I hope she knows just how much I care about her, and how much I need her here with me.

I'm not sure how to tell her about our blood bond yet. How to explain it to her. Don't want her to think she has no choice in her life, but in all reality she kind of doesn't. She is, always has been, and always will be mine. Just as I am hers.

I couldn't let them take her from this world. I would not let them destroy our life and our love like that. I did what I knew was right although it killed me to be apart from her for so long. It was a necessary evil in the end.

"Those bastards!" She slams her other hand on the table for emphasis.

"How dare they take my parents away from this world. How dare they try to take me away." She looks up at me, "and how dare they try and take us away from each other."

She surprises me at every turn. My Ellie, fierce, strong, resilient, and stubborn to the core. Makes me love her so much more. "I wouldn't ever let that happen." I hope my eyes convey just how much I mean that.

"I know." Giving me a smile, she drops my hand and continues eating her food.

After her food is gone, and she's pretty much licking the plate, making me laugh I ask if she has any more questions.

"Yes, it may be a weird one." She looks hesitant.

"Ask away, I will tell you anything you want to know."

She looks around the dining room like she finds the space interesting. Placing my hand on her chin, I turn her face towards me. "Ask me."

"Why does your blood taste like berries?" She asked the question so fast; it takes me a minute to comprehend what she said.

I can't help it; my body shakes with laughter. "It's the vampire in you sweetheart. Blood tastes like berries with a hint of the iron taste it has. Making it delicious to us." I leave out the part of our blood bond and how it makes it that much more appealing. That is the talk for the night before her birthday.

"Oh," She looks down at her now empty plate. I can see a smile forming on those sexy as hell lips of hers.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, it's just..." it takes her a minute to answer me.

"I loved it." She looks up at me with a shy look in her eyes.

I move into her space, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips. Moving to her ear I whisper, "So do I baby, and I cannot wait to taste yours soon."

Giving her one more peck on the lips, I give her a wink. Standing from the table, I tell her to take her time getting ready because I have business all this morning, and when I get back, we will train some more. She nods her head in acknowledgement.

Walking out to my car, Martin gives me a knowing look. Sitting in the back, I take out my phone, text her that I miss her already, and that I can still taste her on my lips. When she texts back that she can still taste me as well, I grow hard immediately. Smiling at my phone I pocket it and get into business mode. I have meetings to attend and need to be focused so no one suspects a thing.

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