《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》My New World



I don't know why I'm bothering acting brave, trying to make it look like I'm not frightened out of my mind. When clearly, I am. My palms are sweaty, my legs are weak, my whole body is shaking. I feel like I can't breathe, and my surroundings are spinning. I'm so dizzy I'm afraid I may pass out.

As Joshua opens the door, I lean against the railing, trying to sustain my balance.

Please don't let me pass out, it'll be the ultimate embarrassment.

As the door opens wide, I get a mouthwatering view of Kayden. He is in a pair of tight jeans, and a light blue t-shirt. Suddenly, I'm feeling dizzy for other reasons.

The jerk has the audacity to smirk as my eyes drink him in completely. You can see the muscles flexing in his arms as he folds them in front of his chest, while tilting his head to the side so he can admire me as well. His eyes start from my sneaker covered feet, and calmly make their way up my body. The lust in his eye's skyrockets. Making my body heat up to the point I'm afraid my clothes may very well melt off.

As my thighs move on their own accord, his grin turns to a full-blown smile. He knows how he's making me feel. A big part of me hates the way I feel about this man, but there is a part, though small, that wishes he'd take me to his bedroom to have his way with me.

Being that I've never been with a man, I'm sure he wouldn't find it as enjoyable. Since I'm in no way as experienced as he is. From my research the night before this horrible day began, he has been with a lot of women. They are just all flock to him. I'm sure all he has ever had to do is look at them, and they all became putty in his hand.

Well, he may turn me on more than any man I have ever seen or been around which isn't many, but I will not succumb to his will. He can't just tell me to strip, and boom my clothes hit the floor.

No sir! There is no way in Hell he'll ever get in my body. No way, no how, never!

Crossing my arms over my chest, I copy his stance. Making it known he may have me here, but I will not be a willing captive. That is what I am, a captive because I didn't come at my own free will. No, he played his cards and I played mine. His hand was simply better, having my brother's life in his hands. Therefore, here I am in the flesh. Staying in a man's home, a man I do not know, and a man that makes me weak to my knees with want.


How am I going to make it through all this and remain intact? What if he changes who I am completely? Worse of all, what if I lose myself in all of this?

"You may leave." I jump at the sound of Kaden's voice. At first, I think he may be talking to me, but when Martin and Joshua take their leave, I know it was wishful thinking.

When the door closes behind me, it is truly just the two of us now. I don't know if I should run, or just stand here and hope I somehow disappear. He makes the decision for me when he gives a nod with his head telling me to follow him.

I know he wants me to follow him, but it feels like my legs are caught in quicksand.

"Do I need to pick you up over my shoulder to get you to move?" He asks over his shoulder. When I don't answer him right away, he turns back around to face me, cocking his eyebrow.

The moment he takes a step forward, that's when my feet decide to move. I know I can't let him touch my body, or I may allow him to do very dirty things to me. Things I may enjoy a little too much.

"Too bad, I was hoping to finally get my hands on you the way I would like." He turns back around and descends the stairs before I can comment on what he just said.

After a few minutes of walking down a long hallway we make our way to a large door, and when he opens it the most beautiful bedroom appears behind it.

There's is a king size four poster bed, with a gorgeous blue and green comforter upon it. The walls of the room are high and a light blue color. There's what looks like a brand-new desk in the corner. Looks to be a couple chairs and a couch in one corner of the room.

There are bookshelves along one wall, and next to those there are two chairs facing a huge window. The window outlooks the front of the house so you can see the long driveway and little pond to the side. To the other side are two other doors, since they are both open, I can see one is to the on-suite bathroom, and the other looks to be an exceptionally large walk-in closet.

This bedroom is huge. Its bigger than my entire apartment.

"This will be our room." I'm fairly sure my heart stopped beating.

Did I hear him correctly? Did he say our room?


"Before you say anything this is nonnegotiable. We need to be in the same room, and sometime very soon you will understand why."

I cannot believe him. If he thinks he can just order me around, he can guess again. I answer to no one.

"Like Hell," he turns around so fast and looks at me with a huge smile on his lips, "you may have me here, against my will might I add."

When he goes to interrupt me, I stop him with a wave of my hand, "no you're not talking it's my turn." This asshole has the audacity to tilt his head to the side cocking his eyebrow at me, with the same stupid, yet delicious smile upon his face.

"It is against my will. You knew damn well I'd do anything for my brother, and you used it to your advantage. Now here I am, away from my home, and yes it may be on the bad side of town, but it is my home." He takes a step closer. Making me take one back.

I swallow down my fear and continue on, "I'm now with a stranger, and other people I don't know. Away from the only two people that mean the world to me."

Another step closer, and one more back for me. However, my back hits the door so I'm pretty much screwed when he takes one more towards me putting our bodies close together.

"With a man that for some reason or another makes me weak in the knees, my body shake with need, and my heart sing." I whisper almost hoping he can't hear me.

I look to his chest, too afraid to look him in the eye.

"Not to mention my head, it feels like I'm in a clouded state when around you."

I pause for a sec. Hoping he is taking all this in. Hearing everything, I am saying. As well as the things I'm too afraid to say.

"I feel like I know you somehow, but I can't figure that out." I finish praying he'll have some answers for me.

Neither of us move for what feels like forever. Although I'm sure it is just a matter of seconds. I feel as he moves his head closer. I'm scared to move; I don't know if I want him to move closer or away from me at the moment. I'm so confused.

Hearing him take a deep breath, I realize he is sniffing my hair. He agonizingly slowly places his hands along my arms and works his way up. Goose bumps are all along my body. His touch is igniting something within me I have never felt before. I can't explain it, but I find myself not wanting him to stop his exploration of my body. In fact, it's just the opposite. I want him to go further.

"It's OK," he whispers into my ear.

I feel him breathing along my neck as he continues smelling my scent. It's making me aroused; my knees are growing weak. He must feel the pull because he places his lower body against mine. I feel grateful, otherwise I'm sure I would fall to the floor.

"I would never hurt you, Ellie."

"You already have, by hurting my brother." His hands stop at my shoulders.

Before I can make sense of what is happening, he has his hand under my chin. He raises my face so I'm eye to eye with the devil himself.

"He was stealing from my casino, it had to be done." I would be afraid if I saw an ounce of anger, but I don't. He is aggravated, but there isn't an ounce of anger in his eyes.

"He wasn't ever going to die. I wouldn't let him. I know what he means to you." I try to look back down at my feet, but he is relentless.

"Please, tell me you understand that. I would have healed him if I felt he really needed it. I wouldn't ever let you go through anything like that again. You've lost enough loved ones in this world."

At my shocked expression, he gives a light laugh, "what? I do know how to use my manners." All the aggravation has dissolved, and in its place is his panty melting smile.

"Do you believe me?" The next moment his smile is gone, and I can see so much sincerity in his eyes it breaks my heart.

I nod my head too afraid to use my voice. Honestly, I do believe him. In my heart I know he'd never hurt me. Not sure how I know, but I mean a lot to this powerful man. Looking into his eyes, I know in my heart I am in one way or another his everything.

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