《Little More Love || Completed》Chapter 16 : Murderer


❁ There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. ❁

" Pardon me, I couldn't hear you properly. " I blab as what I heard is definitely ridiculous. I heard seduce, that can't be what he said. I watch him as he moves to put the drapes on.

" I bet you have heard me, correctly. " he says emphasizing the last word. Oh heavens, now he has really crossed his limits. " Have you not taken your medicines? " I hiss.

" Roman's are upto some huge project which is going be launched in 2 months and I'm pretty sure it can affect our sales rate, so I just want some information about that project and Santino Russo is the only key. " he tells.

" First thing first, that's illegal, isn't it? And second, considering the fact you don't give a damn to rules and laws, just feed him some money and get whatever information you want! " I belt.

" First thing first, I won't copy their ideas, I would just simply be prepared if it affects our company's sales rate in any possible way, so no it's not illegal. And second, Wow what a unique idea! Why haven't it came to my mind. " he rolls his eyes in sarcasm.

Then continues," Listen Santino Russo is one of the oldest members of that company, moreover to that he doesn't have any powerful reason to betray them so he's loyal too. But we both know that he's a sucker for lush women, So I want-"

" I don't care whatever the bloody hell you want! Mister my job is to assist you, not to make a hoe out of myself. " I belt as I walk closer to the table and barge my hand on it. " I will file a court case against you! "

" Uhh that was frightening enough. Love, you don't even have enough money to eat. Even if you sell your guts, it wouldn't make up to a sum to hire a lawyer against The Hans Nicholas Anderson. " giving a scoff he relaxes on his chair.

He's not wrong.

" And, come on, let's just not pretend that I don't know you. " he looks straight into my eyes while crossing the distance between us. " It's been two years and six months since you are enjoying your freedom like a wild honeybee. Who knows how many flowers has this bee sucked?" Placing his hand on my face, he softly touches my lips with his thumb.


How dare you!

" So cynical Hans Nicholas Anderson " I throw his hand and clench my jaws while taking steps backward in order to maintain a distance.

He gives out a wicked scoff. And my body flinches as my back touches the wall. There's no further way backwards. Taking advantage of which he pins me to the wall and grunts, " This is my point I was never like this, you made me this way! "

" I made you this way, you're the reason I lost faith in Love. " I yell back.

" Really then tell me, why did you run huh? Why did you kill my child? " he barges both his hands against the wall with my face being in between them.

" It was our child. " I scream as a drop of tear falls out of my betrayer eyes.

" Then tell me why did you take the abortion pills? " his loud voice echoes in my ears. I feel can my blood pressure rising. " You don't deserve to know. ", I try to get off his grip but fail miserably.

" Oh sure, but what if you don't have an explanation? So let me do it for you. As we both know you hate kids, and you never wanted one to come of your body which could have affected your fake beauty. Then you found abortion as the best option, didn't you? " he states and I just look at him like a corpse.

Before I could recover from his previous words, he comes back with more, " You knew I would never allow you to abort the baby so without thinking about anyone, you wrote that ridiculous note, signed the divorce papers and left everything. You know why? Because you are a selfish bitch. "

Wow, I thought I write good stories but looks like someone is much much better than me. I'd be lying if I say his every single word didn't hit like an arrow and I'm not hurt.

Confession No. 26 - No matter how use to I am of being hurt, I still feel pain.

My eyes are open but all i can see is the flashbacks of the pain, the nightmares and the trauma I suffered. It took me this whole time to pull myself together just to blow apart once again.

" This is what you think of me. " I whimper. And Screw me! This man said so many bullshits and this is what I came up with.

" What else should I? Murderer! " he yells and I throw my hand on his face, slapping him. " You have no right to utter a single word when you don't know nothing, Bastard! "


His cheek becomes totally pale because of the harsh reward. But there's still no regret or guilt in his eyes, he looks very proud of everything he just said, he's not the Hans I loved, and this Hans Nicholas Anderson doesn't deserve to know anything. He better die in suspence.

" You know what, just think what you wanna think. I've stopped giving a damn since the day I left Manchester. And let me tell you, I've no regrets, everything I've done was right except for the part where I thought I loved you. " I stop as I feel my voice starts to crack.

He gets his grip on my arms and squeeze them in a tight fist, he stands tall in front of me with his chest touching my breast. I try to push him away but he manages to make his way to my right ear and whisper," Love, my foot! "

I can't feel his warm breath in my ear, I'm just as numb as a dead body.

" Feelings are mutual here, darling." I take a breath and then continue " Listen Mister, this is your company, your headache. Do what you can do, I'm not gonna get those information for you, not by keeping my dignity on stake. "

He releases his grip on my arms and moves slightly away," Okay then, but would you like to reconsider my offer if I say your ' I won't do it by keeping my dignity and blah blah ' can risk the life of that third year resident doctor, whom you call your best friend. "


" So now you're a blackmailer too. " I gulp.

" No darling, I'm just warning you." he shrugs " Sweetheart, you know I have anger issues. But what you don't know is, that best friend of yours is assisting a major brain surgery under Dr. James Lee Cooper. And here's a situation, what if one of her patients is my paid man who might kidnap her or-- " I grab his collar before he could complete and give him my wide eyes glares " Don't you dare. "

" Okay fine, fine. " he bluffs while taking a step backwards acting like he really got frightened by my wide eyes. " Actually it is not really necessary to hurt Josie Taylor. I think she has a boyfriend, whom she's planning to marry very soon. " an evil smile finds a way upto his face.

" What's his name? Oh yes, Liam Harrington, a doctor in the same hospital as hers, what if my man crush all two hundred and six bones in his body to bits and play with his face dimensions, which might result in a not so handsome groom to poor Josie, What a pity! " he scoffs.

This is really not the same person I loved, this is some bloody hell psychopath.

" Time is ticking, love. Make your decision, accept the offer and keep your so called loved ones safe from this devil. " he mumbles as he again stands in my personal space.

" Fine, but you won't do anything to hurt them. " I frown accepting my defeat. I can't risk someone's life who saved my life uncountable times.

" You have my words. " he finally gets away from me, I take a deep breath.

" Moreover I don't have any issues if you want to settle with Santino Russo. You're my assistant, he's Tatiana's assistant. He matches your standards and that's what you deserve. " he comments.

" Please don't talk about standards when you don't have any. And speaking of what I deserve and what not, it took me 2 decades to understand that I deserve all the happiness in the world and nothing but the best. " I say looking straight into his blue eyes which are not even clear to me because of the water filled in my eyes which is all set to ooze out.

I try to move my feet which were almost frozen from past 15 minutes, and make my way to the door " Today morning, I thought I should thank you for saving my life the other day, and also apologize for calling you a dick, but you just proved it, that's what you are, A Dick. " I say over my shoulder emphasizing the last word, then slam the door and walk out of his cabin.


Hello, humans ( Aliens are also welcome.) ٩( ᐛ )و

❁ I know y'all hate Hans ( he hasn't done anything for otherwise.) But hey, trust me the more you hate him now, more you'll love him soon.

❁ If you get a day to live someone else's life, whom life would you choose?

If you can dream about it, you have the potential to do it, love. No one's gonna do it for you. Have the experiences that you would tell your future grandkids with utter proud.

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