《Little More Love || Completed》Chapter 14 : Tatiana Roman


❁ At times, a storm is needed to realise the beauty of silence. ❁

It's been 3 days and Male Bitch hasn't shown up to the office, and these 3 days were literally the most peaceful days of my life.

But I wish if he could come today because I still owe him a thanks and I guess a sorry too for when I called him a dick. Although he deserved it but it feels like a burden.

“ Noriana, to my office right away. ” I flinch as a voice reaches my ears which I recognise as Hans'. I watch him pass before my desk while still being a little bit surprised.

“ Think of the Devil and the Devil comes. ” I mumble to myself while following him to his cabin. “ Just come in. ” he commands before I could knock.

I slowly open the door and walk inside. My eyes fall upon his bandaged hand, and I immediately understand the reason why he didn't come past few days.

You and your anger issues Hans!

“ When is my meeting with that Italian company? ” he asks placing his jacket on his chair's headrest and then makes his way to the window.

“ Next week. ” I reply.

“ Prepone it to Monday. ” he declares without thinking for a minute. He doesn't show his face as he gaze outside through the window.

Is he serious? Today's Saturday!

“ Have you gone nuts? How can you prepone a meeting which is to be held a week later. There's a lot of work to finish.” I blurt in amazement. I may not show it but I really want to shoot him with my revolver. Wish I could have one.

“ Mind your language Ms. Noriana Williamson, you're talking to your boss, not your bloody college mate. ” he finally turns to my direction with his face's pale skin turned red. I stand there numb for a second and let his words sink in.

Maybe I actually crossed my limit.

Ignoring my stare, he walks over to his chair and settle himself,“I will talk to the CEO Tatiana Roman personally, and you will manage every thing else, tell other employees, ask them to finish all the presentation work before Sunday.”

“ But how am I- ”

“ I don't know how, but if I say do it then just do it. Now please get the hell out of my sight, will you? ” he thunders.


Why? Why was I even thinking for him to come back huh? Bloody Male Bitch!

I'm sure this isn't some random stupid bossy decision of his, it's the calm before the storm. My sixth sense says he's upto something.

Leaving his cabin, I walk to the work area. I can hear the sound of typing on keyboards and little bit of chattering. Everyone is busy doing there job peacefully. And here I'm about to shatter their peace.

“ May I have your attention everybody. ” I say out loud, clapping twice. “ Mr. Ma-- I mean Mr. CEO has just declared that the meeting with The Romans, which was going to be held on next week is now preponed to Monday, so you all are requested to complete your presentations before Sunday. ”

“ What!? ” the whole room exclaim in unison as they petrify. A discontented silence replaces the typing sound and chattering. I grab my seat and settle myself in it as now I know I won't get a second to relax.


Oh heavens, I know I've said this like a million times today but I'm gonna say it one million and one-th time, that today was the most tiring day of my life.

I had to collect everyone's report and then make a report on it too so I had to spend three hours extra than others.

It's quarter past twelve in the midnight and I'm finally walking back to home after doing overtime, and I can't feel my legs. It's getting very difficult to keep my eyes open. No wonder I will crash out as soon as I reach home.

I don't know why people call it creepy, I think it's actually fun to follow someone in your Mercedes without letting them know you're following them.

I know she thinks me as a devil which honestly I am especially for her, but I can't leave her alone on the streets considering the time.

No, not because I have left some humanity in myself.

Not for her.

But I don't want anything to happen to her, as I promised myself I will keep her safe and alive to make her suffer.

I could have even asked to drive her to her place but basically there were two reasons for not doing so. First, I don't want her to think that I care for her in any sort of way, which I really don't. And second, she would've said no and I'm really not in the mood to lift and stuff her up in my car and in exchange get the title of a Dick.



How is it Monday already!?

I was supposed to wear a knee length black skirt teamed up with any random shirt. But Josie Taylor, being my roommate slash stylist, told me that's a trashy idea and I would look like an aunty.

So she gave me one of her outfits that she bought with a thought to wear it someday to her work, but she's a doctor who is bound to wear the hospital clothes while working. Besides, it doesn't fit her.

A beige shirt tucked inside a khaki color nano-micro-milli-mini skirt, which is way too uncomfortable for my insecure ass. Not to forget a coat, as it's starting winter in Chicago.

Confession No. 23 - I have more insecurities than number of hair on my scalp.

Anyways, this look makes me look quite professional.

At office, everybody came early, even a blind could see the stress and nervousness on everyone's faces. Today's meeting is about a very important collaboration project, a tiny mistake and you're dead.

My heart skips a beat when I see three highly expensive cars right in front of Anderson's Building. Two Audi-s looking like gaurding the Bugatti in between them.

A little sneak peek of Tatiana Roman is seen when a person which is probably her assistant Santino Russo, opens the door of the Blue Bugatti and she puts her foot, covered in a shiny black shoe, out of the car.

She's wearing a very classy yet stylish black pencil skirt that reaches just below her knees, and a long beige coat over it. Brown shades covering her eyes and a black hat giving shelter to her blonde highlighted brown hairs. And a chocolate brown lipstick enhancing her look.

She seems to be a very colour coordinated person.

It somehow satisfies my OCD.

Hans softly holds her hand and plants a small kiss over her knuckles. After gracefully greeting each other, they both make their way to Hans' cabin.

“ Nora, take this. ” I hear Andrew Walker, the senior HR manager, say while passing me a tray, which has an electric kettle, a glass bottle of milk, sugar cubes and two cups on it.

“ What? ”

“ Take this and go inside. ”

“ Why me? ”

“ Got no time to explain. You're an English, right? So just go make a proper British tea. Go! ”

“ But I-”

Confession No. 24 - I don't know how to make tea.

I mean who the hell drink tea in 21st century? And I don't even have the time to watch an online tutorial of how to make a proper cup of tea.

Slowly pushing the door open, I step inside, trying my best to not freak out. Placing the tray on the table, I make an effort to turn with an aim to run out of the room.

Attempt failed.

“ One cube sugar, please. ” Tatiana says in her Italian accent, making me stop and slightly flinch. Here we go with the freaking out part. What goes first? Milk or tea or sugar?

My hands are trembling!

I hold the electric kettle to pour the tea first, which is hard to handle when you're shivering. Oh heavens, not a good time for a panick attack, please.

“ Ms. Tatiana Roman today I will show you how to make a proper Brit's cuppa. ” Hans says while snatching the kettle from my hand.

Did he know I was about to get a panick attack?

He pours the milk first and then adds tea from the kettle and finally a sugar cube. He passes the cup to Tatiana without glancing at my face.

“ È carino, I mean it's delightful. Signore. ” she remarks with a pleasant smile as she takes a sip of it.

“ I'm chuffed to bits. ” he mentions while wearing a heavenly smile on his face, that I've always been a fan of. Moving his orbs towards my direction and he says more like whispers, “ I hope the conference room is ready. ”

“ Yes Sir. ” I almost stutter.

“ Good, Ms. Roman, shall we? ” he moves his orbs back to Tatiana. “ Sure Signore. ” she gets up and walks over to the door, while Hans stops right next to me.

“ Three years, and you still don't know how to make tea? ”, he silently yells and I just shake my head with a small smile of embarrassment plastered on my face.

He still remember that day!

“ Signore? ” Tatiana calls out while waiting for him outside the door.

“ Almost there, Ms. Roman. ”


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