《Little More Love || Completed》Chapter 6 : Silver Lining


❁ There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. ❁

Oh heavens, finally the weekend is here, this week has been so much exhausting! These few days were literally the most tiring ones in my whole damn life.

That Male-Bitch made me work like hell, he made me do overtime without any extra payment!


Even my maths teacher was more merciful than him, atleast he never took advantage of my situation.

But today I'm in a very good mood and I don't wanna think about him, or it'll spoil my whole mood.

" You Ready? " Josie asks as she walks inside my room.

And here's the reason for my good mood, we're going to the Shedd Aquarium.

" Almost, please help me with the Eye-liner " I say with my eyes closed as I did and removed the liner for 'n' times, where 'n' is a large integer.

Confession No. 11 - I suck at this Eye-liner thing.

She holds the lining pen, while I sit on the edge of my bed.

" Why are you wearing the silver earrings, the black ones would suit better with this outfit." she comments meanwhile doing my liner.

" I lost them last month. " I frown.

Confession No. 12 - Those were my favorite earrings.

" Wait! " she hands me the lining pen as she completes the lining on both of my eyes and walks out of the room.

I open my eyes and turn my face to the mirror and adore myself for a minute, this greyish purple mid thigh lengthened dress with black and purple floral prints is actually looking nice on me, although I wasn't really sure about it but Josie forced me to buy it.

In fact, the credit of my whole makeover from the old Noriana to this Nora goes to her only, she's the one who forced me to colour my hairs from blonde to caramel brown and cut them armpit short, and I still can't believe she really convinced me to cut my front bangs, however now I love them.


She has a great sense of style.

" Here you go, Nore! " Josie booms halting my self admiration train.

She removes my silver earrings, and put on one of her pairs of black earrings.

And they are looking gorgeous with this outfit, is the understatement of the year, " Holy gracious they're beautiful! " I exclaim.

" Oh come on I know I'm the best " she chuckles and makes her way to my cupboard " Hey where is that bracelet you bought from that sale?"

" Second drawer " I giggle because I know she wants to wear it to impress Liam.

" Just in case you forgot, you don't actually need to do anything extra, he's already very desperate to see you. " I grin with an evil wink while she side glares me and I get another opportunity to tease her " What... Oh come on you know it, he told you he has extra tickets because he wanted to take you on a date, but you are bringing me as a third wheel! "

" How am I looking? " she ignores my words and twirls showing her full sleeve black bodycon dress, which is looking so perfect on her that it seems like it was made for her only, and her perfectly curled black hairs with light brown highlights hanging upto her mid back adds icing to the cake.

" Someone's gonna kill Liam the Lemonade with hotness " I chuckle.

" Shut up and I'm bringing you b-because what would you do here alone! And let's go Liam must be waiting for us " she almost stutter to end the topic, while the redness was dripping off her blushing cheeks.

" Waiting for you* " I correct her while she drags me out, we are actually late.



I hang my side bag on my right shoulder as I step out of Josie's white Chevrolet Sparks after she parks it in the car parking of Aquarium where Liam is already waiting for us.

Waiting for Josie. Period.

And I swear I've never seen Josie blushing this much!

Liam crosses the distance between us and plants a small kiss on Josie's lips, and to avoid the awkwardness he passes me a small smile.

I hate spoiling their date but I love it too.

Confession No. 13 - Yes I'm a bias.

" You're looking Beautiful " he comments on Josie, while she giggles.

Liam Harrington, a doctor in the same hospital as Josie, but she's a 3rd year resident. Their relationship is super confusing, they both crave each other's company, act shy around each other, try to spend most of their time together but they are not officially dating, actually Liam is her senior and she doesn't wanna give anyone any chance to doubt her ability and think that being a boyfriend Liam did some kind of favour to her in her good grades.

" Shall we? " He snaps with excitement.

We three make our way to the building.

The moment I step inside the aquarium, I get lost in a complete different vibe, a vibe that soothes you deeply and softly fills the heart with peace and relaxation, the mesmerizing blue shadow of the water makes you feel like you are actually in the deepest part of an endless ocean, everything seems so unreal and plastic but it isn't, we are surrounded by living aquatic creatures playing and chasing after each other.

It is the most beautiful view my eyes ever got to see.

" Look at your 2 O'clock " Josie whispers in my ear while my eyes are fixated on the transperent glass wall separating the water and this passage.

I look over there, and...

Another beautiful view.

A guy standing there alone, blonde hairs, about 6 feet tall, wearing greyish knee length blazer over a high neck sweeter, talking on his cell.

Now I'm actually a little curious to see his face which isn't visible to us as he's turned to the opposite.

" Uh la la seems hot " I whisper back making a naughty face.

" His ring finger is also empty. " She gives an elfish smile and raises her right eyebrow hinting me to go and give it a try.

" Not my cup of tea! " I scoff.

She rolls her eyes " Come on, what if God wrapped and sent him specially for you as a silver lining! " she elbows me.

Silver lining by God, Seriously! God has never considered me eligible enough for his grace, I think in my head while she pushes slash throws me in that guy's direction.

" Hey excuse me. " I slowly poke him on his shoulder.


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