《Little More Love || Completed》Chapter 1 : The Interview


~Present time~

25- September, 2020.

Oh Heavens... How am I always late for every interview!?

No matter how many alarms I set for 6am, I'm gonna wake up at 9am.

Confession No. 1 - I'm the sleepiest girl you will ever meet.

Just hoping that interview is still open I approach the reception as I walk inside the building, “ I'm here for the interview ” I tell the receptionist.

I'm gasping like I ran a marathon, but to be honest I just ran a few steps from the place where the cab dropped me, and to be more honest I just walked fastly because my heels wouldn't allow me to run.

“ 3rd floor ” She replies.

“ Okay thank you ” I give a small smile.

I go few steps forward and then turn left side which leads to the stairs, I prefer taking the stairs.

What if the elevator stops midway.

Confession No. 2 - I have some major trust issues.

As I reach the 3rd floor, I can see about 15-20 people regardless of their gender and age are waiting for their number to come for the interview.

I sit beside a girl, and I won't lie if I were the CEO and I had to hire an assistant for myself, I wouldn't even look at me if I had such a great option. Her hairs are perfectly curled, her shoes are shining as if she just bought them from a high class store

Hey wait a second, is that a Chanel Handbag!

Why does she even want a job? If I had the money of even half of its price, I could easily spend 2 months without bothering to work.

Anyways, I'm having goosebumps, yes I'm nervous, I'm trying my best to not bite my nails, excuse me, nail art requires too much effort, focus and time!


I'm not even feeling my 100% maybe because I never wanted to work in this company, nothing personal, but it's name.

Anderson Enterprises Inc.

It reminds me of someone, that I never want to remember, but unemployment is a bitch.

And finally it's my number for the interview, I gather all my documents, get up from my seat, settle my bangs and step toward the cabin.

No stammer, no ' Ahh Umm ', and don't say anything stupid, you can't lose this job, I order myself.

I go inside the cabin and I must say its interior is praise worthy, the color selection is perfect grey and white with a golden detailing, it is also very clean and there we go again, the files on the third row of second shelf are in the wrong sequence.

Confession No. 3 - I have OCD.

Ignoring that I step forward, the person opposite to me sitting on his chair, Mr. Andrew Walker, Senior HR manager, says the name plate, motions me to sit.

So he is my interviewer, he doesn't look as horrible as I thought, I grab the chair, and try my best to not tremble and maintain that perfect fake confident smile.

He looks into my CV for a few minutes, while I sit with my back straight, he puts it down on the table “ I looked into your CV, you've done masters in literature. ” He says looking straight into my eyes.

“ Yes my first passion is writing, but I've assisted Madam Jane, the President of Pearls and Harbour Coorporation for more than a year. ” I state confidently but at the same time softly.

My voice sounded beautiful.

He asks me a few more questions, which I reply professionally, inspite of the fact, those disorganised files are irritating me, Good job Nora.


I virtually pat my back.

He motions me that I can leave now.

No no please Nora don't do it, shut your mouth and leave the cabin! I beg myself.

“ Excuse me Mr. Walker...” I realise that this voice came out of my mouth!

Screw you Nora Williamson!

“ Yes ? ” He utters.

“ Those files are not properly arranged, may I arrange them properly. ” I tell while embarrassment is dripping off my face.

“ Oh yeah... Yeah sure. ” He says surprisingly looking in my direction.

I quickly arrange them properly, and get off his sight.

Now, in the final round, my interviewer would be the CEO of the company himself.

I feel so numb.

I take a deep breath and move my hand forward to knock the door of The CEO's cabin.

“ Come in ” He orders.

I get in, but I can't see his face, as his chair is turned toward the window, I still move toward his table, and my eyes fall upon the name plate, it reads Mr. Hans N. Anderson, CEO.

And I get a virtual heart attack.


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