《Piper in Goode》Help!


I did the only thing I could think of, I called Annabeth. She was like, "Hi Percy! How's it- But I cut her off, "Annabeth, shut up. (yeah, yeah a little harsh I know) I need you to bring a healer from the Apollo cabin, ambrosia, nectar, unicorn horn, Jason and some really fast transportation." I said. "Percy, what is going on?!" She asked, all I said was, "It's Piper."

I quickly got Will, Nico, Jason and a bag of supplies and said "We need to go, Piper's in trouble." "Where?" They all asked I told them and I called two Pegasus's, Nico shadow traveled and Jason flew and we were on our way.

Piper, I thought as I raced to our destination, when it got there Nico was already there with the stuff. I Immediately found Piper she looked charred, burned and looked like she had a few broken limbs. "Come on, Annabeth." I murmured. When Annabeth and Will got there Annabeth kissed Percy and Will got to work in a few minutes Piper was stirring. "We have to get her back to camp." said Nico. She woke up when we got there, but then fell back asleep. "Her burns will go away and she will look normal once she's completely healed, but until then..." Will trailed off. "What happened to her!" I demanded. "Lighting" Percy responded, I was shocked. "huh?" "Lightning," Percy repeated, "She got struck by lighting." I was stunned, my dad could have done this? Anger boiled inside me.

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