《Piper in Goode》Lessons


In math class I couldn't sit still or read the problems for that matter. My teacher Ms. Ween hated me for it, even though I told her I had dyslexia and ADHD. In history the teacher pitied me more and understood my dyslexia, but not the ADHD so that was okay. And for break I did all the home work I could ignoring the jocks that tried to flirt with me unlike Percy, who didn't do any work at all. In science I got sent to the principles office for blowing up my table and burning Amber's clothes off (that was no accident), but he forgave me because I was new and let me off with a warning. In PE it's like the coach thought I was lazy. When he asked who wanted to play dogeball I wanted to play but he said, "You don't have to play you know." I scowled, "I know, but I want to." I snapped back "Fine, just don't go crying to your mama about getting out okay?" Then I did the natural thing, I smiled really sweet at him then punched him hard enough to knock him out. We never did end up playing dodgeball that day.

At lunch me and Percy were just talking and laughing when I noticed that his friends were staring at us weirdly. "What?" I asked and Jojo laughed and said, "So how long have you guys been dating?" My mouth dropped, "What? He's my boyfriend!" Atthe same time Percy said, "What! She's not my girlfriend!" Vincent put his hands up, "Sorry, it's just we've never seen him act this happy before." said Vincent. "What?! He seems sad to me right know! He's usaully way more hyper than this!" I said shocked, everyone in the cafeteria stared at me? I must have been louder than I thought. And then as if to save me from more embarrassment, the bell rang and I ran out of there as fast as I could. In ELA, Ms. Eurie hated me and because her name was so close to furie, I was convinced that she was one of them, she was that mean. And when the bell finally rang I bolted for French class. When we got there Ms. Dove taught us how to say, hello my sweetheart and to say, goodbye my love in French, (really mom?). The dismissal bell rang I ran out of school yelling, "Freedom!" The entire way. After school we met Julia at Starbucks and I found out that she was actually really nice and funny. That night when I went to bed I wasn't sure if I should be happy I had school tomorrow or to be sad I had school tomorrow.

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