《Piper in Goode》She's real!?


Hi! I'm Lilian!" Lilian chirped. "I'm Piper." I reply, "Cool feather and name, Piper! Can I see your locker number and schedule? To compare?" I smiled, "Sure, can you ummmm, kind of, ummmm, read them to me too? I have dyslexia, so I can't read it. Please?" I ask. "Sure!" she chirps. "One of my friends has dyslexia too, so we have to read most of his stuff for him too! So really it's no problem. We'll we have most of the same classes together, so you won't have to worry, but here you are:

Period 1: math

Period 2: history

Period 3: break period

Period 4: science

Period 5: PE

Period 6: lunch

Period 7: ELA

Period 8: French/Greek

Dismissal at 3:45

"And your locker is number 367, right next to the friend that has dyslexia! What a coincidence!" My eyes narrowed. "Lilian-" Lilian interrupted me, "Please, call me Lil. Pops, sorry I talk a lot. Continue." I noticed, I thought bitterly. "It's okay. So Lil, what is this friend's name?"Lil smacked her forehead, "Oh! Sorry it's just everyone knows who he is, it's just rare that anyone here doesn't know who he is! He even has his own fan club! And he's the hottest boy in the school and the swimming captain!" I sighed. "His name." I said dead panned, "Not his life." I rolled my eyes, luckily she didn't notice. She blushed. "Oh sorry!" She sure does end up saying that a lot, I thought. "So his name is Percy-" No way, no way, Seaweed brain is the most popular boy in the school I thought. "Jackson." she finished. I busted out laughing, it was Seaweed Brain! "Ummm, are you okay Piper?" she asked. "I'm fine." I answered. "Well just so you know he's not as good as you you think he, gets bad grades, is almost always quiet, sometimes gets a broken look in his eyes and sometimes, when he gets mad, you think he might kill you!" She said all of this really fast. "But he's really hot, with long, raven black wind swept hair, tan and muscular body and these amazing sea green eyes, he's just so hot!" She squealed. "Do you have a crush on Percy?" I ask innocently. "Oh no, I used to, but not any more, and it's clear that he's no available because he's to much in love with his 'girlfriend'." she said putting air quotes around girlfriend and rolling her eyes. "But he does have a girlfriend and she's very much real." I commented. "I met her my self."

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