《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 44


It was DADA class, she was sitting next to Anastasia, Alex was in the other side of her class as well.

"Miss Ridgewater, name one defensive spell." Professor Hankin said spitefully.

"Umm.... a defensius?" Anastasia guessed.

"Wrong. Detention Miss Ridgewater." Professor Hankin snapped.

"Hey! I did the same thing and you didn't give me detention for it?" Francesca said, quickly regretting it after.

"Miss Lestrange, just like your mother." The professor said.

"But sir, you didn't teach her mother," Anastasia said smugly.

"I was in her year." The professor snapped back. "Miss Lestrange, detention with miss Ridgewater today,"

Francesca sighed, but she knew it was coming. The bell rang and Francesca walked out with Anastasia and Alex.

"Ugh, I hate him!" Anastasia said.

"He's actually awful!" Francesca added.

"You know...we could get him back..." Alex said.

"What d'you mean?" Francesca asked.

"Well, I was at diagon alley and went into a joke shop, I saw these puking pastels, we could sneak them into his drink," Alex suggested. "It would certainly make detention more interesting,"

"I'm starting to understand your in Slytherin." Anastasia laughed.


Francesca and Anastasia were sitting in professor Hankins room, writing lines, waiting for him to sip his drink. Anastasia kept looking up to see if he'd drunk it.

He took a sip, and the pair bit their lips to stop themselves from laughing. Suddenly, he coughed, and then ran out of the room. Anastasia and Francesca burst out laughing.

"Alex is a genius!" Anastasia laughed.

"That's amazing, that totally made my day!" Francesca said.

"Should we just leave?" Anastasia asked, still giggling.

"We can't leave!" Francesca said. "We're in detention!"

"Sure we can, why not?" Anastasia said.


"Ana! We can't just walk out..that's just..breaking the rules!" Francesca lightly protested.

"I don't see why not." Anastasia said, getting up and packing her things away. "But if your scared to, you can stay here like a loner."

Francesca sighed. "I will never understand why your in Hufflepuff." Francesca packed her stuff away and followed Anastasia out.

"You know, it's Christmas in four weeks, do you want me to get you a present?" Anastasia asked her little friend.

"You don't have to get me anything, it's fine," Francesca smiled, happy that her friend had thought of her.

"What's Christmas like in your house?" Anastasia asked.

"Oh, I love Christmas, my mum, my aunt, my sister and everyone else comes over and we celebrate all day!" Francesca smiled.

"What about your dad?" Anastasia asked.

"My dad...umm...we don't talk about me dad." Francesca said nervously.

"You can tell me Chessie, I'm your best friend," Anastasia soothed.

"Well, to be honest there isn't much to tell, I've never met him myself, the last time my mum saw him she was pregnant with me, and my mum just said he left us and we shouldn't give him a moment of our thoughts." Francesca said blanky.

"That's so sad Chessie!" Anastasia said, giving her a hug.

Francesca smiled and changed the subject. "So what are you doing for Christmas?" She asked.

"I'm just staying at home with my family, my mum and dad, and my two brothers, they drive me insane!" Anastasia laughed.

"Are they at Hogwarts?" Francesca asked.

"They're seven, they are twins, they are always hyper, it's horrible to live with." Anastasia groaned.

"What are their names?"

"Ryan and Sam. They are the devils spawn, I'm pretty sure," Anastasia laughed.

The pair linked arms and walked back to the common room, getting detentions until the Christmas Holidays began. And the Christmas holidays were more eventful than planned.

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