《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 21


Hermione walked back to the common room; she was furious! How could her parents not tell her she was adopted! But, Bellatrix her mother? That woman was put evil! Hermione couldn't believe for a second that she loved her. She didn't want to tell Harry, she didn't want him to hate her for it. Bellatrix was a death eater after all.

"What was that about?" Harry said.

"Oh just a... Rebound curse. Nothing special, she's just a madwoman who wasn't expecting it."

"What about Cordelia?" Harry asked.

"Oh, Cordelia," Hermione drifted off. "Anyway, I'm tired I'm going to sleep,"

"Hermione, it's not even 5 o'clock,"

"Well I'm tired!" Hermione snapped, which was very unlike her. Oh god, it was going to be a long night.

***** Meanwhile *****

"Bella, I'm confused, go over it again?"

"It's quite simple. The ministry is practically demolished, so the dark lord is sorting it out so that we can walk free! While this is happening, Cordelia will be placed back in our custody and we will live happily ever after."

"Bella, for Hermione to be placed in your custody you would need forms-" Narcissa started.

"Done!" Bellatrix said excitedly, pulling a small pile of parchment from the table.

"As I was saying," Narcissa started again. "You would need her current parents signature, and I don't think they will be so willing to give up their daughter,"

"Oh what a delight," Bellatrix said, smiling as she flicked through the sheets.


"Cissy, I haven't used the Cruciatus curse in almost 15 years, it's about time,"

"Oh, Bella," Narcissa said grinning. "I'll get the boys,"

Muggle London was very unusual for Bellatrix, but she had managed to find the granger household. She walked through the front garden and knocked quite hard on the door, with Lucius, Rodulphus and Narcissa standing behind her.


"Hello?" Mrs Granger said as she answered the door.

"Hello, my name is....Nymphadora Tonks," Bellatrix said thinking on the spot. "We are all from hogwarts, we were wondering if we could discuss Cor.. Hermione with you,"

Normally, Mrs Granger would have smiled and invited them in, but there was something odd about this woman, her curly black hair, her extremely sharp jawline, she had Hermiones eyes. Why would she have Hermiones eyes? This seemed odd.

"Come in..." Mrs Granger said reluctantly.

"Thank you," Bellatrix said, and stepped in followed by the others.

They were sat in the living room, Narcissa and Rudolphus were sitting on the sofa, Lucius was standing up, leaning on his cane, and Bellatrix was pacing again.

"Now," Mrs Granger said. "What was it, about our daughter?"

"SHES NOT YOUR DAUGHTER YOU IGNORANT COW!" Bellatrix screamed before covering her mouth . She was trying to act as if it was an accident, but really she had intended to do that.

"Get out my house," Mrs Granger shouted back.

Before Bellatrix could give her a piece of her mind, Lucius chipped in. "Now how about we all just calm down,' he said in his soothing voice. "Mrs Granger, this is my sister in law, Bellatrix. She is the birth mother of Hermione, and simply requests that you sign this legal document for Hermione to be returned to her custody,"

"Are you serious?" Mr Granger said. "It's not going to happen. She already has parents,"

"Who gave birth to her?" Bellatrix said. "Oh right! Yeah, that was me! That makes her MY daughter!"

"Do you know her favourite colour? Her favourite songs? If you were really her mother you would have know that,"

Bellatrix went red. She was getting angry, Narcissa took her hand, but was brushed off.


Mrs granger screamed, and before a minute she signed the papers, feeling guiltier that ever.

"Thanks, that's all I wanted!" Bellatrix said sweetly, blowing a kiss to the woman before promptly leaving the little house.

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