《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 6


Bellatrix had been lying down in her bed for a couple of days now, she was extremely weak and vulnerable since her last "flash forward".

Narcissa had been coming in and out, mainly giving Bellatrix soup and hot drinks as she had been quite ill. She had missed a deatheater meeting for the first time ever, though in honesty she felt relieved that she didn't have to break the dark lord the news herself. That would be very awkward.

She hadn't seen anything since last time, it had really scared her. Even so, she chose not to take these images literally as she knew all too well how the mind could be manipulated into madness. And Bellatrix was already mad.

Every now and then a bird would would fly past her window, and she would rough killing curses at them for practice. Bellatrix was bored. Dark witches weren't made for lying in beds.

She heard a knock on the door and sat up smiling. She didn't want to be on her own anymore.

"Come in!"

"Bellatrix, how are you?" Voldemort asked.

Bellatrix instantly held her breath and leant her head down. Why was he here? What was she supposed to say? "I'm fine my lord, how are you?"

"Perfectly normal, Bella." He replied. "I hear you have decided to carry on your family tree."

"That is true my lord. My, lord if you wouldn't mind, may ask you a question?" Bellatrix asked, still pointed her head down, and she was trembling.

"What is it Bella? If this is about you going back out then I will not tolerate your disobedience," he said bluntly.

"Of course not my lord." Bellatrix said, looking up. "I have just been seeing visions, visions of my baby being taken away,"


"Bellatrix, I have taught you better than this. You know how to block this kind of torture, I don't want you letting these people in."

"Of course my lord, but it's not like that, it hits me physically at first, like a few days ago I collapsed completely and passed out. It's never been that strong before my lord." She said, hoping she hadn't stepped out of line.

He walked across the room, past the back of the bed and closer to the dark witch. He sat down by Bellatrixs's ankles. "Bellatrix, I want you to listen to me very carefully,"

"Of course my lord,"

"Bella, I never want you to lie to me again."

"But my lord, I wasn't lying, I swear I..."

"BELLATRIX LISTEN TO ME." Bellatrix shuddered. He had never talked to him like that before. "You may be my favourite, which is why I will let you off this once, but lie to me again and you will not live to see your precious little baby. Do you understand?"

"Yes my lord." She said, bowing her head in shame. "It shall not happen again."

Her master nodded and apparated away. Bellatrix placed her hand on her stomach, there was no visible bump, but it couldn't be that long away.

"No ones gonna harm you." She whispered. "Not if I am here,"

And then she fell into deep sleep. Her dream was scary, she was sitting in a cage surrounded by the ministry of magic.

"And we sentence you, Bellatrix Lestrange, to LIFE in Azkaban."

"NOO! You can't take me away from my baby, she needs me, my Cordelia, NOOO!" She screamed.

The guards took her arms and started to drag her out of the courtroom. "Get off me you idiots!" She cried. "CORDELIA! MY BABY, PLEASE." She screamed, looking up at the guards. "You can't take her away, not after I was so close to finding her,"

"Sorry miss, you should have thought about that before you tortured the longbottoms." The guard said. "It's your own fault,"


Bellatrix woke up screaming into her pillow, and then looked out of her window. A storm was coming.

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