《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 2


"Well that's sorted out then," Bellatrix said abruptly, before strutting out the little bathroom.

Bellatrix walked back into the dining room, were Lucius and Rodolphus were sitting silently. The house elves had cleaned up the sick and other plates.

"Oh look it's Bella. Do you plan to throw up again?" Lucius said smugly.

"Only if you want me to Lucius," she replied, sticking her tongue out at him. "Anyway, I have news, I'm pregnant." Bellatrix said casually as she sat back down in her chair.

"Really Bella! That's great!" Rodolphus said with a grin stretched across his face. "I love you so much!" He went over and hugged Bellatrix.

"Rodolphus, get off me now or I'll stab you in the stomach."

"Sorry honey." Rodolphus said, his face looking a bit hurt. "I'm just so excited,"

Narcissa raised her eyebrow. "Bella, are you excited?" She asked.

"To be honest I don't quite believe it's happened," the witch admitted. "I just want this whole pregnancy thing to be over and done with."

"No! Enjoy it Bella, trust me you will," Narcissa insisted.

"Shut up Cissy, you have no idea,"

Bellatrix sat in her bed later that night, thinking about the baby. The baby would surely be a death eater, Bellatrix would make sure of that, and she hoped it would have some measureable talent in the dark arts. If it didn't, there really was no point trying. What about Rodolphus? Would he want the same things? Well, he had done his part, the rest was up to Bellatrix, so he really didn't have any say in how they raised the child. He was annoying sometimes. Bellatrix lay back on her pillow and tried to fall asleep.

"Crucio!" Bellatrix heard a scream. "You never touch her you dirty blood traitor!"


She couldn't see very clearly who she was attacking, her dream seemed twisted and warped, almost like someone was controlling it.

"You can't win cousin," the voice of the victim spoke. Sirius. "No matter how hard you try they will get her,"

"Oh please!" Bellatrix said with laughter. "What would they want with my ickle baby? It's not a deatheater at 2 weeks old!"

As she spoke, she felt something touch the back of her neck. Sirius laughed, blood coving his teeth as he opened his mouth. Then she heard a baby cry.

"Good evening Mrs Lestrange," a familiar voice said. "I believe we have what we were looking for."

She felt a sharp pain run through her and woke up.


Rodolphus sat up and yawned. "What are you talking about? Are baby is safe and sound. We shall let the dark lord know at the next meeting. Calm down."

Bellatrix burst into tears. "What's happening to me? I don't cry in 10 years and now I cry twice in a day! Rodolphus I'm dying,"

"Don't be silly Bella, your not dying," Rodolphus replied. "Your just nervous, which is completely understandable for someone in your condition,"

"Ok then." Bellatrix said quietly before laying her head back down on her pillow. "Rodolphus?"


"What if we are making a mistake? Should we get rid of the baby?"

"Bella, you know why this child is so important. It will carry on the Lestrange and Black bloodlines, and will be raised the same as you and I. Our baby will be perfect."

"Whatever you say," Bellatrix sighed. She didn't want this. This was Rodolphus's dream, not hers. This was a mistake. This was wrong.

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