
Rummaging through the papers, you are searching for a draft you need to submit next week. "Y/n, you still working?", you got startled by the sudden appearance of Jimin, your childhood best friend, and business partner.

"How many times I've told you not to pop up like that out of nowhere" he giggled, scratching his head.

"and how many times I've told you not to work this late, it's already 11 pm Y/n." oh he is nagging again, "We can do the drafts later, let's go home now."

Fine, you deserve some rest, it's the weekend anyways. You nodded and collected all your stuff to head home with him.

Jimin has always been with you since childhood, you are neighbours, went to the same school, went to college together, studied architecture and now set up a small start-up too.

He is extremely hot and flirty, but not with you. You have seen him in and out of many relationships. But for you, he is this angelic friend that will support you in all your life decisions.

You both finally reached home in his car. You mostly travel together coz why not? After all, you are neighbours. You got out of the car by yourself, shut the door and leaned down on the window looking at him, "Wanna have dinner at my home and then go to yours?" his face brightened by the thought of food.

"Why not, I love free foods.", you giggled and shook your head in disbelief thinking 'this man will always be a kid.'

Your mom opened the door, "Y/n, you are late ag-, ah Jimin, you are here too", she completely ignored her daughter and started patting his head, "you must be very tired from working, come I'll serve you dinner." Thank god she didn't nag at this hour.


Jimin is munching on his food completely looking like a chipmunk. You are enjoying your food in silence after a long day of work until, "Y/n, why are you over-working yourself, it is not good for your health, honey!", your mom looked worried, and there she goes.

"Mom, Jimin and I just set up this company, in the initial phases we need to do a lot of work to attract more clients and investors."

This is indeed true, coz you don't have many workers and you both need to do most of the work, even Jimin nodded his head and your mom sighed.

Though your dad has many connections in this business world, you always refused his help coz you want to be known in the market for your work and not mere connections. You are a self-made woman.

You and Jimin always wanted to do something of your own, that is why you both studied architecture and set up this company together.

The dinner was over, and Jimin left. You headed to your mom's room to check on her. "Mom, did you take your daily vitamins?" She nodded and gestured her hand to sit beside her on the bed.

"Y/n, your dad will be back tomorrow from his business trip, seems like he missed you so much." You got excited coz he is going to back after 3 weeks, finally.

"Of course, I miss him too, he usually misses me, what is so unusual this time?"

"and he said that there's something very important to tell you."

"What is it about?"

"I don't know, he didn't tell me either", your mom shrugged.

"I've to catch up a lot with him too, mom. Let's cook something special for dad tomorrow. Good night mom." You left your mom's room wondering......

...what could be the important thing he wanted to talk about...you just shrugged off the thoughts and went to sleep.

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