《GUARD | Billie Eilish》blade where your heart is


I fucked up.

So, I had a moment where everything was too much, got a taxi into town and now everyone is screaming my name chasing me.

Especially Tom.

"come on b, you're a sweet one styll" he chuckled

Now I know, why isn't my fans noticing him. Well that's because we are in a fucking alleyway because that's a good idea. Oh and I'm also backed into a brick wall.

I still have no idea who he is but i'm guessing he's trying to fuck with me because he knows that Robyn works for me, and they must have some shit going on.

"you got a snap or sum" he tilted his head

"w-what no"

"don't be nervous, we're gona have some fun"

Somethings telling me that we're not.

Next thing I notice was his crusty lips placed onto mine. Weed. Fuck of course he smokes it, ain't that shit illegal here?

"stop" I mumbled pushing him off to which he only laughed and held onto my jaw tightly and kissed me again

I muffled a scream trying to get him off of me but his grip on my waist and jaw tightened.

I was trapped.

"MY FUCKING GOD" I heard an angry voice yell and Tom's lips were ripped away from mine

Never in my life have I been so relieved to see Robyn standing there.

"h-how" I tried to say but was still trying to catch my breath

"in the fucking car now." she glared at me and beside her was yet in fact, her matte black Lamborghini

I shuffled beside her opening the door to the passenger side and watched as Robyn didn't move a muscle as she stared down Tom

"we were just having some fun" he chuckled

"fun? you're lucky i don't have some fun and make you a dead body" she growled and walked over to me


Fuck was she angry.

When she got in the drivers side she didn't say anything for a little as she sped off.

It wasn't long before we pulled into an empty parking lot.

"what the fuck was you thinking" she yelled

"i- how did you even find me" i gulped

"i have a tracker on your phone" she said bluntly

"the fuck do you have that for that's fucking creepy" i yelled shocked at her answer

"in case you do stupid shit like this, and oh by the way your mum made me do it because she said you could be fucking stupid billie"

Do I like that she's mad? Billie stop

"i just.. i wasn't thinking" i sighed

"well you don't get to do that when you're a celebrity" she said bluntly again and began to drive

She's right, I don't get to do that when I'm a celebrity. I forget that's sometimes, I just, sometimes I wish I had my old life back but at the same time I don't. It's like I can't even have moments where I'm any emotion apart from happy because if I am, everyone makes me seem like the bad guy, or when I try to get some space, life turns into some GTA shit.

"i didn't mean to yell" Robyn said quietly "I know this life is hard for you, just.. just be careful next time"

"thank you.." i said

"no you don't need to-"

"no thank you Robyn" I cut her off "for getting me away from Tom, I didn't want to kiss him"

"i know" she said and shockingly grabbed my hand giving it a light squeeze "i'm sorry he did that to you"

And just like that she let go to return to the wheel

"so.. you having a lamborghini is true" i laughed


"fuck it is" she smiled "she's my baby"

"wait where are we" I questioned as we were pulling into a house I didn't recognise

"well before I got you I was shopping and my ice cream is going to melt so yeah this is my house" she sighed a little parking the car

"do you want me to wait or-"

"just come in" she cut me off rolling her eyes playfully

"fuck this is nice" i gasped as she opened the door

"i'm just gona put these away" she gestured to the bags in her hand leaving me alone in the living room

Just as I expected she's definitely a matte black type of person. Outside the window was a few motorbikes parked up along with another car.

Her living room was simple, nothing too drastic. Just a few photos around and some plants as decorations.

I noticed a photo of her maybe 17, with another girl. They looked really happy together. Fuck I hope that's not..

"snooper" i heard Robyn say

"i- sorry" i nervously laughed

"it's okay" she smiled but that smile soon faded as she saw the photo I was looking at "that's alice"

"is she your girlfriend? or was..?" I asked

"fuck no" she laughed "she was sister, and was dating Jake"

"was.." i said faintly

"she passed away" Robyn gave a gentle smile. Not smile, a smile that represented pain

"i'm so sorry we don't have to talk about it anymore"

"you asked me who Tom is" she carried on sitting down and I did the same "Tom was Alice's ex and fuck did he fuck around with her a lot, as so did many other boys, then when Jake and her got close.. Tom got jealous, tried to win her back even though he never loved her.. he paid a girl to act like she and Jake had a thing, so Alice thought Jake was cheating, I mean after everything she had been through we past boys, there was no way she would believe that Jake didn't cheat.. so to get rid of the pain Tom introduced her to drugs and not weed, drug drugs, cocaine for her breakfast type shit, time moved on and a year later Jake and her got back together but then one day, as a drug addict, I found her dead, overdosed in her bedroom.. because of Tom" she looked up finally wiping a tear

"Robyn.." I moved over and wrapped my arms around her tightly.

"there's beauty in death sometimes, but not this one" she whispered and buried her head in my chest "i hate him so much and fuck he had to try shit with you i am so sorry"

"Robyn shhh it's okay, i'm okay" i tried to comfort her

After all this time, she still hurts. She tries so hard to escape her past, those memories. But reality sneaks up upon her and captures her mind.

A literal blade where your heart is.

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