《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》A Love Story


Today was the day. The day of the concert that is. I opened my eyes to find that Yoongi wasn't laying next to me which quite honestly was disappointing. I find myself always waking up before he does so I tend to clasp myself to his body to wake him up like a child hugging a bear, in this case Yoongi was my bear. The warmth of his body would always make me feel warm too but this morning he wasn't there.

I climb out of bed, my hair messy and my face greasy. I wear a long oversized t shirt as well as a pair of shorts that Yoongi so kindly gave me to sleep in.

I stumble out the door still half asleep to see that the table is already set and each of the boys placing food across it.

"Why didn't you wake me? I would've helped" I say as a yawn leaves my mouth.

Yoongi pulls out a seat and gestures me to sit down so that's what I do.

"I wanted it to be surprise" He states placing a plate in front of me.

"Still I would've liked to help"

"Come on Y/n you're always doing stuff for us. Surely at least once we can do something for you" Hoseok says further adding to Yoongi's point.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop now. Thank you" I say before thing's get too out of hand.

Each of the boys places themselves at the table, all of us quickly digging into our food. As we do Namjoon speaks up.

"So Y/n you sure you want to do this?" He says raising his eyebrow.

I Look up to face him as he sit's across from me, my mouth is full of food and a piece of egg was falling from the lip of my mouth. I quickly swallow and I try to answer.

"D-do what?" I say, acting as if I know nothing but he know's I'm lying. It's in the tone of my voice and the way I look away when I speak.

"Don't act like you know nothing. Yoongi told me" He further states with a smirk upon his face.

"What's he talking about Y/n?" Jimin asks.

"I'm announcing our relationship tonight" Yoongi so bluntly states as if it was nothing. He doesn't even look at the boys and just continues to eat.

"WHAT?!" Each of them say at once. Food was spat across the table, heads turned and all eyes were on me.

"Uh..Yeah" I shyly say, my cheeks going bright pink.

"But..But are you sure?" Jin asks, his eyes wide and concerned.

"Yeah, I want to do it" I say as I feel Yoongi's hand reach for mine under the table.

"But that's so scary, are you even allowed to?" Jungkook asks.

I didn't even think of that. Are we allowed to do this?

"I've spoken to Bighit and they said that their fine with it although it took some convincing on my part. I mean no idols do this" Namjoon states calming my nerves.

"Ah thank you Namjoon" I say with a smile.

"Don't worry Y/n, we support you" Tae states. He looked to be the one who was least surprised.

Since then a few hours had passed and it was time for us to go. We were all seated in the car, I was next to Yoongi squeezing his hand as hard as I could. I was nervous clearly. We drove until we reached the venue and my god the line, it just seemed to never end. My anxiety was at it's peak now just from the sight of it.


I looked to my left catching the eye of Yoongi. He looked so soft and calm. How could he be calm?

"Hey it will be okay" He softly spoke kissing me on the cheek. I give him a half baked nod and smile.

"Y/n, everything will be alright. Each and everyone of us is here for you every step of the way. I know this is scary but trust me, thing's will turn out for the better" Jimin calmly states from across me.

"Jimin's right. You have nothing to worry about" Hoseok too announces. This feeling inside me was slowly calming down, I felt somewhat more relieved but honestly nothing was going to stop me from feeling nervous, that was a given.

We walk into the establishment, Yoongi's hand still in mine. There was still a few hours before the event was to start, so I had some time to prepare.

We continue to walk when suddenly I feel someone latch onto my arm and pull me into a hug. To my surprise it was Eun-bi. Her face was right into my chest against my heart. She was holding me tight, I couldn't break free even if I wanted to. I owe her an explanation.

"Where have you been?" She cries still holding me.

"I'm sorry I... I was going through something again. I cut everyone off and I left for a bit. I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry for not ringing, or texting you back" I say softly, afraid of what she will say back.

She slowly pulls away from me. Her eyes are red, she was crying.

"As long as you're okay, that's all that matters. Please don't do it again though, I missed you a lot. I don't have many friend you know"

I give her another hug, I really missed her as well.

"Come on, lets get you all ready" She says, now holding my hand leaving Yoongi a little jealous.

We all followed her into a small room. This feeling was all too familiar as I had been in this situation before. Eun-bi sat me down and did as she said, she made me look beautiful. I don't know how she does it honestly. How she manages to turn my face, a potato into something stunning. My confidence was growing as the night continued on.

As I waited for the boys to be ready I sat on the couch waiting. Eun-bi was next to me half asleep. She had been here all day, and she hadn't been sleeping well due to the fact she didn't know what was going on with me. I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Y/nnnn why do you seem so fidgety" she says as a yawn escapes her mouth.

"Oh well something is going to happen during the concert" I say nervously, unsure if I should tell her or not.

"Oh really, what is it?" She further says, resting her head on my shoulder closing her eyes.

"You see um, Yoongi is well, he's going to announce our relationship" I say quietly hoping she was the only one who had heard.

Instantly her eyes shot open and her head was up. She turned to face me and wasn't breaking eye contact. "R-really?!" she said, disbelief in her tone.

"Y-yeah" I say looking away.

Before I could say much else she had stood up and headed towards my left. That was where Yoongi was.

"MIN YOONGI COME HERE!" She practically yells taking everyone in the room by surprise. I just quietly followed after her.

"Ya, why are you being so loud?" He said calmly.


"You better protect Y/n for the rest of your life you know. What you're going to do tonight, I mean there's no going back" She said with her arms crossed.

"I know, I know. I promise to protect Y/n for the rest of my life. I'm never going to let her go" As he says this he turns to me and smiles so softly. I couldn't help but feel warm on the inside.

"Aish fine. You're lucky you know? But if you hurt Y/n I'll beat your ass" After that we quickly walked away and waited for them to be finished. The time was slowly approaching and that is when my stomach had begun to feel funny.

We left the dressing room. All of the boy's looked amazing. It's funny how much they can change within a few short hours.

Light's were flashing, people were everywhere, and the crowd could be heard from miles away. I could hear them all screaming. Lot's of 'I love you's' and 'please marry me' was what I could promptly hear and it was making me nervous. A lot of fans were going to be upset, maybe even mad to know that one of their beloved idols loves someone else. They would be mad at me, but I know that there will be people that support our relationship. Those who will be happy to know that Yoongi has found someone he loves. I hope so at least.

As we walked I couldn't help but feel sentimental. I remember everything he has done for me, every moment we spent together and every moment I felt loved.So much has happened in the past year. Where would I be if I didn't meet him that day and if I choose to just not leave the house? What if I had actually succeed on that night I was in the bath tub, or if I just never came home, what if I choose to leave forever, where would I be? This thought plays on my mind, I feel as though I'm not looking forward to what's in front of me, rather I keep looking back. However that isn't a bad thing I guess, it just makes me want to hug Yoongi even tighter.

Suddenly I am awoken from my daze as we stop by the side of the stage. Yoongi had leaned towards me as if he wanted to speak.

"Are you sure you still want to do this?" He asked one more time. He had to be sure. Our lives were about to change forever. I looked at him, my mouth was closed. He was so close to me. His eyes looked so deep and dark yet so soft at the same time. I really loved him so I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Yes" Was all I said.

He smiled back. This was really going to happen. I couldn't believe it.

Before the boys were going to walk on stage each of them spoke to me. All saying something positive and that they were happy for Yoongi and I. It made my heart feel warm.

Namjoon was the last to say something. He leaned down. Since the host had just announce that they were going on stage any minute the crowd was going crazy so it was hard to hear him, hence why he was so close.

"I think you're making the right choice. I'm proud of you Y/n" he said I think so I mouthed 'thank you' and I gave Namjoon a smile. He then quickly turned around and with that they all had ran on stage.

I loved watching them preform although since I spend so much time with them sometimes I tend to forget that they are idols.

I stood alone at the side of the stage waiting and waiting for Yoongi to drop the news. I was also waiting for them to preform Yoongi's song that he wrote for me. I was growing impatient as time kept passing. I tried to enjoy myself though. Dancing along at the side of the stage, singing along with my boyfriend and my best friends.

Then the music had stopped. The light's dimmed and the crowd died down a bit, I think they were confused but I knew exactly what was going on.

Yoongi took the microphone, as he did so the other six members ran off stage to stand beside me. Both Tae and Jimin were holding my hands. Jungkook and Namjoon were behind me and Jin stood further to the side, his arms crossed. Hoseok sat in front of me, sweat dripping from his forehead. I think they were just as anxious as I was.

Yoongi stood there for a bit. The crowd still cheering, yet it was a confused cheer. They didn't know what was going on. But then he spoke and it sent chills down my spine.

He breathed in deeply. "There are a few things I want to say tonight. Some of you may be confused but soon you will all understand. There is a new song that I have been working on for quite some time. What I have written means so much to me so it's important that you all try to understand. I hope you like it"

The lights started to brighten up again. As they did so a piano appeared behind Yoongi. My heart by this point was racing.

He begun to play. His fingers were moving so quickly yet gracefully at the same time. Yoongi then begun to sing. I had never really heard him sing before, he was a rapper not a singing but I loved it, he was using his voice in a different way. The crowd loved it to, hearing their favourite rapper become a vocalist. Many seemed to think that Yoongi couldn't sing but honestly he has such a beautiful voice. Tears were beginning to form but I wouldn't let them fall, not yet at least.

Every word he spoke, every key he played, I could feel it all being directed at me. It felt so personal and loving at the same time. This song was beautiful and there was no other way to describe it.

After he had finished playing I could barley stand still. I wanted to run out there and hug him tightly. He was my world, my everything. We had been through so much together but it made us stronger, everything just seemed to fall into place. I know it sounds cheesy but this was what my heart was feeling.

He took the microphone once more. The crowd still cheering.

"I hope you know that this song is directed at someone. You see my life has changed so much over the past year, for the better of course. It started on rainy day, I found myself having no inspiration so I went for a walk and what I found changed my life forever. Sitting in the rain was a beautiful but lonely girl. So I did what any man would and I said excuse me, are you okay? Sadly though she wasn't. As we grew closer and as time passed I learned of the hardships that she had faced from a young age and what she continued to go through as each day went by. What I didn't anticipate though was that I was actually........" He stopped for a second and he thought about his words. He was looking down but I could see he was smiling.

"I was actually falling in love. I fell in love with her. I wrote that song because as many of you may know I don't show my emotions very well but here I am, this is how I want to tell our story"

I had begin to cry by this point. With each word he spoke I felt as though I couldn't control myself.

"I would like you all to meet her, I hope that's okay. I want you all to understand that this is the girl that I have fallen in love with. I want her to be safe yet I didn't want to feel like I was lying to you all, so please respect our relationship if you are true Army's. So please meet my beautiful girlfriend, Y/n"

The light's flashed onto me and the crowd was going nuts. He wanted me to go on stage?!

Quickly without me realising Namjoon had pushed me onto the stage so everyone could see me.

I didn't know what to do, the stage fright was kicking in but then Yoongi walked over to me. He had the biggest and most loving smile on his face, so instantly I felt better once more. He grabbed my hand and we walked to where he was just standing. I was gripping him tight, all eyes were on me.

Yoongi had then handed me the microphone. I looked at it for a few seconds. The heat from the lights against my skin as well as the noise from the crowd made it hard to speak yet I still did.

With a smile and Yoongi's hand still in mine, I spoke. "Hello everyone...."

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