《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》It's Okay


I sit there staring at the door, my legs curled up to my chest. The world around me has stopped, as if it was all in slow mo. I feel the sweat dripping off me and mixing with the oils of my hair due to the fact I'm too scared to shower and too anxious to eat.

Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. My body tenses at the sound and my heart begins to race. Everything becomes blurry and feels as though I'm becoming smaller and everything else is becoming bigger. What if it's them? What will I do? Once again there another loud bang at the door. I stumble my way across and hesitantly open it holding my breathe as I do so.

"Y/n what took you so long to open the door?" It's Yoongi. Instantly my heart has been put at ease and I feel as though I can relax once more but I can't let my guard down I'm not safe. As he walks through the door I slam it shut behind him and lock it. Instantly after the I latch onto his body and squeeze him so tight, tighter than ever before. My face hiding away into his chest, I feel safe here, I don't want to let go.

"Thank you for the hug Y/n" I pull away from his body trying not to cry.

I go to speak but I'm cut off "Y/n I have something amazing to tell you!"

My voice is shaky but yet I answer back. "What is it?"

"We are having our next comeback! Sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Those words, I never thought I'd feel so sad to hear them. Of course all of this shit would go down exactly at the same time BTS are having their next comeback. If who ever this person is sends out those photos the boys will be ruined and it will all be my fault. All these negative thoughts start to pour in. My voice is no longer working and my breathing becomes heavy.

"Y/n are you okay?" As soon as those words leave his mouth I start crying and it's bad. I can't hear anything around me and I feel as though I'm going to pass out. I'm having a panic attack. Straight away Yoongi is trying to calm me down.

"Y/n! Y/n! Hey, hey it's okay. Calm down it's okay. I'm here, I'm here" He puts his arms around me once more causing me to become at ease.

"Y-Yoongi, there is something wrong, really wrong. I'm going to ruin your career, your life"

"What are you talking about? You could never do that" His voice was so soft and calming, like velvet to my ears.

My hands begin to shake as I pull my phone from out of my pocket. I unlock and show him the messages that had been sent to me. Instantly his eyes widen.


"Listen to me Y/n, everything will be fine. This person will not hurt you and I will make sure of that. Don't worry everything will be okay" I could tell from the tone of his voice that he wasn't certain on what he saying. He was only saying it to calm me down, that was all.

"Yoongi this is making me really anxious. I can't eat, I can't sleep, the slightest noise is making me jump and every shadow looks as though it's a person. I don't want to be troublesome but can I please stay with you and the boys, just for a few days?"

"Of course you can, I don't blame you for being anxious. Please don't worry , I receive messages like this all the time and there is never an issue. I'll get bighit on it straight away"

As soon as I arrive at the boys apartment I run straight to the boys bathroom, not saying hello or a simple wave, a shower was what I needed. As I'm in the shower Yoongi explains to the others the situation.

"No way! Someone sent her that? That's so scary" Hobi says covering his mouth.

"Don't worry Yoongi Hyung I'll protect Y/n!"

"Careful Jungkook Yoongi might yell at you for getting too close to Y/n"

"Quit it Tae" Jin says stopping the argument before it begins.

"We have to all look after Y/n and get to the bottom of these messages. This is really serious. This person knows where she lives, where she works, they know she's dating Yoongi and that can be really dangerous for us all and our career. We have to stop it" As Namjoon finishes speaking I walk out of the bathroom wearing one of Yoongi's jumpers and a pair of his shorts that are clearly way too big for me. My hair is wet as water drops are still falling down my back and the front of my face.

"I'm going to go lay down for a bit, I haven't slept in while. Is that okay?" I say with a soft voice finding myself a little embarrassed in front of all seven of the boys.

"Go rest Y/n, I'll come see you later" Yoongi says with a smile and soft eyes comforting me just with one simple gaze. I quickly walk off to Yoongi's room and lay in the sheets and rest my head on his soft pillow. They smell like him, I feel safe like nothing bad will ever happen to me again.

"Gah she's so pretty"

"What was that Jimin?"

"Ah nothing Yoongi hyung"

"She is really cute though"

"Jungkook I swear to god"

"Don't worry I wont steal her off you.....but still she is really cute"

"Alright that's it...."

"Yoongi! Stop getting jealous so easily. We get it your a protective boyfriend who cares for his girlfriend but you don't need to be so tense, just calm down a bit"


"Sorry Namjoon, but for now on I can only call her pretty and cute. Okay?"

"Fine." All the boys say at once leaving Yoongi satisfied.

"She's beautiful......"


I lay on Yoongi's bed with just an oversized shirt on and a pair of black underwear as I don't plan on leaving bed for the rest of today. I lay there across the sheets listening to music wearing the headphones Hobi gave me. Music pushing away all those thoughts that have seem to come back lately, I feel as though I can't escape them. Suddenly Yoongi enters the room taking me by surprise.

"Why don't you have pants on?"

"Do I need to wear pants?"

"I guess not, hmm you have nice legs."

"Hey! Stop looking at me you pervert" I say jokingly covering my body.

"Then wear pants!" As he says this he jumps on top of me tickling my body.

"S-stop Yoongi! S-stop that tickles!"

"That's what you get for calling me a pervert" We both sit there laughing at ourselves.

"What are you listening to?"

"Take a wild guess"

"Hmmm BTS?"

"Maybe" I take off my headphones and place them on Yoongi's head.

"Ahh Young Forever. One of our older songs"

"Yep. This is my favourite BTS song. I don't know why but it makes me feel calm, happy, like I can achieve anything. I used to listen to it a lot when I was still in school and it really helped me to push forward, to keep going no matter what. Even now when I listen to it sometimes I get really emotional and cry for no real reason"

Yoongi looks at me with kind eyes and small smile across his face. "Come here" He pulls me forward into a tight hug, it feels different though, I can't explain it.

"It will be okay, I promise"

A few more days pass and still I've heard nothing else from this anonymous person. Yoongi and the rest of the boys have been really busy these past few days preparing for the next come back and I couldn't be more excited for them. I think they are filming the music video today and the concept photo's are meant to be released very soon. Still I worry, I don't want to ruin all this hard work they have put into this. I think Yoongi was meant to talk to some people today about how they are going to handle the situation. Patiently I wait to find out how things are going to go down.

I sit there waiting and waiting for them to come home. After a few hours they all arrive with full faces of makeup and their hair still done from the day. They don't look happy though. Six of the boys just look sad, emotionless wheres Yoongi looks mad, really mad. He doesn't say hello he just walks to his room slamming the door behind him leaving me in shock.

"W-Whats wrong with Yoongi?" I say in a quiet voice, nervous to what may happen next.

"Y/n I think it's best you talk to him alone" Namjoon says walking up to me, sadness in his eyes and a fake smile.

"Oh okay."

I slowly walk to Yoongi's room, anxiety pouring out of my body. I open the door to find Yoongi sitting at his desk not saying a word.

"Yoongi.... Whats the matter?"

Quickly at the sound of my voice his anger turns to tears. He stands up and falls in front of me, tears streaming down his face.

"I-I talked to some people today about what we should do about this person threatening you. They said that...... that it's best if you don't come and see me and the rest of the boys for a while, just until they sort it out. We have to pretend to not know each other."

"Oh..." Instantly I begin to cry. This isn't fair, what am I going to do without Yoongi by my side. I need him.

"I understand. It's okay Yoongi, I'll be fine. It wont be forever."

"Y/n this isn't fair. I don't want to leave you"

I sit down in front of Yoongi wiping away his tears. In doing so I hold his face.

"It will be okay. Your career is important as well. You worked so hard to get to where you are, don't throw it all away because of me"

"I love you"

"I know you do"

After an hour or so of me saying goodbye to the boys I leave straight away, it's easier that way. As soon as I'm home I instantly break down crying. This isn't fair at all, what am I going to do, I'm going to be lonely again.

As I do this I hear that my phone has gone off once more. It's another message from that person. That person who has ruined everything. The message says

"You only have a few more days. Better get on with it"

I message them back saying "Done" and that's it. I can only hope for the best now.

break into one of those moments when the world completely stops and nothing seems right. Where everything seems as if it's my fault and that I shouldn't be here. That I deserve to be hurt and nothing else. Sadness is now the only emotion that seems to be working.

I see black and blue. No colour apart from the red dripping down my arm.

Yeah the old Y/n is back, and she might not leave this time.

Sorry this is late, please forgive me. Also thank you for all the Love

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